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Mechabellum - TBS PvP Mecha Battler with lots of stats

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Mechabellum - TBS PvP Mecha Battler with lots of stats

Post by Eyestabber »

Started playing this today and I'm having a blast. Maybe it's the honeymoon and I'll hate it in a few more hours but right now this is SUPER FUN. Just defeated a guy who stomped me on the previous game with an epic comeback at 1 HP. Since the game is dirt cheap, I recommend you niggers give it a try.
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Post by Decline »

I have been playing this on and off since early 2023.

It's a good TvT battle simulator but as usual with RTS some design decisions are just bizarre.

* The AI is very simplistic. It simply targets the closest enemy. I completely disagree with that, it should target the most likely target a human would also chose.
* The turn timers are horribly short and worse, they do not scale with the game. You have the same amount of time doing your first turn than your tenth. Often I don't even manage to click all the units I want to upgrade in the short amount of time given to me. The timer definitely needs scale with the turn.
* There is no controller support. However the game is dead simple to operate, so it is no problem on the steam deck.
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Post by Eyestabber »


HORAY! A week after starting out I reached the 1000 MMR mark. That's pretty nice considering the steep learning curve and the fact that the top 200 players MMR ranges from 1600s to 2100s, making me a solid above average player. But you know what's more important than MMR in an obscure indie early access game? CPU UNDERVOLTING.

Yes, that's not a typo. I had issues with my PC hard crashing while playing this game. Naturally I blamed unity being a piece of shit, but eventually I had to accept that a black screen of death is not something simple poor programing can do. After briefly suspecting AMD drivers and/or my video card I remembered that way back in the day when I built this PC I followed some solid Jewtube advice on how cool it was to undervolt Ryzen CPUs for drastically reduced temperatures. Well, my initial issues with the undervolt SEEMED to have been solved almost a year ago. Until Mechabellum came along and proceeded to "break" my previous undervolting parameters.

It's funny how this thing works, my undervolt was stress tested multiple times and passed all tests with flying colors. Until that one game came along and fucked things up. The moral of the story is simple: don't undervolt. YES, it's cool for nerds to see a bunch of computer related numbers going up/down BUT AT WHAT COST?! Months down the line you're gonna forget about this whole undervolting thing, it will bite you in the ass and you're gonna spend a few days looking into different solutions for the problem.

TL;DR: DON'T UNDERVOLT YOUR CPU. Also, Mechabellum is HQ and you should try it.
Last edited by Eyestabber on May 26th, 2024, 15:21, edited 1 time in total.