- Nothing illegal. This means United States of America law.
- No "doxxing" of HQ members or relatives thereof.
- Content,
- Stay On Topic: Respect the purpose of each thread and do not deliberately derail discussions. If you have a new topic to discuss, feel free to start a new thread in the appropriate section.
- No Spam: Posting the same message or irrelevant content multiple times is not permitted.
- Posts intended to arouse sexual excitement through the depiction of non-heterosexual themes are not permitted.
- NSFW Content,
- NSFW content in a post must either be put behind a spoiler, or in a thread appropriately labeled as NSFW. It's just polite.
- Avatars & Signatures must be SFW.
- No hardcore pornography. If deemed obscene, it will be removed. This does not apply to mere nudity — "I know it when I see it."
- Posts must be in American English. Acceptable exclusions include threads dedicated to non-English discussions and quoting third-party sources in a non-English language. British people should learn to spell better.
- Privileges,
- Delete & edit are privileges. Do not abuse them. Abuse includes, but is not limited to: mass deletion of posts, mass redaction of posts, and changing the contents of a post to make a discussion appear differently.
- Report is a privilege. 'Joke' reports will result in your ability to report posts being revoked. It stops being funny after the 100th time we handle it.
HQ's Guarantees:
- The HQ will allow you to share your opinions, even if — especially if — we disagree with it. It may be moved if it's off-topic, but you will be allowed to discuss it as long as it's not content that violates the aforementioned rules.
- The HQ will never abide by any country's laws except for USA, and any requests from non-USA governments for content takedowns will not be complied with.
- The HQ will never release any user's personally identifying information unless required to by USA law enforcement. Non-USA government requests for user information will be denied.
Commentary & Interpretations of the rules can be found here.
If you find any of the content in this thread unclear/bad/wrong, please make a thread in the Feedback forum.