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Dungeons of the Amber Griffin

For discussing role-playing video games, you know, the ones with combat.
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Dungeons of the Amber Griffin

Post by 1998 »

This is getting along nicely, probably releasing in 2024. Grid-based, RT dungeon crawler.

With grid inventory...


...a diverse set of NPC's...


...and here is the dev

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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Why are the developers of DRPGs obsessed with action combat?
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Post by 1998 »

Probably because Grimrock (both) sold a shit tons more than comparable TB crawlers
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Post by Frozengem-Studio »

Good morning, game developer from this site :)
In general, our game does not at all have more dynamic combat than it was in genre originals such as Eye of the Beholder 1-3. After all, in the third part of EoB, players started in a forest full of ghosts and the difficulty level was at a high level.

In my opinion, it was the combat in Legends of Grimrock that was very slowed down and simplified. Rather, we try to stick to the core grid-based genres that is Lands of Lore 1 and Eye of the Beholder, in which you had to prepare yourself before entering the dungeon.

It is possible that you have the impression of more Arcade combat because the game is being developed on Unreal Engine 5 and simply the visual effects add to that feeling.

Please don't look at the Music mode with Percival Schuttenbach music because it is actually Arcade mode. In the game's story mode, there will be more emphasis on story and quests than on combat.

Best regards!
Game Master
Dungeons of the Amber Griffin