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Thread for predatory practices in the industry (you will own nothing)

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Post by anonusername »

Rand wrote: January 21st, 2024, 17:28
Well here's the thing. Corpo scum love subscriptions, but it's been made clear over the last century that consumers don't.
The last big subscription wave was video streaming after Netflix got big and profitable. How'd that work out for the industry? Hint: it didn't. Most lost money and none ever, not even Netflix, hit subscriber targets.
Now the big gaming retards see GamePass or whatever (which is a loss leader to try to get fools into the walled gardens of the shitty consoles) as a potential corpo revenue stream (subscribe to UbiShart Plus!) and are too fucking stupid to see that it won't work.
Fucking imbeciles are just gonna sink their own company trying it. Maybe they should.
TBF, Netflix probably would have continued to hit their sub targets if they kept the streaming contracts for the entire industry's collective back catalog at rates far below market value. Netflix became huge because they acquired a huge number of content rights for pennies on the dollar before anyone realized streaming could make money. This allowed them to sell 80% of the same content people were getting from cable at a tiny fraction of the price. Since the general decline of Hollywood has meant new content is often underwhelming compared to the back catalogs, the lack of access to some of the newest IP wasn't even a huge problem. The moment studios stopped giving away their licensing deals Netflix's decline was inevitable.
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Post by Mondain »

Netflix has been struggling to reach its goals since the cuties fiasco. Nobody cared enough to shut off their subscription prior to that
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Post by DagothGeas5 »

Mondain wrote: May 16th, 2024, 04:16
Netflix has been struggling to reach its goals since the cuties fiasco. Nobody cared enough to shut off their subscription prior to that
Many I know left not because of that shit but because of Netflix telling them they now require to make an account for their old mothers, friends, other family members, what have you, instead of being able to just share their own account with them and spare them any sort of technical trouble they might not be able to deal with on their own. That and rising prices.
- Here to show my support for normal gaming.

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Post by Red7 »

anonusername wrote: May 16th, 2024, 04:06
Red7 wrote: May 4th, 2024, 13:04
locked software is always hackable as long as it can be run locally so it shouldnt even be talked about. problem is locked hardware and movement towards locked hardware cause this is how they can fuck over any one who doesnt have personal chip manufacturing industry so everyone.

if i was hostile jew, which in may ways i take pride myself to be, i would like to set all hardware being sold to goyim inoperable until it gets clearence from centralised network service which i control.

if they manage to pull that shit off, dissenters would end up only having access to low tech tools. i can see them putting it as mandatory in pcs, vehicles and guns. even tho not airtight most would comply to avoid hassle/know how of tinkering with hardware.

oddly, old pc parts could get up in price in future.
Old PC parts won't go up because the hardware attestation features will be "optional". i.e. Enabled by default in Windows 12, and only possible to disable if you buy the Enterprise license. Windows 12 will only support hardware that supports giving full hardware level control of your system to Microsoft. It will be similar to a chromebook, except with more effective security that isn't just cracked by high schoolers. AAA games and many other software will refuse to run without the hardware attestation features fully enabled and confirming your system as being controlled by Microsoft. Cybercriminals will simply continue to steal code signing certificates and sign their own malware, cheats, etc as being from "trusted" corporations.
nobody who cares about sec uses windows and nobody who cares about data ownership will use modern jew corp made hardware, which was my point
i would trust more russian furry hacker than microsoft

as for games, with ai anyone will be able write and make assets for whatever game they want (but why if there is awesome robo waifu to play with with couple kidnapped sex slaves in your bitcoin zillionaire dungeon, maybe if u are poor fag), aaa gaming is dead unless they manage to effectively ban private ai and local compute power
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Post by Red7 »

machnizedTerror wrote: May 16th, 2024, 04:09
Rand wrote: May 16th, 2024, 03:51
Ubisoft deserves only piracy and condemnation from here out until they go bankrupt.
I wouldn't be too sure.
Consoomers will consoom.
Once I told someone that I like to pirate gaymes, and this person then proceeded to call me a retarded basement dweller, and said that I wasn't a true gaymer if I didn't pay for gaymes.
It really dawned on me then that normies truly are the most retarded sheeple consoomers in the world.
no to worry
he is vaxxed and will die in agony from colen cancer in couple years tops
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