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Ideal RPG party size?

For discussing role-playing video games, you know, the ones with combat.

How many people do you like to party with?

One(You aren't a fan of RPGs)
Two, romantic.
Seven+. You really like to party.
Party size is a function of your character's leadership skills
Total votes: 39

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Post by Bonerstorm »

J1M wrote: March 14th, 2023, 22:28
That's only true if you assume the roster is stagnant. In which case it is correct to build a party that can muddle through anything without clear areas of focus.

If the roster can be adjusted with some information about what will be found in a particular dungeon, then you can do something like throw an obscene number of undead at the player to really give divine characters a chance to shine. This requires an element of craft that isn't present in procedural generation.
Maybe I just see most 6 char and 4 char games as a little stagnant. In MM4-5 (or earlier) they put work into NPCs in the tavern to take the place of chars... that nobody ever used. Same for Dragon Wars, and lots of other games. You fill your roster at game start and neglect they other parts and focus on the party you have. This is all play style, but it just seems odd that games create other chars but most people ignore that. MM6-8 you add NPCs for benefits and thats well done, but isn't related to party size per se.

Even in parties with 4 chars (Wasteland or others) and 6 chars, I won't add another NPC because it divides the XPs that much more. So, the party I start with is the party I (generally) finish with.
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Post by NEG »

As to what's fun for me personally: depends on level. Higher numbers of party members can be fun at low levels, but at higher levels, it's overkill.

And I think that XP needs to be split between party members to discourage large party sizes. Want to drag a small army along with you? Fine. But you'll level up at a snail's pace because of it.
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Post by ERYFKRAD »

rusty_shackleford wrote: March 12th, 2023, 17:22
I regret to inform you guys that everyone besides me chose the incorrect choice :(
Well I can't leave a bro out there alone
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Post by Serus »

Shillitron wrote: March 15th, 2023, 17:56
Depends on the game.

Turn Based? AP? RTWP? FPS?

If its turn based I'd prefer ~4ish
(waiting for 200 goblins to take their turn in BG3 is a bit much..)

For RTWP - 6 is good.

If it's a FPS / Third person.. I usually don't want any retards following me around breaking stealth or randomly shooting shit - @Lhynn answer is the correct one.
We had this conversation on the "other forum" many times. The "200 goblins" taking turns forever is not the problem of turn based but of the developers putting fights with 200 of anything in their game. You need to take the mechanics you choose to use in your game into consideration and design encounters accordingly. Not that taking massive amount of cannon fodder is a good way to design an encounter - be it TB, RTwP or else. And if you really have to have massive battles in your game then maybe a pure CRPG is not the game you want? Just try some sort of a hybrid.
TLDR: Throwing tons of cannon fodder at the player is the problem, not TB.

Damn, i voted as Rusty. Is it me getting old, Rusty getting massively less trollish and inclined on his own forum, or just a coincidence? I'm not sure.
Tying the number of followers to leadership skill (or charisma or some combination of stat and skill) makes perfect sense in a CRPG. However there are reasons why, i think, people don't usually do it. Starting from possibly minor interface issues. Going to slightly bigger issues of creating content that people won't see (say additional join-able NPC). Ending with the really big one, one that matters - issue of balance. How to balance a game for a party of, say, 3 and 6, when the only things going for the "3" are a few more skill/statpoints on one (main) character? Scaling all encounters? Sure, can do that. Scaling game content to the party, be it by the level or by numbers is less than perfect and causes tons of problems on its own.
Still, it is the most prestigious choice. And the most ambitious and the most within RPG spirit.
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Post by Shillitron »

Serus wrote: March 17th, 2023, 17:21
Shillitron wrote: March 15th, 2023, 17:56
If its turn based I'd prefer ~4ish
(waiting for 200 goblins to take their turn in BG3 is a bit much..)
We had this conversation on the "other forum" many times. The "200 goblins" taking turns forever is not the problem of turn based but of the developers putting fights with 200 of anything in their game. You need to take the mechanics you choose to use in your game into consideration and design encounters accordingly. Not that taking massive amount of cannon fodder is a good way to design an encounter - be it TB, RTwP or else. And if you really have to have massive battles in your game then maybe a pure CRPG is not the game you want? Just try some sort of a hybrid.
TLDR: Throwing tons of cannon fodder at the player is the problem, not TB.
Hey thanks for repeating the exact argument I was making. Great contribution.
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Post by Tweed »

Big parties give me a big pp. I like being able to face hordes of enemies with a horde of my own, especially if there's a lot of different classes or buildfagging to do. Obviously 7+ groups are best suited to tactical rpgs, but it worked well in Grimoire. I also like the whole party size tied to skills bit so long as it still means I can have a big party if I invest in it, it makes having a large party another extension of buildfagging.
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Post by Serus »

Shillitron wrote: March 17th, 2023, 20:00
Serus wrote: March 17th, 2023, 17:21
Shillitron wrote: March 15th, 2023, 17:56
If its turn based I'd prefer ~4ish
(waiting for 200 goblins to take their turn in BG3 is a bit much..)
We had this conversation on the "other forum" many times. The "200 goblins" taking turns forever is not the problem of turn based but of the developers putting fights with 200 of anything in their game. You need to take the mechanics you choose to use in your game into consideration and design encounters accordingly. Not that taking massive amount of cannon fodder is a good way to design an encounter - be it TB, RTwP or else. And if you really have to have massive battles in your game then maybe a pure CRPG is not the game you want? Just try some sort of a hybrid.
TLDR: Throwing tons of cannon fodder at the player is the problem, not TB.
Hey thanks for repeating the exact argument I was making. Great contribution.
Hey, thanks for not being capable of actually making the argument you tried to make then. Or understanding one. Great... whatever.

For the record, your position was that TB is better for different games than RTwP because "200 goblins" is a bigger problem in TB. I, otoh, said that trash mobs aren't a valid reason for anything because a game with too many trash mobs is not worth playing at all, regardless of TB or RTwP, s**t game is s**t. That is, more or less, the opposite of what you claimed.

Of curse this thread is also about fee-fees so if you like to play games where those "200 goblins" await you behind every rock then sure, go ahead. It will only take you a bazillion hours of boredom in RTwP, instead of a gazillion in TB. Great difference.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

The issue with too many enemies is one created by developers, all turns inbetween a player's action can (and should be) compressed to a single simultaneous turn.
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