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Chronicling the inability of gamedevs to make video games

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Post by gerey »

Breathe wrote: January 10th, 2024, 20:37
with ME doing better than DA financially
That's really not saying much, as both Andromeda and Inquisition sold abysmally. And yes, they fucking did, otherwise EA would have been pumping out sequels as fast as they could be making them.
Breathe wrote: January 10th, 2024, 20:37
I don't think most consumers are aware that much of the devs who made their favorite games are long gone, they just see name and nostalgia-buy.
Inquisition and Andromeda were supposed to be nostalgia buy-ins. I don't think there's much nostalgia left for BioWare titles - Dragon Age died a slow death over two abysmal sequels, while Mass Effect died because BioWare refused to give people the ending they wanted. Maybe some people here are too young to recall just what a shitshow the release of Mass Effect 3 actually was.

Andromeda was met with a collective "meh" from everyone in the industry, and buried Mass Effect even deeper.
Breathe wrote: January 10th, 2024, 20:37
I think the industry started leaning so hard into remakes/remasters simply because they don't have the talent to make anything original. It's not a coincidence that every other game takes 5 years to make while simultaneously being utter garbage.
Many people here, and elsewhere, have been mentioning the competency crisis - White and East Asian heterosexual men are being replaced by subhumans, and this results in projects that take years and massive quantities of money to deliver subpar results, if not outright garbage, simply because everyone involved in the production chain is a low IQ animal that should have been strangled at birth, or beaten black and blue into the kitchen.

My point is that whatever nostalgia and fondness there might have been for BioWare titles is long gone. A miracle might happen and they could deliver a masterpiece, but we all know that the likelihood of that happening is almost zero. Dreadwolf has been in development hell for close to a decade, and it won't be coming out until next year (maybe). Just try to imagine how much the development has cost by now.

Not only do I predict the game will be a massive flop, it will also perform worse than Starfield. It might get a milder reviews from audiences and critics, but that's because no one expects anything out of BioWare by this point.

I'll be surpirsed if BioWare actually manages to survive the release of Dreadwolf, let alone keeps the light on for long enough to shit out Mass Effect 4.
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Post by gerey »

And on the topic of oven-dodging subhumans in gamedev, here is the reason the Gravity Rush thing Sony is torturing us with looks like it does.

Might as well slap this picture next to the dictionary definition of Western gaming developer.

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Post by Goblin_Hammer »

gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 21:24
while Mass Effect died because BioWare refused to give people the ending they wanted. Maybe some people here are too young to recall just what a shitshow the release of Mass Effect 3 actually was.
Just a little tidbit to add about Mass Effect, they also fired Drew Karpyshyn who was one the lead writers during the making of ME 3. Supposedly the ending was going to have you choose to sacrifice all organic life so the reapers can save the universe from the coming destruction of dark energy which was eluded too in Talia's quest in ME 2, or save all organics and destroy the reapers and try to fix the dark energy consuming the galaxy themselves.
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Post by Wretch »

rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 20:11
Val the Moofia Boss wrote: January 10th, 2024, 19:51
Blizzard is no longer the prestigious game dev they once were, and yet Diablo 4 still sold millions, simply because of the brand name and probably because of the money spent on marketing. I think the same will happen to new Bioware games. They will sell millions simply because of the Bioware and Dragon Age/Mass Effect brand names, and lots of marketing money from EA.
'Disagree' because I disagree with the sentiment.
"Sold millions" is a meaningless number for modern AAA developers.
Starfield technically sold millions, excluding GamePass. Microsoft paid $7.5 billion for Bethesda, they probably recouped at best a couple percent of the costs via Starfield if we completely exclude development and marketing costs. Microsoft was expecting a repeat of Skyrim, or at least a Fallout 4.
Yet, it sold millions. It will have a very weak tail, and DLC will probably be at best 1-2 products because it was forgotten so fast.

Bioware has not released a new title since 2019. Bioware has not released a title that probably made money since 2014. To break even, Dragon Age Neovagina will have to recoup the costs of a decade of development by a major studio.
Anthem 'sold millions'. Two million shipped in the first week.
It was revealed on the LinkedIn profile of a former Senior Global Marketing Manager (thanks to Timur222) at EA that Anthem shipped two million copies in seven days, which is quite huge for any new IP. It then sold a total of five million copies in its lifetime
Dragon Age Manjaw is going to have to sell over 10 million copies to meet EA expectations. No, that's not hyperbole, it's likely a lowball figure. Hogwarts Legacy sold 22 million copies, that's probably what EA is projecting for their investors for the next Dragon Age while they internally know it's not going to get half of that.

Selling millions of copies is not enough. The odds point heavily towards Bioware releasing a broken, unfinished title and being shut down.

Oh, and a word of advice for devs: Don't pick names that can easily be made into a meme.
Dragon Age Deadwolf, you read it here first.
Dragon Age Deadnamed
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Post by Nammu Archag »

rusty_shackleford wrote: December 19th, 2023, 02:29
the reaction to gamergate completely destroyed the video game industry, it's not even debatable at this point
I barely know what gamergate even was. Where can I read up more on it that isn't false goyslop
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Nammu Archag wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:14
rusty_shackleford wrote: December 19th, 2023, 02:29
the reaction to gamergate completely destroyed the video game industry, it's not even debatable at this point
I barely know what gamergate even was. Where can I read up more on it that isn't false goyslop
Some dude got cheated on by his girlfriend with 5 different guys, one of them was a game journo who wrote a favorable review of her shit game.
He made a thread on 4chan's r9k about it, and then the rest is history.

That's the real history, my source is I was in the thread.
Last edited by rusty_shackleford on January 10th, 2024, 22:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:16
That's the real history, my source is I was in the thread.
that's me, I was the one matching the text up to figure out the blurred out names in the thread
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Post by gerey »

And then reddit got wind of it and pozzed it up. It went from /v/ calling Quinn a whore and discussing the Marxist/Jewish takeover of gaming to "gamergate is about ethics in game journalism" and trying to prove to Marxists that they weren't bigots and wasting all their energy on showing the leftists were the real racists, and all the while the leftists were dying of laughter.

About the only good thing that came out of GG is how many /v/ users it radicalized when the mods banned GG discussion on the board and people went over to /pol/.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:32
And then reddit got wind of it and pozzed it up. It went from /v/ calling Quinn a whore and discussing the Marxist/Jewish takeover of gaming to "gamergate is about ethics in game journalism" and trying to prove to Marxists that they weren't bigots and wasting all their energy on showing the leftists were the real racists, and all the while the leftists were dying of laughter.

About the only good thing that came out of GG is how many /v/ users it radicalized when the mods banned GG discussion on the board and people went over to /pol/.
All discussion of it was also banned on most 4chan boards. You could discuss nearly anything there, yet somehow someone had the power to near unilaterally ban the discussion of it.
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Post by Segata »

rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:34
All discussion of it was also banned on most 4chan boards. You could discuss nearly anything there, yet somehow someone had the power to near unilaterally ban the discussion of it.
IIRC, Moot's gf at the time was friends with Zoe, which explains why he went so hard with GG censorship.
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Post by gerey »

rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:34
All discussion of it was also banned on most 4chan boards.
It eventually got banned completely, which led to the exodus to a bunch of splinter boards (most notably 8chan), which eventually all died out.

It's pretty much when chan culture suffered its last death.
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Post by Goblin_Hammer »

gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:36
rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:34
All discussion of it was also banned on most 4chan boards.
It eventually got banned completely, which led to the exodus to a bunch of splinter boards (most notably 8chan), which eventually all died out.

It's pretty much when chan culture suffered its last death.
Didn't 8chan die out do to the New Zealand mosque shooter posting on there?
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Post by Nammu Archag »

rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:27
rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:16
That's the real history, my source is I was in the thread.
that's me, I was the one matching the text up to figure out the blurred out names in the thread
right but how has this led to the current paradigm?
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Post by gerey »

Goblin_Hammer wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:55
Didn't 8chan die out do to the New Zealand mosque shooter posting on there?
St. Tarrant of the Kiwi.

By that point 8chan had been bleeding users, mostly due to janny retardation (specifically the fat kike in charge of /v/). Also, it was allegedly three separate shooters posting their manifesto on the site - and you tell me what the chances are that all three of them did so in the span of a few months, which then "motivated" Cloudflare to blacklist the site, this being the kiss of death.

8kun was a thing for a short while afterwards, died out within a year IIRC. Attempts were made to decentralize the whole think by having boards (and backup bunkers) all over the place, linking them together via link chains (like sites of old), but most boards didn't have the user numbers necessary to survive such a change, and all nearly died out due to low post counts.
Last edited by gerey on January 10th, 2024, 23:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rand »

Is 1d4chan dead?
If so, what a loss. That had some funny shit.
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Post by Segata »

gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 23:05
8kun was a thing for a short while afterwards, died out within a year IIRC. Attempts were made to decentralize the whole think by having boards (and backup bunkers) all over the place, linking them together via link chains (like sites of old), but most boards didn't have the user numbers necessary to survive such a change, and all nearly died out due to low post counts.
It didn't help that almost every one of those smaller boards were more censorious than 4chan, the very thing that caused them to leave. I visited a couple of them and became tired of jannies powertripping and """curating""" discussions. If you don't have the numbers and neither have the freedom, then what's the point?
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Post by Lutte »

rusty_shackleford wrote: January 10th, 2024, 22:34
All discussion of it was also banned on most 4chan boards. You could discuss nearly anything there, yet somehow someone had the power to near unilaterally ban the discussion of it.
The reaction to GG is what amplified GG so much too, such a self defeating action on the part of the 4chan jannies.
If they had let people talk about it it would have died down after a while. Banning people on 4chan made the whole thing explode. Then journalists added salt in the form of the constant stream of "gamers are dead" articles..


gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 23:05
8kun was a thing for a short while afterwards, died out within a year IIRC. Attempts were made to decentralize the whole think by having boards (and backup bunkers) all over the place, linking them together via link chains (like sites of old), but most boards didn't have the user numbers necessary to survive such a change, and all nearly died out due to low post counts.
Decentralization always creates more friction while gaining nothing when it comes to building online communities.
Last edited by Lutte on January 10th, 2024, 23:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Decline »

Is there anyone that isn't retarded and calls himself a 'gamer'?
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Decline wrote: January 11th, 2024, 03:30
Is there anyone that isn't retarded and calls himself a 'gamer'?
Stop oppressing my people!
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Post by A Chinese opium den »

gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 21:29
And on the topic of oven-dodging subhumans in gamedev, here is the reason the Gravity Rush thing Sony is torturing us with looks like it does.

Might as well slap this picture next to the dictionary definition of Western gaming developer.

Dios mio...
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Post by Goblin_Hammer »

A Chinese opium den wrote: January 11th, 2024, 05:02
gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 21:29
And on the topic of oven-dodging subhumans in gamedev, here is the reason the Gravity Rush thing Sony is torturing us with looks like it does.

Might as well slap this picture next to the dictionary definition of Western gaming developer.

Dios mio...
I'll be honest I don't know what that thing is? It's so hard to tell nowadays.
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Post by Hauberk »

@Goblin Hammer

I prefer the term "abomination".
early 14c., abominacioun, "abominable thing or action;" late 14c., "feeling of disgust, hatred, loathing," from Old French abominacion "abomination, horror, repugnance, disgust" (13c.) and directly from Latin abominationem (nominative abominatio) "abomination," noun of action from past-participle stem of abominari "shun as an ill omen," from ab "off, away from" (see ab-) + omin-, stem of omen (see omen).

In biblical use, often "that which is ceremonially impure."
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Post by Humbaba »

Shouldn't we also have a thread chronicling the ability of gamedevs to troon out?

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Post by maidenhaver »

Goblin_Hammer wrote: January 11th, 2024, 05:11
A Chinese opium den wrote: January 11th, 2024, 05:02
gerey wrote: January 10th, 2024, 21:29
And on the topic of oven-dodging subhumans in gamedev, here is the reason the Gravity Rush thing Sony is torturing us with looks like it does.

Might as well slap this picture next to the dictionary definition of Western gaming developer.

Dios mio...
I'll be honest I don't know what that thing is? It's so hard to tell nowadays.
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Post by rockheart13 »

Yeah, Palworld is a surprise for me actually. Many of you are talking bad things about this game, but I rather play this game, instead of the same thing that Game Freak has done for the past 5 years. Unfinished games without any polish nor good graphics, so shameful. At least they are getting a wake-up call, they need some competition.
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Post by Segata »

2009 PS3 game vs 2024 PS5 game, same devs

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Post by KnightoftheWind »

Were the bottom textures fully loaded?. That's a very common issue with Unreal Engine games, shader caching and stuttering too.

Otherwise, Final Fantasy 13 has aged very well in the visuals department, despite being a very subpar game from what I've seen. I rarely play JRPGs, but it would be the last one I'll ever try. In that ftont I imagine the new FF7s play a lot better, and are therefore better games. Blurry N64 textures or no.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

the first ff7 remake had the same issue, many of the textures are just really low quality and obviously a shitton of outsourcing work happened
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