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The Vault Dweller on Molten Salt Reactors

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
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The Vault Dweller on Molten Salt Reactors

Post by Hauberk »

No, not Vince.

The real Vault Dweller: Cleve. Apparently, he's a substack writer these days. What's a substack? I had no idea until I found his site. Cleve is one of those writers good enough at telling a story that you don't care whether they're true or not. Naturally I think he deserves some advertisement. Here's a link to the story itself, but I've archived a copy below if you don't want to leave the HQ.
Why Is An "Alternative" To Thorium Needed?

Behind The Confusion Deliberately Cultivated About Molten Salt Reactors

A pot, a pipe and a pump.

The inventor of the technology said it was simple enough that he could show a child how to assemble it and start it up.

It’s simple technology powered by abundant fuel which can be produced by refining beach sand. The experimental installations in the 1960’s were so successful that they had to be shut down to conceal the truth from mankind … nuclear energy is safe, clean and nearly free to operate. In comparison with the entire existing fuel industry there is no comparison to molten salt reactors - they are safer, more maintainable and cheaper than coal, oil, hydro dams, solar and wind.

There is only one possibly reason that we would have suffered under a regime for sixty years of deliberate government intervention to make the technology illegal, unverifiable and unobtainable … it’s too simple and too inexpensive.

In the interests of full disclosure, I should point out I have a personal reason for advocacy of this technology. When I was 12 years old I went on a field trip from school and visited the University of Nebraska where I personally saw the molten salt reactor and dipped my hand into it as I looked down at the cool blue glowing core twenty feet down underwater. I saw the gigantic room that held the university’s atomic clock and all the equipment in the lab that was powered by the core’s electricity. It was one of the most powerful experiences of my life when I was younger and I never forgot it. When all the other kids ran off to see the sculpture exhibit, I asked for special permission to stay behind with the funny nerds in the reactor laboratory and questioned them extensively about the reactor and how it worked. With each revelation I got more enthralled. When they told me the only substantial waste product of the reactor was fresh drinking water, I reeled at the thought of the future. I figured someday we’d all have one of these things in our backyards, albeit on a smaller scale. What good regular energy production sources when tech like this existed in the world? The lab was shut down in the 90’s and the reactor turned off and dismantled. It’s not the only one in Nebraska, either. Molten salt reactors were all over Nebraska in Omaha and Lincoln. They were maintained and run for decades with as little effort as you spend on your lawn. Not only were they all dismantled (not just decommissioned but actually carted off site after being broken down by crews) but you will discover it is getting very hard to even see any information about them online anywhere.

If you’re going to feed people bugs and keep them in pods, you don’t want them knowing about any of these things. Like in Orwell’s 1984, the first order of the day is to wipe out all memory of the past.

When I looked down into the reactor pool in 1975 it was the stuff of science fiction. I felt I was looking at the future and it was going to be an amazing place - not a concentration camp where they fed you mealworms. How little I knew even then.

The atomic clock filled the room in the university and it took a lot of power. Amazing to think that today they fit in the palm of your hand and run off a computer serial port.

I think the reason that the Fallout games have had such fascination for me from the first couple minutes I played the first version back in 1997 is that they represented the future after a nuclear war that I had been expecting.

The Omaha, Nebraska medical center reactor in the basement. Dismantled and spirited away by crews that worked at night . Appears to have not generated any historical documents or legacy information despite being run for decades safely with almost nobody watching it.

In August 2021, China announced the completion of its first experimental thorium-based nuclear reactor. Built in the middle of the Gobi Desert in the country’s north, the reactor over the next few years will undergo testing. If the experiment proves successful, Beijing plans to construct another reactor potentially capable of generating electricity for more than 100 000 homes.

Have you noticed the repeating pattern here? America pioneers, debugs and proves a new technology and then it gets mothballed. When it re-emerges it is in the hands of foreign nations who demonstrate they are not stupid by immediately putting the forgotten tech into production and profiting enormously from it. These are the series of “advances” we have seen in Russia and China. Innovation paid for by taxpayers in America to benefit everybody else in the world except its own citizens.

The ugly reality is that the average person hates geniuses. The mob hates geniuses more than they hate any other group of people based on the circumstances of their birth. It’s a fact of human existence. The worst kind of genius is the sorts who are always present and active during the birth of a civilization - the kind that solves problems in one fell swoop. One swoop and they have terrific crop yields. One swoop and they have great water canals. One swoop and everybody has got a flush toilet. We could say that Europeans civilizations have been successful more than any other because they can swallow their bile and temporarily put up with geniuses so they can profit and advance from their inventiveness.

Hitler believed that only a dictatorship could provide the protection from the mob that the genius requires to prosper and secure a stable enough situation to develop his ideas. Whether or not that was accurate, at the end of World War II the biggest priority for the United States was importing the top scientists from Germany who had been promoted by the Nazis. It is almost certain that the U.S. produces similar people of potential in its own country even now - the demands of wartime brought them out of the woodwork. For some reason, perhaps related to Hitler’s rationale, the Nazis had identified and pulled these people out of the margins. There is no better example of this phenomenon than Wernher Von Braun. In peacetime, it is beyond contention that such people languish and die anonymously in most cases.

Once they shot President Kennedy, the masters of decline moved in to attack the very notion that civilizations only exist because critical problems were solved by individuals at its founding. Whether you want to call them geniuses or innovators or just repairmen, these people have different psychology and different internal makeup. The nature of decline in civilization is the antipathy felt towards the individual in general and particularly gifted people. Once they got John Kennedy out of the way, they began to celebrate criminals, mediocrities and morons and laud the halfwits and the violent and the least exceptional people. This is why today we live in the pathocracy - a cage around us built of evil leadership that could only exist after they assassinated our real leaders. Kennedy certainly was not perfect at all and yet he was set on improving America, not tearing it to pieces.

Although they are not much for problem solving, our “leaders” now have set themselves the task of villifying the very notion that individual savants can solve our problems in one fell swoop. Admitting to it highlights their incredible track record of never ending failure and dismal performance.

Of all the scientists of the last 200 years in America, one of the people they hated, envied and resented the most was Alvin Weinberg, the inventor of the molten salt reactor at Oak Ridge Laboratories. He has been labeled as the single most important example of the man who claims that problems can be solved with a single technological fix that mediocre people were not even aware of.

There’s a whole school of thought in academia devoted to badmouthing Weinberg and the notion of solving problems. Marxists hate Weinberg the most of the brilliant minds at Oak Ridge Laboratories because he is the epitome of the singular genius who goes around producing miracle solutions that make problems just vanish.

Alvinweinberg And The Technological Fix.pdf

Even when he was alive, Weinberg was recognized as an optimist who believed that mankind can solve its problems using our intelligence because we are made in the image of God. This is the antithesis of all Marxism, which insists we are animals who must be centrally managed by authority figures.

Nixon fired Weinberg for the very reason he was associated with the Jetsons future and the American ideology that problems could be solved with brainpower. This entire school of thought is not favored by the intellectually deficit and Nixon was a prime example of a guy who is not exactly a deep thinker. Weinberg had to go, Admiral Rickover next. The two of them were regarded as renegade Jews by Kissinger and everybody controlling the White House on down. These two guys were not down with the long term plan and the long term strategy was to destroy optimism. As Antonio Gramsci points out in his “Notebooks,” Marxism could never succeed by delivering anything. It was only going to be able to make life worse in the name of “crisis management” for the environment. Gramsci admitted that Marxism had never delivered any of the benefits that free market societies had produced for their people and never would. Everybody on the gravy train of Nixon’s “nuclear power” bandwagon knew the tech had to be monolithic, expensive and very dangerous in order to make the big money off the industry.

With the interior of the United States melting down into degeneracy, decadence and terminal madness, our competitors have seen all the promise in the abandoned miracles we began to silently shutter up after Kennedy’s death and harvested all of our remaining marvels and advances for the future of their own countries. One of the hallmarks of declining societies is that they begin to fail to uptake innovation - their own as well as others - and instead begin to recycle the flawed ideas that have proved themselves useless over time. They actually develop amnesia in the last throes of their death cycle and cannot even remember their own successful strategies in the past.

1 Ancient Greece (forgot how to make Greek fire)

2 Ancient Rome (failed to replace slaves with windmills to grind bread)

3 Ancient India (flush toilets vanish and population craps in the street)

4 Modern West (forgot how to make one-way gas valves on toilets so they stink again)

The other nations are simply taking advantage of our weakness, forgetfulness and general senility. This points to them being our successors the way things are going. In all things the West resembles an old man with dementia toddling along in a walking frame who does not remember anything of his life any longer. The piano lessons are gone and so is the knowledge of how to do anything well.

China is not alone in its intentions to reap thorium's unique properties. In the past, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and other countries have demonstrated enthusiasm for research into the possible application of thorium in nuclear power. The appeal of this metal is its potential to be a more abundant and efficient substitute for uranium, the dominant nuclear fuel.

However, using thorium for energy production is not without challenges, and these are discussed in a new IAEA publication Near-Term and Promising Long-Term Options for the Deployment of Thorium-Based Nuclear Energy. Comprehensively summarising the results of a four-year IAEA coordinated research project focused on the possibilities of developing thorium-based nuclear energy, the report examines the benefits and the challenges of using thorium as a fuel and analyses its application in different types of reactors — from the most commonly deployed water-cooled reactors to molten-salt reactors.

“Many countries consider thorium as both a viable and very attractive option for generating power and meeting their growing energy needs,” said Kailash Agarwal, a Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities Specialist at the IAEA and one of the authors of the report. “Our research project helped share valuable knowledge and experience among national laboratories and research institutions in the use of thorium, culminating in this publication.”

Thorium is a silvery, slightly radioactive metal commonly found in igneous rocks and heavy mineral sands. It was named after Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology. It is three to four times more abundant in nature than uranium but historically has found little use in industry or power generation. This is partly because thorium in itself is not a nuclear fuel, but it can be used to create one. Thorium-232, the only naturally occurring isotope of thorium, is a fissionable material but not a fissile one, meaning that it needs high-energy neutrons to undergo fission — the splitting of atomic nuclei which releases energy that is used for electricity generation. However, when irradiated, thorium-232 undergoes a series of nuclear reactions, eventually forming uranium-233, a fissile material that can be burned up as fuel in nuclear reactors.

What can thorium offer?

Thorium boasts several advantages over the conventional nuclear fuel, uranium-235. Thorium can generate more fissile material (uranium-233) than it consumes while fuelling a water-cooled or molten-salt reactor. According to estimates, the Earth's upper crust contains an average of 10.5 parts per million (ppm) of thorium, compared with about 3 ppm of uranium.

“Because of its abundance and its fissile material breeding capability, thorium could potentially offer a long-term solution to humanity’s energy needs,” Agarwal said.

Another advantage is that thorium-fueled reactors could be much more environmentally friendly than their uranium counterparts. In addition to the fact that these reactors — and nuclear power in general — do not emit greenhouse gases in operation, they also produce less long-lived nuclear waste than present-day uranium-fueled reactors.

Not without challenges

However, there are several economic and technical obstacles making the deployment of thorium challenging. Despite its abundance, the metal is currently expensive to extract.

“The mineral monazite, which is a major source of rare earth elements, is also a primary source of thorium,” said Mark Mihalasky, a Uranium Resources Specialist at the IAEA. “Without the current demand for rare earth elements, monazite would not be mined for its thorium content alone. Thorium is a by-product, and extraction of thorium requires methods that are costlier than for uranium. So, as it stands, the amount of thorium that can be pulled out of the ground in a cost-effective manner is not as great as for uranium. This, however, could change if there was a higher demand for thorium and its application in nuclear power.”

They are admitting that the absence of a rare earth industry in the West - discussed here on Vault-Co previously - is a huge obstacle to any economies of scale. It continues to be experimental in that one guy, one team, one organization has to reinvent the supply chain each time. That should have happened over the past fifty years but the Western world was too occupied with piano ties, Rubix cubes and cocaine to even bother with any of this stuff.

Equally expensive are research, development and testing of thorium-powered nuclear installations due to a lack of significant experience with thorium and uranium's historical role in nuclear power. “Another hurdle for thorium is that it can be difficult to handle,” said Anzhelika Khaperskaia, Technical Lead on Fuel Engineering and Fuel Cycle Facilities at the IAEA. Being a fertile and not fissile material, it needs a driver, such as uranium or plutonium, to trigger and maintain a chain reaction.

They are tacitly conceding here that the West is fake and ghey and full of pretend smart people. The real engineers and quality technical workers that once made these things look easy have long since vanished. Even finding college graduates who can read and write is becoming nearly impossible. Even though thorium power is fairly simple in application, it would be risky to even allow modern engineers around anything more dangerous than plastic blocks. This comes up again and again in any discussion of these subjects.

COLONEL JACK RIPPER did nothing wrong! “They’re trying to pollute our precious bodily fluids, Mandrake. To corrupt our essence. Our children will be too stupid and too feeble to prevent communism from conquering the world.” JACK RIPPER WAS RIGHT!!!

“To meet growing energy demand and achieve global climate objectives, the world is looking for alternative sustainable and reliable energy technologies. Thorium may become one of those,” concluded Clément Hill, Section Head at the IAEA. “We will continue our research to deliver credible and science-based results for those interested in working with thorium.”

The real question is not if thorium is practical. It’s proven its worth already and is well tested technology. The question is, why won’t our own government permit us to develop it? Weinberg had originally expected the tech would replace conventional energy sources by the 1970’s.

For the same reason that Donald Trump was hated for making America energy independent with a few months of taking office, Weinberg was resented because he threatened to make the world a safer, better place and leave it that way far into the future. Our rulers had other plans for us.

1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV

“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

Regards, Tex
EDIT: Substack site: https://substack.com/@texasarcane. Vault-CO site: https://cd-os.com/.

EDIT²: Wayback link to his old Vault-Co blog (last good ones are at then end of 2017): http://web.archive.org/web/201710010000 ... gspot.com/
Last edited by Hauberk on March 3rd, 2024, 16:14, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Rand »

Even when he was alive, Weinberg was recognized as an optimist who believed that mankind can solve its problems using our intelligence because we are made in the image of God. This is the antithesis of all Marxism, which insists we are animals who must be centrally managed by authority figures.
I always find this western religious principle funny because they always end up with a real-world authority class at the top telling everyone else what to do and how to do it and claim that a cosmic dictator demands it all.
The parallels between western religion and Marxism can and have filled books. Marxism is essentially religion stripped of the overt supernatural elements, but with all the same functions and methodologies. Probably why commies first target the competing religions.

The reactor is very interesting though. And he's not wrong that we can use science and reason to solve a lot of our problems.
Science, like any tool, can and will be misused by people, though.
Last edited by Rand on January 2nd, 2024, 22:16, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Mondain »

Rand wrote: January 2nd, 2024, 22:14
Even when he was alive, Weinberg was recognized as an optimist who believed that mankind can solve its problems using our intelligence because we are made in the image of God. This is the antithesis of all Marxism, which insists we are animals who must be centrally managed by authority figures.
I always find this western religious principle funny because they always end up with a real-world authority class at the top telling everyone else what to do and how to do it and claim that a cosmic dictator demands it all.
The parallels between western religion and Marxism can and have filled books. Marxism is essentially religion stripped of the overt supernatural elements, but with all the same functions and methodologies. Probably why commies first target the competing religions.

The reactor is very interesting though. And he's not wrong that we can use science and reason to solve a lot of our problems.
Science, like any tool, can and will be misused by people, though.
Someone will always be at the top. As an agnostic, I want it to be Christians. Western civilization was built on Christ's teachings.
Atheists who believe humans are inherently moral are far more dangerous than e.g., Muslims. We absolutely are not, morals are breaking down less than a generation without Christian leadership.
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Post by Rand »

Mondain wrote: January 2nd, 2024, 22:20
Atheists who believe humans are inherently moral are far more dangerous than e.g., Muslims.
It's not just some very stupid atheists that believe that. A lot of modern "protestant" Christians are balls deep in that idiocy as well.

Hippie Christians: "God is love".
Me: "Dude, have you even read your book and given what it says in there any real thought?"
Last edited by Rand on January 2nd, 2024, 22:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

Rand wrote: January 2nd, 2024, 22:14
Even when he was alive, Weinberg was recognized as an optimist who believed that mankind can solve its problems using our intelligence because we are made in the image of God. This is the antithesis of all Marxism, which insists we are animals who must be centrally managed by authority figures.
I always find this western religious principle funny because they always end up with a real-world authority class at the top telling everyone else what to do and how to do it and claim that a cosmic dictator demands it all.
The parallels between western religion and Marxism can and have filled books. Marxism is essentially religion stripped of the overt supernatural elements, but with all the same functions and methodologies. Probably why commies first target the competing religions.

The reactor is very interesting though. And he's not wrong that we can use science and reason to solve a lot of our problems.
Science, like any tool, can and will be misused by people, though.
Spoken like a typical Redditor with minimal understanding of what he's talking about. Just because we are made in the image of God doesn't mean that a ruling class is unnecessary, quite the contrary. A King is especially necessary, not only because it is the greatest form of governance and society that there ever was or ever will be, but because it is the approximation of God's own rule in Heaven. It is a natural form of heirarchy. Marxism on the other hand is a post-enlightenment ideal that presupposes the idea that commoners deserve equal treatment, and that they deserve a higher place in society akin to that of nobles. Politics and ideology is, in effect, a replacement for traditional religious values and in fact it was seen that exact way by French Revolutionaries. It makes me chuckle whenever I see people earnestly discuss politics and political parties with such fervor, because really they're playing in a park that was designed to keep them in bondage and servitude to the modernist order.
Last edited by KnightoftheWind on January 2nd, 2024, 22:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rand »

KnightoftheWind wrote: January 2nd, 2024, 22:25
Rand wrote: January 2nd, 2024, 22:14
Even when he was alive, Weinberg was recognized as an optimist who believed that mankind can solve its problems using our intelligence because we are made in the image of God. This is the antithesis of all Marxism, which insists we are animals who must be centrally managed by authority figures.
I always find this western religious principle funny because they always end up with a real-world authority class at the top telling everyone else what to do and how to do it and claim that a cosmic dictator demands it all.
The parallels between western religion and Marxism can and have filled books. Marxism is essentially religion stripped of the overt supernatural elements, but with all the same functions and methodologies. Probably why commies first target the competing religions.

The reactor is very interesting though. And he's not wrong that we can use science and reason to solve a lot of our problems.
Science, like any tool, can and will be misused by people, though.
Spoken like a typical Redditor with minimal understanding of what he's talking about. Just because we are made in the image of God doesn't mean that a ruling class is unnecessary, quite the contrary. A King is especially necessary, not only because it is the greatest form of governance and society that there ever was or ever will be, but because it is the approximation of God's own rule in Heaven. It is a natural form of heirarchy. Marxism on the other hand is a post-enlightenment ideal that presupposes the idea that commoners deserve equal treatment, and that they deserve a higher place in society akin to that of nobles. Politics and ideology is, in effect, a replacement for traditional religious values and in fact it was seen that exact way by French Revolutionaries. It makes me chuckle whenever I see people earnestly discuss politics and political parties with such fervor, because really they're playing in a park that was designed to keep them in bondage and servitude to the modernist order.
TL;DR: cope

And I didn't say it was the same, but it's all in the same vein.
Last edited by Rand on January 2nd, 2024, 22:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gregz »

He's such a talented writer...I feel whisked into another world after just the first few paragraphs.
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Post by Irenaeus »

The buried lead here is that Cleve has a blog! Added to bookmarks
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Post by Hauberk »

I added a link to his other site Vault-Co in the OP. It's a pity we don't have him posting here. Does anyone know if he's still active on the cuckdex?
Last edited by Hauberk on January 3rd, 2024, 13:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hauberk »

I decided to have a look myself and I don't regret it. What a thread. In which it is revealed that the Romero troon couple are open satanists (many such cases these days), the guy getting his fingers cut off by a boomerang was the Joker and also a degenerate, Australia is a human sewer and the freebricker's playground, the UPS courier left town in horror after being doxed (spelled with a single x unless you're globohomo journoscum), and to top things off there's an entertaining neanderthal vs. doge duel.

Image"if cleve is so great then how come he's put grimoire on discount not once not twice but many times now"

Image"I don't think you get out much and when you do it is just for a breath of fresh air before returning to assist inside the trailer helping your Mom create OnlyFans content"

Image"your thoughts are half-lucid speculations, meanwhile the discounts on grimoire are cold grim reality"

Image"It is beyond autism, it is beyond lack of self-awareness. You have entered a critical realm of obliviousness in which consciousness itself fades from existence. You are Schrodinger's Cat, inside the box and dead and the box will never be opened."

Image"i accept your surrender my nigga. you've been consistently outsold by panty thief simulators for so long that you've chosen to throw your "GRIMOIRE SHAN'T EVER BE DISCOUNTED" spiel down the gutter, like the hobo scraping under vending machines for a few cents."

Image"I'm trying to imagine somebody so brain damaged that 6 years after a game is released, they are angry that the game is discounted. Because massive autism.
You're like ultimate Rain Man times infinity. There's crazy and then there is 6 years after release crazy.

What a thread. I miss Cleve, but not the cuckdex. If you dare to venture there, notice how his thread is filled with unfunny faggots (not meaning Maxie) like that wiztard Gandgolf et al. That's the state of the cuckdex, gentlemen. Analoguos to the current state of the civilized west.
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Post by Humbaba »

Hauberk wrote: January 3rd, 2024, 15:16
unfunny faggots (not meaning Maxie)
No, you definitely mean Maxie. Queef isn't funny either. He's is also a fatass that got cucked by a woman and spent 10 years to produce a wizardry 7 ripoff.

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Post by Dead »

Humbaba wrote: January 3rd, 2024, 16:09
spent 10 years to produce a wizardry 7 ripoff.
You mean a worthy successor to Wizardry 7.
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Post by Hauberk »

Ten years? Please tells us which year you joined the cuckdex, @Humbaba
Last edited by Hauberk on January 3rd, 2024, 16:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Acrux »

What an insightful blog!

I was reading his post about 'Thals and I found this almost hidden link near the bottom.

He was right! Once again he's been right all along!

The Neanderthal correlation

A question of breeding.

“You don't really want to know,” Beth said, her eyes glancing up from her messy desk to the clock and back down without meeting mine.

“I do want to know,” I insisted. After three years of correlating the reconstructed Neanderthal genome with modern human populations, she had to have found something interesting. The idea had sounded great when she had suggested it, and the grant committee had loved my proposal. But with the final report ten months overdue, they wouldn't approve any new proposals.

“You'll wish you hadn't said that if I tell you,” she said, staring down. “People are going to be upset about this.”

“I want to know,” I insisted. What I really wanted was a report to drop on the contract officer's desk, but saying that hadn't worked the last time. Or the time before that. Beth gets too deep into her research. I run a big human-genetics lab. I deliver results; I don't invest my ego in big-picture hypotheses or in worrying why the Neanderthals died out. “I don't have an oar in the debate over whether or not the Neanderthals interbred with Cro-Magnons. I just want to know what the data say.”
Credit: JACEY

“Really?” she asked, not looking convinced at all. “You said that the last time, remember?”

I didn't. I tried to ignore her obsessions. “Please,” I asked.

“It's not just you. Nobody is going to want to hear this. Believe me, John, believe me.”

“I'm a scientist. I want to know the truth!” More importantly, I wanted to finish the contract; that was my job as principal investigator. I'd always succeeded before; that was why after two decades at the university I was department chair and Beth was still a research assistant.

“Are you sure?” Beth asked, looking a little less uncertain.

“Yes,” I said, trying to smile. “I know you've got something very interesting to tell me.” That sometimes worked.

She nodded, her usually expressionless face showing a shadow of a smile. “I found strong genetic correlations between Neanderthals and modern subpopulations,” she said. “A lot more than I had expected.”

“What about correlations coming from the last common ancestor?” That was the safe correlation. Sapiens and Neanderthals had split around 800,000 years ago, so they had to share lots of genes that chimps didn't have.

“Some are,” she said. “They're easy to find because they're in all modern populations. These genes are present in only some modern subpopulations, and the statistics show only about 25,000 years of divergence between the Neanderthals and Sapiens. That has to be interbreeding. The earlier studies had missed it because they hadn't considered the changing impact of natural selection over time.”

“You can back that up?”

“Absolutely.” Beth was always meticulous about her data.

I didn't have to force a smile. “That's fascinating,” I said. “It will make Nature for sure.” It would get a lot of people hot under their collective collars, but that was fine. Evidence of interbreeding with Neanderthals would create a new paradigm for hybridization being behind the rapid advance of modern humans and make me famous. “What genes are involved?”

“That's the surprise,” Beth said, and she smiled so broadly that she looked almost attractive despite her unkempt red-grey hair and nondescript clothes.


“The genes for red hair and pale skin didn't match well enough to show a correlation, but I found a correlation for genes linked to other traits. There's a gene cluster linked to advanced mathematics skills, information processing, logic, analytical intelligence, concentration skills, obsession–compulsion and Asperger's syndrome. That cluster correlates very strongly. I can trace some genes back to the interglacial around 450,000 years ago, and others back to another burst of evolutionary innovation during the Eemian interglacial about 130,000 years ago.” She rambled on with endless details.

Something wasn't right. She was linking genes for advanced mental skills to Neanderthals. “I'm confused,” I said when she paused for a breath. “You're correlating genes linked to modern human intelligence with Neanderthal populations. What am I missing?”

“You didn't want to hear me, I knew that.”

“No, I want to hear you. I just asked a question.”

“You don't, because I already told you.”

I looked at Beth blankly, realizing I was missing a key part of the puzzle. “You said these were Neanderthal genes?”

“Yes, they were,” she said. “They weren't in the modern human genome until Neanderthals interbred with Cro-Magnons between 25,000 and 30,000 years ago.”

“Advanced mathematical processing? Shouldn't that have been missing from the Neanderthal genome?”

“No, I found that Neanderthals lacked genes linked to successful socialization and management skills. They could count perfectly well, but they couldn't deal with groups. Socialization genes came from Sapiens”

“You're trying to tell me ...” I said, but my mental censor blocked the idea.

“That human mathematical intelligence came from Neanderthals? That's what the data say. The Cro-Magnons had the social skills. But that isn't all.”

I stared at her. I couldn't tell that to the research council.

As usual, she couldn't read the warning look on my face. “The hybridization was successful in the Stone Age, but the environment has changed. I found that modern culture selects for socialization but against the Neanderthal traits for mathematics and intelligence,” she said, and looked down. “I don't know how you'll survive when our genes are gone.”
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Post by Hauberk »

If you ever wondered about Cleve's first appearance on that ...other place I'm increasingly hesitant to direct traffic to, click HERE. He gets shit-talked by the "hideously deformed midget" Sol Invictus (Rex Exitium / stillgrey / Ian Miles Cheung) and friends for three years until he shows up on page seven to dominate. Hilarity ensues.
Last edited by Hauberk on March 3rd, 2024, 15:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Acrux »

Funny how that place gets portrayed as a right-wing site when it's always been Libtard Central.
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Post by Hauberk »

I added a link to his old VAULT-CO blog in the OP. It's the most recent one available.

EDIT: You're better off having a look on your own: LINK The last good archives are at the end of 2017 as he goes on a delete-spree afterward.
Last edited by Hauberk on March 3rd, 2024, 16:17, edited 2 times in total.
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