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Science: 10% of 1348 London Plague Deaths were BLACK

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Science: 10% of 1348 London Plague Deaths were BLACK

Post by Emphyrio »

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Experts studying remains of victims buried in 14th century say bubonic plague was not an indiscriminate killer

Mon 20 Nov 2023 19.01 EST

When the Black Death hit London in autumn 1348, it caused a wave of devastation, with more than half the city’s population thought to have been killed. But a study has now found women with Black African ancestry could have had a greater risk of death than others.

Research has previously demonstrated that, far from being a homogeneous white society, medieval England – and its capital – had considerable diversity. As well as residents hailing from the far reaches of Europe, documentary and archaeological evidence has revealed people of Black African ancestry and dual heritage lived in London.

Now experts studying the remains of plague victims buried in the city say the disease hit some groups harder than others.

The findings have parallels with the Covid pandemic where, early in the crisis, it emerged Black people were four times more likely to die than white people, mainly because they had a higher risk of infection. Such disparities in mortality decreased as the pandemic wore on.

“Medieval England was a diverse population and, like today, issues around people’s heritage [and] wealth have health outcomes,” said Dr Rebecca Redfern, a co-author of the research at the Museum of London.

Bubonic plague is caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria, with the outbreak that hit England in 1348 – later dubbed the Black Death – part of a devastating pandemic, known at the time as the Great Pestilence.

Writing in the journal Bioarchaeology International, Redfern and colleagues report how they analysed remains from 145 individuals buried at East Smithfield emergency plague cemetery, St Mary Graces and St Mary Spital in London. Of these, 49 died from plague and 96 died from other causes.

The team looked at five features of the skulls, such as the shape of the eye area, and by using a forensic databank covering modern and historical populations around the world, explored the individuals’ probable affinity with different populations. The approach, the researchers say, is an established forensic tool, and is not based on controversial methods involving cranial measurements.

The results reveal nine plague victims appeared to be of African heritage, while 40 seemed to have white European or Asian ancestry. Among the non-plague burials, the figures were eight and 88 respectively.

While the sample size is small, the team say the findings show a higher proportion of people thought to have Black African heritage in the plague burials compared to the non-plague burials.

Further analysis based on mathematical modelling suggests females thought to have Black African heritage had a greater risk of dying of plague compared with white individuals of similar ages.

While nothing specific is known about the individuals’ lives, the team say many women of colour would have worked in domestic service and experienced race and sex-based discrimination. As a result they would have faced significant hardships and greater risk of disability, which would have made them more vulnerable to disease.

“[The plague] is portrayed as being an indiscriminate killer, but we actually know it wasn’t,” said Redfern. Previous studies have shown those who experienced poor nutrition in the famine that preceded the plague had a higher risk of dying from the disease.

Dr Onyeka Nubia, a historian at the University of Nottingham and author of Blackamoores, about Africans in Tudor England, said for some, it remains a challenge to accept that people of different ancestries and heritage were an established part of England’s past.

“It is not a political matter. It’s not a matter of conjecture. It’s actually an evidential fact. England has been ethnically diverse for thousands of years,” he said.

Nubia said the new work opens up further avenues of research.

“We must remember that the plague years were not just 1348-1353 and 1665-1666, but there were deaths during the intervening years between,” he said. “It will be interesting to see how these deaths fit within a wider context.”

But, he cautioned, historical evidence must be treated objectively. “We have a responsibility to make sure that this information does not get divided between left and right in a culture war,” he added.
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Post by Acrux »

The results reveal nine plague victims appeared to be of African heritage, while 40 seemed to have white European or Asian ancestry. Among the non-plague burials, the figures were eight and 88 respectively.

Last edited by Acrux on November 21st, 2023, 14:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Isn't it weird how western areas stopped being diverse utopias the moment they started keeping accurate population records?
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Post by Rand »

I am baffled by this.
They claim "race doesn't exist" and yet can allegedly determine race from 700 year old remains from medieval England when they need to make new race nonsense in the papers.

Which is it you disingenuous leftist motherfuckers?
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Post by Rand »

Acrux wrote: November 21st, 2023, 14:21
Asian ancestry
FFS, this means nothing.

Races in Asia
• Orientals
• Indians
• Mongoloids
• Western Polynesians
• Caucasians
• Persians
• Arabs

There's more, but I've already made my point. This is basically the same as saying "not blacks".

Fucking British using "Asian" to tell you literally nothing about what the word in that position in the sentence (and the sentence in general) is intended to tell you.
Ethnicity, motherfuckers!
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Post by Segata »

Since we wuz Britons n shiet, can we blame blax for the ill effects of colonialism? white guilt no more?
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Post by Jason Bright »

You left out the bit at the bottom of the article where it said 'Therefore: Infinity Immigrants'
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Post by maidenhaver »

Nicola Davis has exactly one hour to pack her bags and get out.
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Post by Emphyrio »

Breathe wrote: November 21st, 2023, 21:38
And 100% were from jews poisoning water supplies.
I would like to know more
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Post by WhiteShark »

Same. This is what I've read on the topic:
The Contagion Myth wrote:
According to textbooks, the same bubonic plague organism of Justinian’s time caused the Black Death in Europe, 1347–1350. However, some investigators have pointed out flaws in this theory. Although researchers found evidence of Yersina pestis in dental pulp from a mass grave of the period in France, other teams of scientists were unable to find evidence of the pathogen in five other grave sites of the period from other parts of Europe.

Sociologist Susan Scott and biologist Christopher J. Duncan claim that a hemorrhagic fever, similar to the Ebola virus, caused the Black Death. Others blame anthrax or some now-extinct disease. They note that medieval accounts don’t square with modern descriptions of the illness. Witnesses described a disease that spread at great speed with very high mortality, unlike the plague, which moves slowly and had a death rate of about 60 percent. Accounts describe buboes covering the entire body rather than limited to the groin area as in the case of plague. Symptom descriptions mention awful odors, splotches resembling bruises, delirium, and stupor—none of which happen with modern-day bubonic plague. Some critics have embraced the theory that a virus caused the disease, but this premise hardly provides a better explanation than does bacteria to explain the disease’s rapid spread and high mortality.

Then there is the rat problem. No written documents from that time describe vast legions of dead rats required to explain the plague. The Black Death killed over half of Iceland’s population, but rats didn’t reach Iceland until the nineteenth century. And the Black Death continued to kill people during the winter months in northern Europe despite the fact that the plague organism requires relatively warm temperatures.

In New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection, Professor Mike Baillie argues that a comet caused the pandemic. He points out that witnesses of the period describe a significant earthquake on January 25, 1348, with other earthquakes to follow. “There have been masses of dead fish, animals, and other things along the sea shore and in many places covered in dust,” wrote a contemporary observer. “And all these things seem to have come from the great corruption of the air and earth.” Other documents describe tidal waves, rains of fire, foul odors, strange colors in the sky, mists and even dragons, in addition to earthquakes.

Baillie believes that fragments from Comet Negra, which passed by earth in 1347, caused the atmospheric phenomena. Some fragments descended and injected huge amounts of dust into the atmosphere. Tree ring analysis indicates that as the material descended from space, it spewed large amounts of chemicals based on carbon and nitrogen into the stratosphere. According to Baillie, illness and death resulted from poisoned water and air as the comet flew overhead.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

I think AmericanKrogan did a video on the well poisoning thing iirc
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Post by Breathe »

Emphyrio wrote: November 21st, 2023, 21:42
Breathe wrote: November 21st, 2023, 21:38
And 100% were from jews poisoning water supplies.
I would like to know more
It's been years since I was investigating these things but I think I have some sources/info on one of my external ssd's. I'll try to dig it up when I have some time to go through them.
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Post by Rand »

Rand wrote: November 21st, 2023, 19:22
I am baffled by this.
They claim "race doesn't exist" and yet can allegedly determine race from 700 year old remains from medieval England when they need to make new race nonsense in the papers.

Which is it you disingenuous leftist motherfuckers?

Race is disproven. Until it's needed to explain how the nonexistent "black people" in medieval England died oh-so tragically due to structural racismus.

Also, I think war, plague, and communism have been much more damaging than "racism". As in they've killed and maimed hundreds of millions, if not billions, while "racism" is responsible for a minuscule fraction of that body-count.
Last edited by Rand on November 22nd, 2023, 01:56, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by maidenhaver »

Rand wrote: November 22nd, 2023, 01:53
Also, I think war, plague, and communism have been much more damaging than "racism". As in they've killed and maimed hundreds of millions, if not billions, while "racism" is responsible for a minuscule fraction of that body-count.
We can make the number bigger, White Brother.
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Post by maidenhaver »

You forget, racism is responsible for turning Wyll into a White Man, so really racism is much, much more deadly.
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Post by maidenhaver »

I like the comet theory, because Wormwood was said to be a falling star which would poison a third of the earth, but its also supposed to fall into the ocean and kill all the fish.
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