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FPS General - all out of bubble gum

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FPS General - all out of bubble gum

Post by krokodil »

This is a thread for general discussion of FPS games both past and present.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

60 is an acceptable FPS.

Post by MadPreacher »

Duke Nukem is forever the king.
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Post by Ratcatcher »

I was there when Darktide failed.

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Post by GhostCow »

I miss tournament shooters so much. I'm still butthurt that the new UT was cancelled because Fortnite took off. I miss classic Tribes with the renegades mod too. All of the sequels were shit in comparison. I feel like I haven't played a good shooter since 2007 when vanilla TF2 was new.
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Post by Lutte »


While fortnite is often cited as an excuse to have ended development for nuUT, I think it would have ended even if fortnite had flopped and ceased to exist. For the same reason games like Tribes aren't being made anymore.

Classic multiplayer shooters have a difficult time appealing to new blood. Even the worst players among us veterans will completely trounce the kids who were raised on health regeneration and low amount of weapon carry, meaning they don't even consider what it means to constantly weapon switch depending on context/enemy distance/surrounding walls etc. Every time new players try those games, they get shredded into a mist of blood. And game developers are thoroughly unwilling to make games just for the minority among us who'd still play these.

The greatest tendency in the development of multiplayer games is to lower the skill floor and make everything as random as possible. This is why modern Counter Strike is based on "spray" shooting rather than "tap" shooting and why the spread feels so random compared to 1.5 (I miss the days of sniping people from long distances with deagles and AK with high consistency). This is why most of the new releases of FPS use the battle royale format, in which the player who wins doesn't even need to be good at killing other people, but rather, just needs to be lucky enough to have made it to the end, for it is possible to win with zero kills. The goal of modern game development is that even the biggest loser should feel like he has a "chance" and occasional wins.
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Post by viata »

How come we never had a good Blood clone? Sometimes I wished Doom failed and it was Blood that got a thousands of clones. It was the perfect FPS and, sadly, also the peak for Monolith. They were never able to make another game at that level and now they just make shit LotR games.
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Post by wndrbr »

viata wrote: February 6th, 2023, 17:08
How come we never had a good Blood clone? Sometimes I wished Doom failed and it was Blood that got a thousands of clones. It was the perfect FPS and, sadly, also the peak for Monolith. They were never able to make another game at that level and now they just make shit LotR games.
it depends on what you mean by saying 'blood clone'.

Blood is a build engine game, and they all play roughly similar, so any build engine inspired modern clone is technically a Blood clone.

However if you mean some dark occult-themed FPS, then there aren't all that many games like that. Clive Barker's Undying, RTCW, Painkiller, Dusk, Cultic... and that's about it I guess. None of them play like Blood though (maybe except for Dusk).
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Post by gerey »

wndrbr wrote: February 7th, 2023, 05:16
However if you mean some dark occult-themed FPS, then there aren't all that many games like that. Clive Barker's Undying, RTCW, Painkiller, Dusk, Cultic... and that's about it I guess. None of them play like Blood though (maybe except for Dusk).
I'd argue that only Cultic really tries to capture the spirit of Blood, even though it is not a perfect match. The rest either play too differently or don't tap into the same inspiration that Blood does.

When people think of Blood what I imagine first comes to mind is using dynamite to blow up a bunch of zombies, gibs flying everywhere, all accompanied by wonderful sound effects for all effects, along with the expected interactivity of Build-engine games.

In that regard Cultic really is the closest you're likely to get, and a damn good game at that, if you're not entertaining the idea of playing mods - of which there are a few neat ones.


Oh, right, forgot, there's also Coven that is in development - the developer cites Blood as an inspiration, though I have no clue how close he will get to emulating the gameplay.

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Post by krokodil »

Cultic is great but it's really nothing like Blood. Blood is mostly close quarters combat and/or tight spaces with enemies around corners or scattered around, and you really have to dance between enemies at times. Cultic has a lot more long range shooting going on and on higher difficulties almost plays like a tactical shooter at times.
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Post by viata »

That sucks, I was thinking in give Cultic a try.
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Post by krokodil »

You should. Cultic is good fun and others like @gerey agree
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Post by gerey »

viata wrote: February 8th, 2023, 11:53
That sucks, I was thinking in give Cultic a try.
Give it a try regardless. The demo lets you play the whole first level, which is fairly long and ought to give you a good idea of how the combat in Cultic flows. It's the best of all the boomer shooters released to date, at least in my opinion.

Jenk described the combat well, it's mostly big, open spaces and long-range duels, though the game isn't afraid to throw you into cramped spaces and make you fight in close quarters.

Post by MadPreacher »

gerey wrote: February 9th, 2023, 07:44
It's the best of all the boomer shooters released to date, at least in my opinion.
So good that he couldn't afford the other 12 colors.
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Post by wndrbr »

HROT wasn't mentioned here.

It's in full 3d and has a very brown pallete which makes it look kinda like Quake, but gameplay-wise it's closer to build engine games. Similarly to build engine games, HROT's levels are short and to the point - you never stuck in one place for two hours like in some of the modern "boomer shooters" where the devs felt obliged to make overly huge meme levels after playing Arcane Dimensions. HROT also has a fairly unique setting of 80s post-apocalyptic Czechoslovakia.

There are currently two episodes (the third and the final one will be released this year), each has ten maps.
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Post by gerey »

For any homosexual here that hasn't played Ashes 2063 and Ashes Afterglow, please do so now to avoid having to wear diapers in your near-future. Experts agree that playing the two Ashes games cures low to mild cases of sodomy.

ASHES 2063

Ashes 2063 is a mod, but it might as well have been a commercial release - it's certainly much better than most paid boomer shooters (or FPS games). It's built on GZDoom, but it looks and plays like a Build-engine game: levels look like real places and there's plenty of ways to interact with the environment, you have useable items like a medkit from Duke Nukem 3D.

Storywise, the game takes place in the post-apocalyptic hellscape of Atlanta in they year 2063 after a nuclear. You play as a nameless scavenger eking out a living by exploring the rotting remains of pre-war civilization in search for , until you hear a strange message on the radio, which sets you on an epic journey to discovers its source.

Combat is very good, the enemy roster is nothing revolutionary, but covers all the bases (hitscanners, ranged projectile throwers, melee enemies), the guns feel meaty and powerful and most important of all, the shotgun sounds and looks excellent. The addition of a quick melee button is a welcome addition that can hell deal with enemies if you are caught mid-reload.

Exploration in levels feels rewarding, and secrets aren't about hugging the wall and spamming the use key, but about observation, navigation and puzzle-solving. The game also features two hidden maps that, one of which is also the map in the whole game.

There's even a few light "RPG" elements. Inbetween combat maps you will get the chance to stay in friendly settlements where you will be able to trade in the scrap you have scavenged for upgrades to your weapons or purchase armor, ammo or usable items.

There are also driving sections, where you ride your motorbike along a road, with side areas you can find and explore on foot. The handling of the motorbike is the weakest aspect of the game in general, likely because GZDoom is not really equipped to handle controlling vehicles, so you will spend these maps struggling to not crash into walls, but this is mostly a slight annoyance and won't detract from the experience overmuch.

All in all Ashes 2063 present as good of a package as you are likely to get, and should be played if you like old-school shooters or Build-engine games.


If Ashes 2063, Ashes Afterglow is a quantum leap in terms of quality and ambition.

The biggest change from the prequel is that the game now takes place in an "open-world" of sorts, each of the hubs you visit will be connected to a number of other maps you can access, and there is now a much bigger emphasis on main and side quests, as well as the presence of choices and consequences, some of which are determined outside of dialogue even. At points it reminded me of Fallout, what with arriving at a location to discover a tense standoff between two factions, with your actions deciding the outcome of the brewing conflict.

Storywise the game takes place right after the end of the first game, so it's recommended to have completed Ashes 2063 before starting the sequel.

While the combat remains largely unchanged, all weapons are now upgradeable, with each upgrade changing the weapon sprite, and a few new weapons have been added to fill out your arsenal. I found all the weapons useful, though I wish that the economy was a tad better balance - it is far too easy to trade ammo for scraps and accumulate enough to upgrade all your weapons even before leaving the first hub.

In terms of presentation, the game largely keeps the same assets as in the first game, but also introduces cutscenes that make great use of the engine limitations and look incredible. You'll now what I'm talking about when you see them in motion the first time around.

Kudos go to the mod author for really doing an incredible job of nailing the scares simply through the use of sound. Exploring the underground military bunker was a tense experience that would put many a horror game to shame.
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Post by gerey »

The prison moon Gehenna has gone dark.

The prisoners have taken control, forming a militant religious group that worships an entity known only as the Umbral.

You were sent to investigate -- and now you are trapped.

Survive the Black Moon. Find your way home. Kill their God.

From the developer of the critically-acclaimed narrative adventure game Sagebrush, EFFIGY is a retro first-person shooter set in a huge, mysterious interconnected world. Blending the fast-paced action of classic shooters of the 90s with the exploration and nonlinear progression of the Metroidvania and Souls genres. Scour the Black Moon to find new weapons and abilities that can completely change your playstyle, and piece together the strange history of Gehenna by scanning artifacts and translating strange runes.

EFFIGY will be released in three episodic content drops through Steam's Early Access program, with each release adding new content to the core game and progressing the story.

Each released episode will add new regions to Gehenna that build upon one another to create a vast non-linear world to explore. Questgivers, abilities, and items you find along the way will open up new possibilities for exploration.

Blast enemies around corners with the reflective beam of the mining laser, or use the Pulse Buckler to deflect rockets back where they came from. Each episode will add new and more wild weapons and items, allowing you to experiment and tweak your playstyle.

Inspired by the classics of the genre, Effigy has a low-poly, lo-fi aesthetic just like you remember.

Gehenna is a forsaken, time-lost land, populated by enigmatic souls. Some of them will help you along your journey. Some of them will stop at nothing to end it.
Haven't really seen anyone mention this game much. From what the developer describes, it's a cross between a boomer shooter and Metroid Prime. Throughout the campaign you will gain new abilities that will in turn allow you to access previously inaccessible areas.

From what I've seen it looks interesting. Feel free to correct me, but I think this is the first time any of the new boomer shooters have attempted something like this?

I think the biggest issue will be keeping the backtracking engaging enough, instead of it turning into a slog as you have to fight the same enemies over and over again as you navigate the gameworld.

You are the Last Deprived, the final corpse to ever rise from the stone depths, dooming all creation to a ceaseless death. This underworld does not welcome you. Unlock the secrets of the crypt, take back life from your fleshless brethren, and fight your own way out of humanity's tomb.

ENCHAIN links hack & slash juggling and frenetic platforming with fast-paced retro FPS gunplay. Inspired by platform fighters and Quake, smash the undead into pieces with your lantern hook and arsenal of guns. And, with progression and verticality influenced by Dark Souls, tackle a single interconnected world chunk by chunk, retreading old paths and secrets.

Get lost in the chasm. No one will be holding your cold, hollow hands along the way.
  • Grapple, shoot, kick, and dive between platforming and combat
    Fracture and harvest the bones of the undead for resources
    Explore an intertwined, non-linear underworld
    Rest at cozy lantern posts to store the fruits of your travels
    Listen to atmospheric music by Oliver Trinidad
Also this one. It has a demo available for anyone curious to try.

It's obviously heavily inspired by the likes of Dark Souls, at least in terms of having the equivalent of bonfires and an interconnected gameworld. In terms of gameplay the lantern is both a weapon, as well as a means of navigation.

It's a very unique take, though I never really felt like I had quite grasped the mechanics, though that was likely just me not devoting enough time in the demo to master them. There's obviously other weapons that you can use against enemies, but you will have to explore to find those.
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Post by Tweed »

I'd be surprised if anyone hadn't heard of Hideous Destructor by now. It takes Doom and adds an unhealthy amount of realism to the game in all the right places. Getting sniped from across the map, imps setting you on fire, having to stop and staple your bleeding wounds shut. There's also still fun, unrealistic shit like regenerating health after taking a soulsphere and drinking down magic potions of dubious origins, or becoming one-punch man with a berserk pack (you can OD).

It's also one of the few games I've played that forces you to manually reload magazines bullet for bullet and features fun things like short stroking a bolt-action rifle. It's a real load of fun and even has a few fun mods for new weapons and skins. Gives the original maps new life and makes WADs like BTSX so much more fun.

Just be sure to turn off the tips or download a tip replacement mod so you don't have to read about troon rights.
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Post by krokodil »

Finished up Dread Templar on Hard.. enjoyed the game for the most part, level design is nice with lots of exploration/secrets. It had some nice boss battles, which a lot of FPS games seem to not have anymore, but I feel like the last few bosses were overall easier. Maybe that's because you don't have many weapons options in the earlier episodes compared to the later ones where you are fully decked out . For the boss of the final episode I used the BFG equivalent as well as a rune I found that increases the damage against bosses and took off half his health with one click. I suppose that's the 'reward' for exploring and finding the various runes and shit but I feel that one should have been a post-game or new game plus exclusive one. Overall I thought it was competently made and fun to play. Recommended.

It also has an interesting horde mode, which I haven't tried yet, which has you essentially defending a tower in the middle and monsters rush there instead of constantly running at you so it might add a different spice to otherwise ubiquitous horde/arena extras.
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Post by Fargus »

Dread Templar looks pretty damn cool, i was waiting for when it leaves the early access. I guess now its time to play it.
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Post by Nanafuse »

i like sin
I have special eyes.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

wndrbr wrote: February 9th, 2023, 09:48
HROT wasn't mentioned here.

It's in full 3d and has a very brown pallete which makes it look kinda like Quake, but gameplay-wise it's closer to build engine games. Similarly to build engine games, HROT's levels are short and to the point - you never stuck in one place for two hours like in some of the modern "boomer shooters" where the devs felt obliged to make overly huge meme levels after playing Arcane Dimensions. HROT also has a fairly unique setting of 80s post-apocalyptic Czechoslovakia.

There are currently two episodes (the third and the final one will be released this year), each has ten maps.
Supreme Commander-in-chief is the final boss of Episode 3 of Hrot as well as the final boss of the game he is fought in E3M7: Strahov Stadium. He is a parody of Russian president Vladimir Putin. He is the toughest opponent in the game.
Reminder I warned you guys about troonershooters.
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Post by Dead »

Imagine the outrage if Russians made a game about killing shadow president Barry Obama.
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Post by UnfairTradeCoffee »

Anyone here played Warhammer 40,000: Darktide? I know you can customize characters, but are there nigger npcs? To what extent is the game pozzed, if at all hopefully?

Also I just finished Roboquest. Very good. It's like PVE Overwatch, a bit of Borderlands, a bit of Enter the Gungeon having your dick smashed apart with a hammer. Soundtrack is terrific. The movement mechanics have a very high ceiling, I could feel myself getting better every run. I almost regret pirating it.
Last edited by UnfairTradeCoffee on November 21st, 2023, 06:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by agentorange »

UnfairTradeCoffee wrote: November 21st, 2023, 05:17

Also I just finished Roboquest. Very good. It's like PVE Overwatch, a bit of Borderlands, a bit of Enter the Gungeon.
You could describe the game as being like having your dick smashed apart with a hammer and it would sound more appealing than what you have described here.
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Post by UnfairTradeCoffee »

Ya don't like shooters or roguelites?
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Post by revenant »

These are not shooters. Overwatch is a MOBA disguising as shooter, borderlands - same but ARPG and I don't know what enter the gungeon is but it has about the faggiest artstyle I've ever seen in a video game
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Post by UnfairTradeCoffee »

I guess I was being too vague. I think I only brought up Overwatch because the walk speed, sprint speed, and jump height felt like Overwatch, among some other artistic things I feel that the influenced the devs.
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Post by agentorange »

UnfairTradeCoffee wrote: November 21st, 2023, 05:32
Ya don't like shooters or roguelites?
I did really like Void Bastards and figure I should bring it up in this thread because it may be overlooked.
Last edited by agentorange on November 21st, 2023, 08:08, edited 2 times in total.