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The RPGHQ list of software that doesn't suck too hard. All OSes welcome.

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
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The RPGHQ list of software that doesn't suck too hard. All OSes welcome.

Post by Lutte »

Legend: [t] Terminal [l] Linux [m] Multiplatform [w] Windows [a] Android

Web Browsers: Brave. Period. The true RPGHQ stamp of not-sucking.

File compression:
[t][l] atool
[l] Xarchiver
[w] 7zip

File management:
[l] Thunar
[w] Explorer++ -- dev builds are highly recommended on windows 11

Password management:
[t] gopass
[m] KeepassXC
[w] Keepass
[a] Password Store (gopass compatible) | KeepassDX
[m] Bitwarden

[t][l] hashdeep
[w] HashCheck

File synchronization:
[t][l] rsync
[t][w] robocopy -- OS built-in
[t][m] rclone -- cloud drive equivalent to rsync/robocopy

Bitrot detection:
[t][l] cshatag
[w] whirlpool file checker

Audio player:
[t][l] cmus
[l] quodlibet
[w] foobar2000
[m] Qmmp
[m] Strawberry

Video player:
[l] mpv
[w] MPC-HC

Basic, mouse driven text editors:
[t][m] micro
[l] mousepad
[w] notepad3
[w] notepad++

Programmer editors:
[t][m] Neovim
[t][m] Helix
[t][l] mg
[m] Emacs

[m] VSCode

[l] xfce4-screenshooter
[m] Flameshot
[w] ShareX

Image management:
[m] geeqie
[m] XnView MP
[w] XnView Classic

[l] Zathura
[w] SumatraPDF
[m] Calibre
[m] Thorium Reader-- for those rare epubs that require a full browser to properly render

[t][m] ripgrep | fd
[w] Wizfile

Disk space analyzer:
[t][m] dust
alternatively : ncdu
[l] baobab
[w] Wiztree

Calculator/unit conversion:
[t][m] bc
[t][m] GNU Units
[m] Qalculate
[w] glasscalc
[a] Mi Calculator

[m] LibreOffice
It's not good, but it is what it is. About the least worst. If your job requires Excel for
anything complex, you will still be using MS Office.
LO Draw is surprisingly competent and decent for basic vector stuff and quick diagrams.
[m] Scribus
[m] LaTeX -- of course!
[m] LyX -- LaTeX Wysiwyg

[w] TreeSheets
[m] TiddlyWiki
[m] Obsidian

[t][l] weechat | irssi
[l] HexChat
[w] AdiIRC - don't bother with Hexchat, old gtk doesn't do proper DPI scaling on Windows, font rendering is a mess.
[a] Revolution IRC

Torrent clients:
[t][l] rTorrent
[l] Transmission
[w] Picotorrent
[m] qbittorrent -- still the best for very large torrents, but I don't much of that anymore so I'll leave that bloat behind.

Other P2P/file download:
[m] Nicotine+
[m] jdownloader2

Screen recording/streaming:
[m] OBS Studio

Video Editing:
[m] Shotcut
[m] kdenlive
[m] DaVinci Resolve

Audio software:
[m] Audacity

Basic image editing:
[l] Pinta
[w] PhotoDemon
[w] Paint.net

Advanced image editing:
[m] Gimp + G'MIC
[m] Krita

Pixel art:
[m] Aseprite
[m] Libresprite
[m] GrafX2

Vector image editors :
[m] Inkscape

The swiss knife of art - 3d modelling, render, 2d animation, video editing :
[m] Blender!

Hardware utilities :
[l] lscpu, lspci, lsusb, lsblk, blkid, nvme-cli, smartctl, lm_sensors, nvtop, dmidecode
[l] stress-ng -- system stress testing
[l] unigine benchmark -- gpu stress testing, not as good as furmark but the only one that has a linux build
[m] OpenRGB -- universal, brand independent control of RGB leds
[w] HWMonitor -- Temperature, clock speed, voltage etc monitoring
[w] CPU-Z -- detailed CPU, ram and motherboard information
[w] GPU-Z -- detailed GPU info
[w] CrystalDiskInfo -- view hard drive/ssd S.M.A.R.T data
[w] Furmark -- GPU stress testing
[m] Memtest86+ -- test ram integrity
[m] Prime95 -- cpu stress testing

[l] gamescope -- frame limiting, image upscaling and fullscreenizer for linux
[l] ProtonUp-Qt -- manage proton installations
[l] Hawck -- keyboard rebinding and macros on linux
[w] RTSS -- frame limiting, gsync alternative (scanline sync)
[w] DgVoodoo2, WineD3D, DXVK, winevdm -- run games that have compatibility issues on windows with alternative API runtimes.
[w] Integer Scaling -- as the name says. Pixel perfect upscaling for older games
[w] Magpie -- All purpose upscaler
[w] AutoHotKey -- remap even the keyboard in games that don't have any key rebinding config, write macros
[m] AntiMicroX -- universal gamepad rebinding

[w] Rufus -- create bootable drives
[m] Ventoy -- create bootable drives with multiple OS isos
[w] Nirsoft and Sysinternals -- suite of utilities to diagnose and deal with any issue on Windows

[ W I N D O W S - S P E C I F I C - S E C T I O N ]

A nice thing for unix heads out there:
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And then a registry tweak to unfuck windows 11 :
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Last edited by Lutte on November 13th, 2023, 12:27, edited 33 times in total.
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Post by J1M »

Winamp still works.

Should list a preferred windows version (10).
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Post by Lutte »

GhostCow wrote: November 7th, 2023, 16:03
Qmmp deserves to be listed with the other audio players
also added stuff people recommended to me on IRC.
J1M wrote: November 7th, 2023, 18:56
Winamp still works.

Should list a preferred windows version (10).
Except for the .reg tweak, any software listed will work on the [insert currently supported] versions of OS. 10 is not end of life and I can't even imagine anyone dropping support for it right now.
I will not, however, list software that runs on 7 but not on 10/11 since 7 is dead.
I will also not list unmaintained software if that software either : connects to the internet, or reads very commonly downloaded file formats (mp3, pdf, whatever). For example, if by Winamp, you mean the last good version it had (2), it probably is affected by a trillion CVEs.
As for the latest version..

Err. no.
Last edited by Lutte on November 7th, 2023, 20:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Atlantico »

Lutte wrote: November 7th, 2023, 13:48
Video player:
[l] mpv
[w] MPC-HC
I've used VLC for 15 years, nothing wrong with VLC
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Post by Oyster Sauce »

You've got 2 password management sections. Also, thoughts on Dashlane?
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Post by WhiteShark »

Oyster Sauce wrote: November 7th, 2023, 21:27
You've got 2 password management sections.
I made the same mistake. The second one is under the heading for 'criteria breaking software', aka software that is not lean but which people like anyway.
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Post by Lutte »

Oyster Sauce wrote: November 7th, 2023, 21:27
You've got 2 password management sections. Also, thoughts on Dashlane?

Here's the reason. Bitwarden is an electron app, which is really sinful for something that does so little - password managers aren't particularly complex apps (outside of getting the crypto right) or need to render some crazy UI.
Atlantico wrote: November 7th, 2023, 21:13
Lutte wrote: November 7th, 2023, 13:48
Video player:
[l] mpv
[w] MPC-HC
I've used VLC for 15 years, nothing wrong with VLC
There's nothing particularly wrong with VLC, but nothing particularly right either. Quite a few UI messes, like the dumb decision to allow sound volume to go past 0dBFS and clip. Its main reason of existence in the past was to not fuss with external codecs if you were a Windows user, but nowadays, Windows supports the main codecs in use out of the box and MPC is the perfect replica of the UI of the classic WMP, plus supports the use of the still superior video renderer madVR (if anything, the era of HDR content has reinforced madVR's superiority) as it makes use of windows's native media facilities which has a nice plugin architecture.

Even mpv is sorta a "we use this on linux because there isn't anything as good as MPC" rather than "we use it because it's so good" thing.

As for the "le 15 years thing" MPC and mpv aren't any younger, if you thought they were some new fad.
Last edited by Lutte on November 7th, 2023, 22:49, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

I've used keepass(now keepassxc) for managing my passwords for something like 15 years now without issue
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Post by aweigh »

i use jdownloader2 to pirate all my games. good program.
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Post by GhostCow »

Some other things I use:

OpenRGB, for avoiding gay RGB software and also turning off lights permanently or lights that can't be turned off otherwise

Open Hardware Monitor, for checking CPU temps and such

Rufus, for creating bootable flash drives

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Post by agentorange »

Calibre is a really good software for reading ebooks on your desktop. Can also easily and quickly convert ebook formats and transfer them to different devices.

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Post by Atlantico »

Lutte wrote: November 7th, 2023, 22:46
Quite a few UI messes, like the dumb decision to allow sound volume to go past 0dBFS and clip.
With great power comes great responsibility
Lutte wrote: November 7th, 2023, 22:46
MPC is the perfect replica of the UI of the classic WMP
That's true and that's why I don't use it. It is disgusting looking
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Post by Lutte »

GhostCow wrote: November 8th, 2023, 02:13
Some other things I use:
Oh, you reminded me I forgot to add a hardware and gaming utility section even though it's certainly one of the most important for us on this forum, fixed.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

I use Shutter, switched from XFCE4-screenshooter because it's more full-featured. Make sure to set the default compression to jpeg or it will take a while to take screenshots.

I guess I'll do a writeup on all the common software I use and see if anyone finds it useful.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Stuff Rusty uses:

Arch linux. Started using it years ago mainly because the package manager wasn't dogshit slow like apt or yum. Works fine.

Document reader:
qpdfview, a simple tabbed pdf reader with no frills.

kitty, fast and just werks with lots of features. I use my own scripts to manage toggling it(think like, a game console you can toggle with `) with F12.

Text editor:
neovim - difference between vim/neovim might be lesser now, I switched a while back when vim development was stagnated.

Jetbrains products. Nothing comes close, especially if you don't have access to Visual Studio, but they're better than it now anyways. Ideavim extension.

Office suite:
LibreOffice. If you still use OpenOffice, the time to switch was a decade ago, that shit is dead because apache is a software graveyard.

Desktop environment:
XFCE, 'nuff said. Has been nearly the same for years now. Many other DEs suffer from feature bloat or constantly changing. This alone covers many of my most commonly used programs.

In-depth disk usage:
qdirstat, a dependency-lite version of kdirstat. Window equivalent is windirstat

I use restic but it's not suitable for non-power users

meld, gud

File system:
BTRFS. Compression, copy-on-write, snapshots. Maybe not the best filesystem for production databases or something, but it's probably the best for everything else. Also used by HQ which enables our extremely fast backup system.


fish shell. I use bash for scripting, fish for regular shell usage.
fd instead of find: https://github.com/sharkdp/fd
rg instead of grep: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep
dust instead of du: https://github.com/bootandy/dust aliased to du
qalculate, capable of basic math and symbolic math, can solve equations, etc.,
la aliased to `ls -ltcrah`
$PAGER is nvimpager

Just useful stuff:

Zim, personal 'wiki' application. I use it anytime I need to take notes. Would prefer a vim interface tho.
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Post by Nemesis »

Lutte wrote: November 7th, 2023, 22:46
Bitwarden is an electron app, which is really sinful for something that does so little
One could just use the browser extension if he is that adament about not using an Electron app. Bitwarden also offers a command-line interface.
WhiteShark wrote: November 7th, 2023, 21:56
I made the same mistake.
@Lutte, you should add some styling to break up the criteria-conforming and criteria-breaking sections
rusty_shackleford wrote: November 8th, 2023, 10:50
fish shell. I use bash for scripting, fish for regular shell usage.
I'll assume you didn't like zsh?
rusty_shackleford wrote: November 8th, 2023, 10:50
Would prefer a vim interface tho.
Vim wiki?
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Post by Lutte »

Since there's not that many suggestions that go against the rule.. I decided to drop the rule altogether and merge the sections, the hq's average taste for software is good enough that there's no need to be anal about it, the few fatter apps can coexist with the other suggestions.
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Post by SpellSword »

Xed hasn't been a bad text editor to work with. It can be good when you want an equivalent to Window's preloaded Notepad but with a few more programming related features.
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Post by wndrbr »

Are there any good PDF reader/editor combos that aren't bloated like Adobe Acrobat DC?
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Post by Lutte »

wndrbr wrote: November 15th, 2023, 01:48
Are there any good PDF reader/editor combos that aren't bloated like Adobe Acrobat DC?
You want a full editor or just something that can fill regular PDF forms (ie fields intended as editable forms in a PDF, and not just something that "looks" like a field)? if it's the latter, the PDF reader integrated in chromium browsers (Chrome, Brave, Edge) can do it.

I don't know of a fully capable editor that's also a good one outside of the real Acrobat if you want something that can do anything to a PDF (and I really wish people would stop using PDFs as anything but a final product to be read or printed). LibreOffice Draw can edit PDFs but it will cause subtle changes to the PDF (like how fonts are rendered, presentation..) as it is not capable of supporting all the retarded things the format can do.
For that matter, while competing PDF readers tend to support enough to be usable for most PDFs (thank god for that), even reading PDFs is something that only Acrobat can really do if you need to support the whole standard and not just the subset used for displaying text.
Did you know PDFs can contain 3d objects for example?
https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/d ... -pdfs.html
Did you know they can contain video?
https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/p ... ts_in_pdfs
Did you know there's electronic signing?
If you work with retarded people who use the full unfortunate capabilities of Acrobat you will always need Acrobat.
Last edited by Lutte on November 15th, 2023, 07:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

wndrbr wrote: November 15th, 2023, 01:48
Are there any good PDF reader/editor combos that aren't bloated like Adobe Acrobat DC?
Okular is the only feature-rich program that supports Windows I can think of
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Post by wndrbr »

I mostly need it to manage scanned documents, i.e. the main things are flipping/removing/adding/rearranging pages, and OCR.
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Post by Lutte »

LibreOffice Draw can manipulate -resize, rotate, flip, move etc- elements like images (which is what scanned documents are) in a PDF, along with arranging page order or deleting them. It doesn't, however, have any OCR capability built-in.
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Post by Lutte »


Example edit where I took the front page of a pdf book with LO Draw and messed with it.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

nice interactive firewall for lunix

I find it to be a pita to allow some connections but block others from a single application, greatly simplifies it
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Post by Nammu Archag »

This thread is a blessing. For the guys who have used the music softwares, how do you typically get the music to put on them? I still use Spotify out of habit.
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Post by Gastrick »

For archiving software, WinRAR could be included. It's the only one I've ever needed for files on Windows.
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Post by Dead »

Nammu Archag wrote: February 15th, 2024, 01:47
This thread is a blessing. For the guys who have used the music softwares, how do you typically get the music to put on them? I still use Spotify out of habit.
If you're asking where to get music, soulseek or nicotine+.
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