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X4: Foundation and past games - Borons are coming

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X4: Foundation and past games - Borons are coming

Post by mikaelis »

It is niche series of games. It should just passed by me like by 99% of gaming community at the end of 20th and the beginning of 21st century.

Yet, X:BtF and especially X2: Khaak Threat were among the most influential games for me in my early grown-up phase (other notable non-crpgs: Myth 2, Homeworld probably some more).

I never was one for building huge fleets and empires - the farthest I went was in X2 with proper corvette and handful of factories. I believe I finally got the destroyer class and decided to abandon it and wait for X3 (which I never got into aside for early game, i.e., couple of traders 1-2 factories and 2-3 M3 class ship (Nova).

I guess I always played it wrong and never really got into management part, but was consumed by the early part of the game, i.e., exploring new sectors, setting some early trade routes, clumsingly fighting some Pirates with my cheap Joystick (hated Khaaks like plague!!!), etc.

That could be one of the reason I shun X3 a bit and I am very cautious about commiting to X4. Simply I am too old and seen the parts that captured me before! Still, I feel this unexplainable drag towards the final version, with all the sectors, all the races.

And I am always fooling myself that there is this 0.1% of chance that they will come up with some more engaging overarching story to it (yeah I know, stupid).

I am yet to properly start X4 (tried it for an hour or so and decided to wait for the full package) and was wondering if any of you have fond memories of previous X games or opinion on the latest installement in the series - especially in comparison to the older ones?


(Perkel from rpgcodex would be helpfull but cannot see him yet on this forum :-( )
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Post by Tweed »

Egosoft must be getting desperate because their excuse for not having the Boron in X4 was that it just couldn't be done right. Last time I tried X4 it was still a disaster of bad UIs, stupid AI, and numerous other bugs.