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Review: Caves of Lore

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Review: Caves of Lore

Post by Kalarion »

Caves of Lore Review

Caves of Lore is an isometric, turn- and party-based indie RPG, with retro-pixel graphics, developed solo by Mike Robins (Codex username @LoreMaster) over the course of ~6 years. You play as a shepherd who goes looking for a lost sheep in a mysterious mist, causing you to fall into the eponymous caves, which is the start of your adventure.

Caves of Lore features tactical, square-tiled combat with a party of up to 6 members. Character development is primarily skill-based, with feats available through a unique (as far as I am aware) mechanic. Exploration incorporates time through the use of a lunar system that can affect the game world. Dialogue is keyword-based, with new keywords becoming universally available as appropriate.

There's a lot going on in the world of Solmaria, where your adventure takes place. When you begin play you're part of the only known village left in the world, cut off from everywhere else by a mist that saps memories from those who walk through it. Everything - and I mean everything - is more than what it seems, if only because everyone seems to be losing all their memories at a varying pace. As the game progresses you'll discover more about what is happening now, and the several-millennia history of Solmaria.

Throughout the game you will discover books, all of which can be read for varying effects. Some provide snippets of the world's history, some provide clues to items and interactions available in the game, some grant the use of spells, and some when read will grant a one-time bonus to a given skill for the entire party. This is one of the few games I've played in the last two decades that I would say makes every in-game book or note worth reading. There are three primary reasons: certain gameplay and plot advancement elements are unlocked through reading notes, scrolls, books etc; the lore of the world is actually interesting; and no book or note will take longer than 3 minutes to read. There is no distracting word-vomit here. Not everything read is useful for gameplay, but I actually enjoyed reading new books and scraps of paper, a rare accomplishment for a game.

For the lore itself I note again that this is the first game in a long time to make me genuinely interested in the world's history. Primarily my interest arose from small opportunities to interact with that history through gameplay. Every map has at least one or two secrets that are callbacks to journal pages, books or conversations with NPCs. And almost all of those interactions, when successfully completed, reward the player, usually very well indeed.

Your party can contain up to six active characters, one of which will always be the main character. Each character comes with pre-set stats, a unique (though not necessary except in one case) exploration ability, and two unique combat abilities which it can "upgrade" once each (learning a new, usually more powerful ability) with mastery (more on that later). Each character has their own background and motivations, and all can be spoken with, either in the main hub of the game (the underground/overground town of Kalindraur/Emerisk) while idle, or during camping breaks.

Character personalities are pretty predictable. There is minimal party banter during important events, but overall nothing to write home about. The plethora of available characters and their wide range of attribute specializations, exploration abilities and combat abilities means there's something for everyone. It's fairly easy to tailor your party to your taste. The notable exception is a character received very late in the game via an unusual method, whose exploration ability is absolutely and uniquely critical to unlocking all of the secrets in the game (as it reveals certain things which can't be discovered in any other way, as far as I know).

Caves of Lore character development is a mix of attribute-, skill- and feat-based. You create the main character by setting his attributes using a point-buy system that will be familiar to any modern CRPG player. Each attribute can be raised for an escalating number of points. You also select one feat which gives a bonus to a specific weapon or spell category.

Character creation is pretty bog-standard.

Attributes primarily work by modifying various skills. Equipment and spells may also have minimum attribute requirements in order to use them effectively, or at all. Attributes do not increase much throughout the game. They are primarily raised permanently through the discovery of special in-game locations, and temporarily through the use of music at camping and from item enchantment bonuses.

Skills are the primary method of determining the outcome of all in-game actions. There are 15 general skills, available to all characters. Each spell and ability has a skill level. Finally, each character has access to two unique abilities which are also skills. Increasing skill level has predictable effects, with increased damage, area of effect, duration and so forth as skill goes up. Skills are primarily increased by using them; swinging a one-handed sword increases the One-Handed weapon skill, while attempting to disarm a trap or pick a lock will increase the Disarm skill. Spells, too, increase skill level through use.

Spells and abilities (both generic and character-specific) can be mastered (denoted by a purple square outline around the skill icon) by attaining a skill level specific to each spell/ability, granting a unique one-time bonus. Mastered spells can be cast without the use of associated spellbooks, while the character-specific abilities grant access to one new ability each upon mastery.

The general skill screen, covering everything from combat styles to camping and bartering.

Spells, similar to the ability screen. Note the thumbnail image for prerequisite spells under locked icons.

You gain levels with experience, obtained from successful combat and by completing quests. Each level grants an increasing tranche of discretionary skill points, which can be distributed to any of the general skills (but not to abilities or spells). At each 2nd and 3rd level you also gain an additional available feat, and a new combat ability respectively.

As a general rule I am not a fan of character development that focuses heavily on learn-by-doing, and this game is no exception. The idea of certain skills slowly improving over time based on what you enjoy doing is fine in theory; in practice, I often had to force myself to use skills and spells I cared nothing about for various reasons (primarily spell mastery of useful spells). The drudge of mastery and simply raising, say, combat skills, is exacerbated by the fact that later characters don't start with a large skill investment when recruited to the party. Using them in place of characters you've had from the beginning of the game can be extraordinarily painful, especially in the case of one character who is clearly designed to be a powerful mage, but starts with absolutely no mastered spells, and only a deceptively large pool of unspent skill points (which again, in practice, doesn't amount to nearly the skill levels of party members who have been with you from the start). Getting this character to even a basic functional ability with spells, and replacing the lost general skill coverage from previous characters, hurts, a lot.

The game does provide you the ability to train characters who aren't in the party in the use of spells and weapon skills, but only one spell or skill at a time per character.

On the other hand, the mechanics themselves are pretty fun in moderation, with a nice bonus bestowed for mastering spells and character abilities. Scaling power means your favorite spells and abilities also remain useful throughout the game, provided you use them continuously. And certain spells become much more useful with skill, making exploration and world navigation more comfortable. On the whole learn-by-doing could have benefited from a little pruning of the -doing part, and an eye towards easing the process of bringing new characters up to speed as they're recruited.

Feats are acquired solely through leveling up, every other level. Feat points can be stored to await more powerful feats if desired. They start very generic and gradually become varied and specialized, with later feats tying their strength to, say, moon phase or time of day. In theory this could encourage making considerations of time etc a big part of selecting when to start combat. In practice most times such feats just gave a nice unexpected bonus when initiating combat under the correct circumstances. Still, the variety was much appreciated.

Finally a word must be said for the acquisition of feats, in my opinion the coolest overall aspect of character development. Each monster has its own lore entry, filled gradually by fighting that monster in combat. Entries are filled at a speed dependent on each character's Monster Lore skill, which makes getting everyone to at least basic competence (10+) in Monster Lore a good idea, if not strictly necessary. Each monster grants access to a new feat for purchase on levelup after a certain threshold of information is passed in its lore entry. As far as I know this is the only game that ties learning monsters' strengths and weaknesses (and actively seeking out encounters with rarer monsters) directly to in-game power (rather than meta-power), and I love it. It's a lot of fun to suddenly see new sets of feats available on character levelup, and it also gently nudges players to pay attention to each monster's lore entry, encouraging them to learn each monster's strengths and weaknesses. In turn players can expect to be able to take on much more challenging difficulty levels. It's the smoothest challenge-ramping encouragement and reward mechanic I can remember playing with, and very satisfying.

Caves of Lore's combat is carried out on a separate, 6x14 square-tiled grid. In almost all cases, your characters will start in up to four rows on the left side of the grid, and monsters will start in varying positions on the right side. Combat is turn-based, with each participant rolling initiative at the start of battle to determine turn order for the rest of the fight. The sole exception I've seen is being ambushed while camping (extraordinarily rare), which causes your characters to start in the middle of the grid surrounded by the monsters that ambushed you.

Your first combat, against the standard and ubiquitous Giant Rat(s). Note the turn order queue at the bottom of the screen.

You have a limited ability to control your turn order through the use of a wait command, which will move you one spot in the turn queue. However in practice this is sometimes useless. If you have two characters you desire to hold through monster movement, they'll end up waiting one turn and continuously giving each other the next spot in queue, switching back and forth.

Each character has a set number of movement points determined by speed, and is allowed to take one full-turn action which will end his turn. Certain actions (such as the musical effects from a specific character's unique abilities) will not end your turn, generally allowing small pre-buffs or setups for normal actions (attacking, spellcasting etc).

I very much appreciate the style of combat (turn-based, grid-based), and the variety of actions and enemies available. I never got bored with combat during my playthrough. However in execution there are some problems, some of which are very frustrating.

Pathfinding in combat is unpredictable and sometimes dangerous or fatal, especially for ranged characters. Never, ever, ever, ever click-to-attack with a ranged character when the desired target is outside of attack range and/or LOS (if you can determine LOS, see below), even if in theory the character has the movement available to get in range. Always click to move into range first, then click to attack. I have had multiple instances of ranged characters using bizarre routes to get into attack range, sometimes walking directly next to their targets prior to attacking. In the case of one particularly fragile character this is almost without exception fatal. Even moving without attacking can sometimes result in highly unintuitive routes, resulting in wasted movement points and, occasionally, failure to reach spots that are clearly in movement range (due to a zig-zagging path taken attempting to reach it).

I also found presentation of obstacles and determination of line-of-sight to be confusing and occasionally frustrating. Objects which look like they should block LOS or movement may not. Characters and monsters are sometimes able to occupy the same space as what appear to be blocking props on the map (large stalactites, statues etc). Props which look like they should block skills sometimes don't, and vice versa. The dev has made admirable progress in clearing out a great deal of the jank from this game post-launch, but clearly communicating movement and LOS, and predictable pathfinding are two areas with a notable lack of progress. At no point did these issues cause me a quitting level of frustration, but they were very much felt.

Overall combat is functional and enjoyable, with a large variety of skills and monsters, and a much-appreciated 6-man party granting a wide set of options. Just remember to remain vigilant against the game's pathfinding and have some patience to work through LOS and movement-blocking use-cases.

Caves of Lore features isometric movement and exploration over a gradually-expanding range of maps. It is not open-world, but each area is expansive enough (and in many cases, revisited enough) that it never felt restrictive or predictable. Exploration is distinguished by the game's lunar system, which tracks the position of the game's three moons and sun. Each moon, or combination, can have various effects depending on their position and the time of day. The effects range from combat-related, granting bonuses to spells and skills and activating certain feats, to exploration, opening up new paths and unlocking secret areas or treasures.

The sundial. Figuring this sucker out and properly mastering its use is frustrating, fun and very rewarding.

The game also has an in-game automap, filled in as you explore. There is just enough detail on the automap to jog your memory and aid you when trying to recall bits and pieces of unfinished puzzles, without being so explicit that it gives the game away. The automap also allows for an (as far as I know) undocumented auto-travel feature, useful when backtracking or moving about in town and so forth. It also keeps track of how many of each area's secrets and ores you've discovered. Normally I wouldn't appreciate such a tracker, but in this case, with the myriad secrets and some uncertainty about whether the doodads on the map are actually used in the game or not, I didn't mind it too much.

The automap.

Let's get this out of the way now: I'm a huge fan of this game's exploration mechanics, and I believe it is by far its most enjoyable aspect. You never feel bored wandering around. There are always new areas to explore, or old areas with expanded avenues opening up, or interesting opportunities to interact with the environment. Discovering the mechanics behind the game's lunar system is the best kind of joy: frustrating at first, then deeply satisfying once you've attained mastery. And since treasure unlocked via lunar mechanics is by far the best in the game, it's always a huge rush to figure out a given puzzle. Learning the little peculiarities of each type of puzzle was also fun and satisfying.

For those (like me) who had a difficult time figuring out the lunar system solely through in-game experimentation, there are a series of books giving more detailed explanations, while still leaving room for further discovery, and several spells which are solely exploration-related to expand options as the game progresses.

Camping is conducted anywhere with enough room to seat your party of characters. You have a range of jobs which can be performed during camp, as well as some options for passing time, both in terms of hours/days and moon phase. Your hp and mana will regen while encamped, dependent on each character's Survival skill.

Camping. Probably the safest place to be in the entire game.

A few sour notes detract from the overall experience. First, a game tied to a lunar system which depends on the passage of time necessarily entails a lot of time spent waiting in the game (usually via camping). You're going to spend a lot of time staring at the game's sundial while encamped if you want to unlock every secret. I'm not sure how to solve this problem (or even if it's wise to mess with it), since the feeling of time passing is tied so tightly into exploration.

Second, one character's exploration ability is absolutely required in order to unlock several secrets, which does not in my opinion fit with the other characters' theme of "useful but not necessary" exploration abilties. In particular there is a great deal of pressure placed on the player to conduct a ton of grinding in order to bring this character up to speed with the rest of the party, so he can be useful to the party in combat (which also ties back to the character development issues talked about earlier).

Finally, camping is effectively a risk-free refill mechanic. The only potential throttle is the possible amount of time required to completely refill the mana of mage characters. Especially at higher levels it's usually faster to stay the night at the inn or dormitory since it instantly refills health and mana overnight. The developer recently added the ability for nearby monsters to ambush you while encamped, but practically speaking you will only risk this happening if you camp right on top of a monster (within a couple tiles).

Still, I cannot emphasize enough how happy I've been to enjoy exploration so much. As I've commented elsewhere, I don't remember the last time I looked forward so eagerly to finding out what's just around the corner. Maybe the Exiles, from when I was a teenager. A very impressive feat, and the developer deserves major kudos.

The inventory in Caves of Lore is standard fare, with an expandable paged grid, each item taking up one grid slot. Items can be sorted by type, in a customizable order, with the type selected being placed at the top of the inventory. Containers of varying sizes are scattered throughout the game, which can aid in keeping items organized.

Buying and selling also works as expected, conducted via a functional interface. Discovered shops in the game's main town of Emerisk will drop a "Shop" sign on entrance, which can be clicked on to go directly to the relevant NPC's shopping inventory in lieu of finding the NPC himself and talking. Expanding this functionality to all shopkeepers in the game would be much appreciated, but overall shopping works fine.

Some NPCs also provide special services, such as training skills, enchanting and forging, which can be accessed via the same interface. Enchantments can be stripped from magic items and stored for later placement on another item of your choice. They can also be strengthened, enhancing the bonus for a given enchantment. Each operation costs a certain amount of Manatite, with the cost increasing concomitant with the power of the enchantment. Forging works much the same way, using various metals to bestow a small range of properties to a given weapon or piece of armor.

The shopping interface. You can also switch to NPC services from this screen.

I didn't bother too much with forging or enchanting (a by-product of - perhaps foolishly - never increasing the difficulty beyond Normal), but the possibilities are pretty enticing. The interesting part here is that the "enchantment" from forging can also be strengthened, via repeated forging with the same metal. For instance, Silver makes a weapon effective against Undead and Arcane monsters, but it also lowers the strength requirement for equipment. If you're willing to spend additional Silver, you can drastically lower the strength requirement, say to allow a mage character to wield a desired 2-handed weapon or piece of body armor. This works for each metal effect.

The system overall is interesting and I had fun customizing my weapons and armor to the limited extent that I used it.

The inventory itself has had the most visible work and progress post-release, but some of the most visible frustrations still remain, on par with combat issues. It is now possible to use a "Sort All" function, which works loosely (but not completely) as you would expect in any other game with a sprawling, always-large inventory. Yet finding items, sorting, buying and selling, and enchanting still have rough edges which makes dealing with your equipment and other items always feel like a low-level chore. On my first playthrough I consciously avoided interacting with the inventory to the maximum extent possible. As I said, a great deal of that early frustration has been ameliorated via continuous patched functionality. But there's still lots of room for improvement here.

The game closes a little abruptly, with an ending that makes it obvious a sequel is planned. I clocked in about 45 hours of playtime, a significant portion of which (probably a good 5 hours) was spent in the camp interface waiting on various moon phases. Yet the plethora of secrets, wide range of character development options, and the many areas of the game where I know there's more to discover mean I have already started a new playthrough. Needless to say I look forward to any sequels.

Caves of Lore is easily my favorite RPG played this year, and ranks up in the top 20, at least, of my favorite RPGs played ever. Distinguished by its excellent exploration mechanics, Caves of Lore was a contender for Game of the Year for me even before the continuous work put in post-release by the developer. After the many bugfixes, improvements and quality-of-life additions, Caves of Lore is easily my choice for Game of the Year, and an outstanding addition to the ranks of both the CRPG genre and the efforts of indie developers. Mike Robins aka LoreMaster deserves praise and appreciation for his work, and it is my devout hope that he will continue making CRPGs well into the future.


Edit: switch image hosting from Catbox to the Vault, minor spelling correction.
Last edited by Kalarion on April 30th, 2024, 18:58, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Acrux »

Great write up! It's my GOTY so far.
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Post by Gregz »

Excellent and exhaustive review, @Kalarion.

This is a generally fantastic game that I spent about 2 weeks on.

I would give it a 10/10 if not for the following issues:

1) "later characters don't start with a large skill investment when recruited to the party. Using them in place of characters you've had from the beginning of the game can be extraordinarily painful" <- This is the problem with picking up characters halfway through the game. You get emotionally attached to characters that you will be incentivized to replace (because the new character has a superior stat profile, and therefore more potential). After spending a long time investing skills into your old character(s), you must to start over to develop the new character. This isn't very fun.

2) I agree that battlefield obstructions are confusing. Sometimes they are clear to see, other times they are not.

3) My biggest gripe is the lore dumps which are key to solving moon gate puzzles and other essential pathways. It's literal moon logic. I don't enjoy having to read through pages of flat print across more than a dozen books and notes in order to discern what I need to do next. In theory this could be fun, in practice it's a slog. The player will do lots of backtracking and end up feeling lost and confused for a good part of the game. Not my cup of tea.

I have to give this game 8/10. The first 70% or so of the game is a 10/10. I got my monies worth with Caves of Lore; for sure. Everyone here should play it.
Last edited by Gregz on June 5th, 2023, 17:33, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Gregz »

The administrator of this forum would like to request that the developer of Caves of Lore, Mike Robins (Codex username @LoreMaster), implement the option to disable character and NPC animations.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Gregz wrote: June 5th, 2023, 17:00
The administrator of this forum would like to request that the developer of Caves of Lore, Mike Robins (Codex username @LoreMaster), implement the option to disable character and NPC animations.
I find the bouncing idle animations to be very annoying, I hope it stops spreading.

Thank you for the review, @Kalarion.
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Post by LoreMaster »

Hi, I appreciate the review @Kalarion ! I had fun reading it, and it was well put.

I will take a look at idle animations to see how easy (or not easy) this will be to address as an option. Is the concern with all idle animations, or just for heroes? I imagine you would still want flying creatures to flap their wings, and so forth.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

LoreMaster wrote: June 5th, 2023, 17:23
Hi, I appreciate the review @Kalarion ! I had fun reading it, and it was well put.
Thanks for taking the time to read @Kalarion's review, it means a lot.
I will take a look at idle animations to see how easy (or not easy) this will be to address as an option. Is the concern with all idle animations, or just for heroes? I imagine you would still want flying creatures to flap their wings, and so forth.
Not sure about others, but I just find the 'bounce in place' animations rather off-putting. I don't think it's enough to stop me from playing after reading @Kalarion's review, however.
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Post by Acrux »

Gregz wrote: June 5th, 2023, 17:00
The administrator of this forum would like to request that the developer of Caves of Lore, Mike Robins (Codex username @LoreMaster), implement the option to disable character and NPC animations.
I would recommend making the request here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2227130/ ... 765036053/

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Post by LoreMaster »

@Acrux , that is normally the way to do it, and as you show it was asked before.

I had thought there was no way to disable it without a chain reaction disabling transitions from one animation to another, but I just looked again think I found an unusual way to make it happen. I take back what I said before. The main issue will be animations that need to stay on, like flying creatures. Hopefully I can figure something out for you all.
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Post by Acrux »

Oh, wow, I hadn't noticed you had posted here. Welcome to our little neck of the internet woods.

Thanks for creating such a great game and for investigating the animation request.
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Post by LoreMaster »

Acrux wrote: June 5th, 2023, 18:12
Oh, wow, I hadn't noticed you had posted here. Welcome to our little neck of the internet woods.

Thanks for creating such a great game and for investigating the animation request.
Good to be here! I got the animation toggle working. My alternative method was pretty simple in the end. I'll try to get this option in soon.
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Post by Emphyrio »

i'm not gonna read all that shit but i love when a dev responds to feedback
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Post by LoreMaster »

@rusty_shackleford , can you provide more detail about what you find annoying. I now have a way to turn them off, but I want to understand, is it the speed? Do you dislike it only on heroes? What about flying/fire creatures. With this info, I can tune it properly. Thanks!
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

LoreMaster wrote: June 5th, 2023, 21:18
@rusty_shackleford , can you provide more detail about what you find annoying. I now have a way to turn them off, but I want to understand, is it the speed? Do you dislike it only on heroes? What about flying/fire creatures. With this info, I can tune it properly. Thanks!
I suppose just on heroes, flying creatures would probably look a bit weird if they were just hanging in the air.
From one of the gifs posted on your store page:
The 'bouncing' up and down as seen on the characters on the left looks very overanimated, almost as if they're hopping in place. Perhaps it is just the speed?

And you really didn't have to go through all this, I'm definitely going to have to do a giveaway of a couple copies now :oops:
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

If anyone is interested, you can put your name in for the Caves of Lore raffle. Thanks for the review @Kalarion, thanks for being cool, @LoreMaster.
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Post by LoreMaster »

rusty_shackleford wrote: June 5th, 2023, 21:28
And you really didn't have to go through all this, I'm definitely going to have to do a giveaway of a couple copies now :oops:
Engaging is one of the things I like the most. Besides, it's too late. I already uploaded it and now you have to live with it. :D
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Post by LoreMaster »

Kalarion wrote: June 4th, 2023, 04:55
Pathfinding in combat is unpredictable and sometimes dangerous or fatal, especially for ranged characters.
@Kalarion , I believe I addressed this issue in a recent patch. It was, indeed, most annoying. I'd love if you would take another look.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

I've had no pathfinding issues, IIRC if I think it may path wrong I just path manually because it lets you make multiple moves as long as you still have movement left. Was it different before?

It would be nice if it drew a line that the path would take when you hovered over a square though!
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Post by Kalarion »

LoreMaster wrote: June 11th, 2023, 13:46
@Kalarion , I believe I addressed this issue in a recent patch. It was, indeed, most annoying. I'd love if you would take another look.
I played a 5 hour session yesterday and took every opportunity to fuck my characters up with pathfinding. I had exactly one instance of wonky movement that materially affected my characters. A huge improvement. Props sir.
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Post by LoreMaster »

rusty_shackleford wrote: June 11th, 2023, 13:56
I've had no pathfinding issues, IIRC if I think it may path wrong I just path manually because it lets you make multiple moves as long as you still have movement left. Was it different before?

It would be nice if it drew a line that the path would take when you hovered over a square though!
I have thought about that as an option. For now, it will do exactly that if you hold left click on a tile. Right clicking/escape will cancel, and releasing left click with send you to the path.

What Kalarion was referring to in review was if you clicked on an enemy directly and let the character find the path. There was a bug with ranged attempts and I have now corrected that.
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Post by herkzter »

i keep putting off playing this despite having it installed. re-reading this review does give me motivation to play it, perhaps i'll give it a go soon
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Post by 1998 »

Good review! Finally playing it and I agree with most of your points, especially exploration being the best part of the game. There are still quite a few bugs left, but he is pretty actively working on it. So probably better to wait a couple more weeks.
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Post by Atlantico »

Thanks for the review @Kalarion — just bought the game on your recommendation. :Inspector:
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I must say this is a good review for a good quality game, I have really enjoyed this !
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Post by Grey Wolf of Turan »

I love these old style games. Reminds me of my old family computer i would play fallout 1 and 2 on. Great review friend
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Post by Griffin »

Just played through the game a few days ago, it's very good, although it has some flaws, like inventory could be better and character movement when in the main map is a bit clunky. Sometimes have to use the mouse to get past some narrow passages as when moving with keyboard the leading character can get stuck in corners.
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Post by Rand »

I'm finding stuff in places I can't get to.
Across a chasm, in the water, behind a bar in a base, etc.
How do I get to that stuff?
Last edited by Rand on October 25th, 2023, 23:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kalarion »

Rand wrote: October 25th, 2023, 23:06
I'm finding stuff in places I can't get to.
Across a chasm, in the water, behind a bar in a base, etc.
How do I get to that stuff?
It's possible some of them require you to git gud. Some might require discovering a secret/secret passage. Some might require moon rune activation. Those are in the git gud category.

However most of those will be obtainable later on through the use of a specific exploration spell you'll find.
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