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Lara Croft's Tomb Raiders Tabletop RPG (free)

For all your tabletop & board game needs.
Bah! They don't even play at physical tabletops anymore.
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Lara Croft's Tomb Raiders Tabletop RPG (free)

Post by Emphyrio »

I've been thinking about why there hasn't been much development into "Tomb Raider" type settings in RPGs lately. Then this came out. ... l-release/

The artwork isn't inspiring and it's basically exactly what you'd expect from Current Year. Some of the characters are even drawn with Steven Universe lips.

None of the pre-made character sheets are interesting at all. Characters have very few skills, mostly language skills, and gear is such exciting things as "big gun, 1x10 clip" and "chem glow sticks (8)"

I will read through the campaign book later and see if that's any better.

Post by MadPreacher »

Looks like a piss poor version of GURPS/Hero with even shittier attributes.

GURPS and Hero System blows this abortion right out of the water.