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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Cogemeister wrote: April 23rd, 2024, 06:04
rusty_shackleford wrote: April 23rd, 2024, 05:15
Cogemeister wrote: April 23rd, 2024, 05:09
Is Tales of Qud any good? I saw Sseth’s video on it, and also saw how uptight and thin skinned the devs are.
Decent game but I can't recommend giving money to the developers, so just pirate it.
Development also slowed down significantly the further into politics the devs got. It's still unfinished nearly a decade after entering early access.
Ah, I’ve also been looking into Tome as it seems super in depth. I didn’t realize caves of qud was still in early access like project zomboid lol.
You can download the base ToME for free from their site, FYI:
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Any of you played this?
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Post by Acrux »

Yes. It was too sandbox for me. It's fun to try out some of the crazy combinations you can make, but it didn't hold any long-term interest for me. Got bored after a couple of hours.
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Post by WhiteShark »

It's fun. I got more gameplay out of it than @Acrux did. It has co-op if you care about that. It's not too hard to beat if you make a custom build, but winning with many of the prebuilt characters can be pretty difficult. I didn't play on Steam so I don't know how many hours I played; my guess is 10-15.