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Post by Thor Kaufman »

SDG wrote: April 7th, 2023, 04:57
Thor Kaufman wrote: April 7th, 2023, 03:49
Young girl's parents die in accident, she gets a prototype AI doll to cope from her new aunt.
Aside from the usual poz (empowrred woman) it's actually a very good horror movie for the most part. First 30 minutes are a bit annoying but after that it picks up.

M3GAN was entertaining. Check out the Orphan movies. They're better overall movies but still goofy and fun in a similar way. I actually loved them.
Yes. I was reminded of Orphan which I also enjoyed. Didn't even know there's a sequel. Thanks.
I didn't mention it because Orphan has a different twist. ;)

Post by SDG »

Thor Kaufman wrote: April 7th, 2023, 06:11
Yes. I was reminded of Orphan which I also enjoyed. Didn't even know there's a sequel. Thanks.
I didn't mention it because Orphan has a different twist. ;)
The sequel ain't as good but it's still good.

Anyways, my review of the Chucky docu:

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Post by Sweeper »

Sweet Smell of Success 9.5/10
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Post by Tweed »

Thunderball. 8/10

I decided to start watching the old Bond movies since I'd never seen any Bond films. The Sean Connery ones are great. Beautiful scenery, beautiful cars, beautiful women and just the right balance between humor and seriousness. Goldfinger is probably the best in the Connery bunch, haven't seen any of the later ones yet.
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Post by agentorange »

Copkiller (1983) - 3/5

Feels like somewhat of a precursor to Bad Lieutenant in that it stars Harvey Keitel as an unhinged, corrupt cop, although the similarities don't go much further than that. I expected the movie to be very different than what it was; went into it expecting a more typical unhinged cop taking matters into his own hands to chase down a killer type story, but it very quickly goes in an unexpected direction.
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Post by agentorange »

Seven Chances (1925) - 5/5

Buster Keaton slapstick romantic comedy. Hadn't seen it since I was a kid. This movie has the greatest on foot chase scene ever made, so many elaborate set pieces filmed with so much energy. It's a romantic comedy and the action in it still feels more real and thrilling than any of the action in modern action movies. Also a nice story about love. What was the last modern movie to show love and relationships in a positive light, it seems like every depiction of relationships, let alone marriage, in modern movies is cynical and miserable.
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Post by agentorange »

Spider (2002) 4/5

Very relatable main character. I read the novel for this first, last year, would recommend reading it first.
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Orphan First Kill (2022)

sequel to the original Orphan
It was alright. Some parts were very silly but I really enjoyed the twist.
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Post by Emphyrio »

Oklahoma (1955)

Not as good as Seven Bridges for Seven Brothers. The songs drag on too long and mostly aren't very catchy. Some of them are kinda weird like when the MC walks in on the "bad guy" (not well established how exactly he's bad, tbh it seems like he's a hard worker that everyone looks down on as low class) and starts singing a song trying to convince him to hang himself.

this is a stage production of the song in the movie

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Post by Tweed »

Kickboxer 6.5/10

80s martial arts movie as by-the-numbers as can be. White pig-headed American protagonist faces the first tragedy of the movie so he needs to learn martial arts because he's too weak/wants revenge/has to save granny's orphanage blah blah so then he seeks out or otherwise finds unassuming Asian man who usually refuses to teach the first time, but then he remembers something or something happens to make him change his mind. Now white pig-headed protagonist is learning by doing something that has nothing to do with fighting, like waxing cars or hopping up and down on one foot while blindfolded. He must learn the old ways full of Asian woowoo. Cue training montage (upbeat 80s song about perseverance optional).

Now he is strong and ready to fight in the tournament that has magically appeared. Cue the second tragedy where someone dies or gets seriously injured (sometimes the protagonist)/the bank will foreclose on the orphanage in one hour/protagonist loses hope, but thanks to the mystical woowoo he learned earlier he centers himself and overcomes, but not before taking a massive beating from the final boss. Then, finally, the last five minutes of the movie is nothing but protagonist beating the shit out of final boss, everyone cheers, roll credits.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Lucy (2014)
by Luc Besson, with Scarlett Johansson as Lucy and Gordon Freeman as Professor Nigger

As you may have guessed Lucy stands for Lucifer. Very silly and annoyingly judeo-luciferian movie but it also has many cool parts. I am a bit conflicted. It's alright I guess. I usually like Besson movies.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Ghost in the shell (2017)

Did not really translate well into "real" movie. Did enjoy it though despite the horrible message about transhumanism. I like Johansson and Kitano.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

Lockout (2012)

A surprisingly decent homage/supposed copy of the "Escape From" films by John Carpenter. Set in a Sci-Fi prison in space, with a shit talking main protagonist played by Guy Pierce that has to save the president's daughter, after she's caught in the middle of an uprising. It's decently paced and has it's moments, and I'm surprised at how they got away with a masculine main character that doesn't take shit from the female lead in 2012. He even punches her square in the face at one point. Despite that, his edgyness is pretty grating and is very unlikeable. Overall a 6/10, above average flick.
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Post by Emphyrio »

KnightoftheWind wrote: May 3rd, 2023, 23:33
Lockout (2012)

A surprisingly decent homage/supposed copy of the "Escape From" films by John Carpenter. Set in a Sci-Fi prison in space, with a shit talking main protagonist played by Guy Pierce that has to save the president's daughter, after she's caught in the middle of an uprising. It's decently paced and has it's moments, and I'm surprised at how they got away with a masculine main character that doesn't take shit from the female lead in 2012. He even punches her square in the face at one point. Despite that, his edgyness is pretty grating and is very unlikeable. Overall a 6/10, above average flick.
I saw that and don't remember a single thing except that guy pierce was in it
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Post by Emphyrio »

Cuthroat Island (1995)

Like Water World, this massively expensive 90's boat movie has a bad reputation but it's actually pretty good. The sets and costumes look fantastic and there is zero CGI bullshit. The plot is a bit disjointed from some obvious frankensteining of rewrites, but it's easy to enjoy for the sincerity of the action.
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Post by Cedric »

Dungeons and Dragons
Trash, not worth the time. Yes, the new one. I don't see why anyone defended this, there's pretty much nothing in this entire film worth seeing.

Puss in Boots 2
Pretty good. The anime animation style during action scenes is really good and the wolf is amazing for a movie like this. That said I also think people are over hyping this film too. Yes, it's got some heart and is a bit better than most of the garbage animation films, but I just don't think any of this film will stick with people in the long run. I expect all animation films to have brains and heart so I'm not going to cut it slack because it delivers on that. To me that's the bare minimum.

Guardians 3
Eh. It's Marvel trash but it's about a raccoon and really cute horror animal experiments. What do you want me to say? It's on par with the others. Shocking violence for PG-13 though. The sentimental moments are nice and it's good enough to eat popcorn to. It also features a planet filled with disgusting furries but luckily they all die.
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Post by Vlajdimir Ermenović »

Robin Hood (1973) - 6, maybe 7/10

I've seen worse pornos in my life.
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Post by Tweed »

Star Wars Despecialized Edition: Fan edits slave for years to remove George Lucas's retardation while trying to give people something as close as possible to the theatrical cut and in the end it works out pretty nice. 10/10

Silent Running: Horrible 70s environmentalist trash. Hilarious how major corporations like Dow and Coca Cola have passive advertisements in it though. 0/10
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Post by wndrbr »

Rewatched Punisher Warzone.

The movie is so-so, but Ray Stevenson is still the best live-action Frank Castle. Too bad there wasn't a follow-up.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen (1988) - 8/10

A story about romanticism and whimsical fantasy in the age of the (((enlightenment))). Baron Munchhausen is a highly underrated, and largely visual film with an eccentric main character and his fellow cast of superpowered adventurers. Despite it's age, it still stands as a showpiece for visual effects and it's production values are surprisingly high. Half the time it feels like you're in a fever dream, especially the scenes involving the "King of the Moon" played by the late Robin Williams. It's never a dull moment, and you're always wondering what's going to happen next.

What started as a curious watch became one of my favorite films. Although it isn't for everyone, I recommend seeing it at least once.
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Post by Gregz »



Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden brings Aleister Crowley to current year. It's stupid, it's fun, it's intriguing. I recommend it!
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Post by Roguey »

wndrbr wrote: May 24th, 2023, 01:10
Rewatched Punisher Warzone.

The movie is so-so, but Ray Stevenson is still the best live-action Frank Castle. Too bad there wasn't a follow-up.
I preferred Thomas Jane (though he didn't perfect the voice until the video game).
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

Brazil (1985) - 7/10

Directed by the same guy as Baron Munchhausen, "Brazil" is a well-made dystopian comedy/thriller/drama about an everyman who is tired of the world he lives in and the life he leads, escaping into his dreams where a beautiful woman awaits him. Society revolves only around consooming product, and the use of old, poorly maintained machinery to run it all. The state is a bureaucratic nightmare, with forms on top of forms on top of forms needed to get anything done. The mother of the protagonist is old money, incredibly vain and gets numerous plastic surgery procedures in order to make herself look younger. And he goes to work in a dark office building, filled with strange characters.

It's certainly one of the better 1984-esque Dystopias I've seen, and does a far better job than the actual film adaptation of 1984, in conveying a soulless world. Like Baron Munchhausen, there is a lot of bizarre imagery involved, and is a love-it or hate-it kind of affair.
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Post by wndrbr »

Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

Guy Ritchie tries to ditch his signature style, and makes a "Murica Fuck Yeah" film about brave american army totally not abandoning their afghan translators.

The good - pacing and tension building (I have a shit attention span these days, but somehow watched it in one sitting without ever wanting to pull out a phone), cinematography (lots of beautiful Afghan landscapes) and restrained editing. Jake Gyllenhall is good as always, though he doesn't have a lot of material to work with.

The bad - action scenes. Really fucking lazy. All taliban soldiers suffer from a severe case of stormtrooper syndrome, all american soldiers are top tier marksmen capable of killing all enemies immediately as they see them despite always shooting in full auto. No one fucking reloads. Blood splatters and explosions are made with CGI, in some scenes you don't even see the bullet holes appearing on walls - just CGI clouds of dust. Planes are done with CGI. Helicopters are real, but they all have Stars of David painted on them lol.


Watchable, but as far as modern 'Murica Fuck Yeah' films go, Lone Survivor and 13 Hours were better.
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Post by madbringer »

I recently watched "Hard Candy", and am very conflicted about it. Either this movie tries to acknowledge the insidious nature of groomers, or how damaged children come out of abuse. Being made in the USA I tend toward the former, what with how absoutely psychotically nihilistic USA is today.

Post by SDG »

wndrbr wrote: May 27th, 2023, 13:37
Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

Guy Ritchie tries to ditch his signature style, and makes a "Murica Fuck Yeah" film about brave american army totally not abandoning their afghan translators.

The good - pacing and tension building (I have a shit attention span these days, but somehow watched it in one sitting without ever wanting to pull out a phone), cinematography (lots of beautiful Afghan landscapes) and restrained editing. Jake Gyllenhall is good as always, though he doesn't have a lot of material to work with.

The bad - action scenes. Really fucking lazy. All taliban soldiers suffer from a severe case of stormtrooper syndrome, all american soldiers are top tier marksmen capable of killing all enemies immediately as they see them despite always shooting in full auto. No one fucking reloads. Blood splatters and explosions are made with CGI, in some scenes you don't even see the bullet holes appearing on walls - just CGI clouds of dust. Planes are done with CGI. Helicopters are real, but they all have Stars of David painted on them lol.


Watchable, but as far as modern 'Murica Fuck Yeah' films go, Lone Survivor and 13 Hours were better.
The best 'murica fuck yeah' films feature Chuck Norris. Maybe sprinkle some Sly Stallone and AHnold in there but there has never been a more American action star than Chuck. Fuck the memes, Chuck is America.

Oh I just noticed you meant modern. Nevermind :(
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Post by Dead »

I was confusing Guy Ritchie with Guy Fieri while reading the whole post
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Post by J1M »

Watched The Pope's Exorcist. I don't usually watch horror films. The movie hits some common tropes, but includes more humor than expected and it's nice to see Russell Crowe again.

Bonus points for the nudity and framing of potential sequels, especially if they start to drift from horror towards something like Constantine.

Rating: don't bother if you hate horror, worth seeing if you want a horror movie and already watched the early Scream films.
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Post by General Reign »

Yeah, it was fairly unique but nothing worth watching if you hate the genre.

I have been rewatching Hackers late at night when I fall asleep. It's somewhat of a goofy comfort movie. If you wanna watch actual hacking watch Mr. Robot though.
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