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Hogwarts Legacy — That RPG that's really upsetting people who liked Harry Potter

For discussing role-playing video games, you know, the ones with combat.

Post by MadPreacher »

KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 04:50
MadPreacher wrote: February 28th, 2023, 04:20
KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 04:18
People think everything before 2014 was "apolitical", when it was precisely the opposite.
No, I don't view it that way. I know it was liberal. It just wasn't hostile to the point of them wishing you were dead.
If you questioned sodomites, you'd be met with angry stares. Question black crime and behavior, same angry stares. It was always difficult to be on the right in years past, the only difference is you could zone out and find a niche that suited you. Gaming used to be one of them, back when quality content was coming out year-after-year. But then the liberalism got to that too. Social media opened the floodgates to a mass change in societal consciousness, but the murmurings were always there. Like a festering wound.
Angry stares is not calling for people to be killed like they are now. You're moving your goal post to defend your original point and to ignore mine.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

MadPreacher wrote: February 28th, 2023, 05:24
KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 04:50
MadPreacher wrote: February 28th, 2023, 04:20

No, I don't view it that way. I know it was liberal. It just wasn't hostile to the point of them wishing you were dead.
If you questioned sodomites, you'd be met with angry stares. Question black crime and behavior, same angry stares. It was always difficult to be on the right in years past, the only difference is you could zone out and find a niche that suited you. Gaming used to be one of them, back when quality content was coming out year-after-year. But then the liberalism got to that too. Social media opened the floodgates to a mass change in societal consciousness, but the murmurings were always there. Like a festering wound.
Angry stares is not calling for people to be killed like they are now. You're moving your goal post to defend your original point and to ignore mine.
No you probably wouldn't be killed, but you would be ostracized. Looked down upon just like you would be today. The situation has gotten remarkably worse, absolutely, but what I'm saying is the base hostilities were already there. In the 2000s, the 90s, the 80s. It's been going on for 'decades'.

Post by MadPreacher »

KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 05:27
No you probably wouldn't be killed, but you would be ostracized. Looked down upon just like you would be today. The situation has gotten remarkably worse, absolutely, but what I'm saying is the base hostilities were already there. In the 2000s, the 90s, the 80s. It's been going on for 'decades'.
They weren't there since I lived through 1970s till now.

The hostilities weren't there and my generation, Gen X, was raised to believe in absolute equality without color. We succeeded for a good 15 years before it went to shit after Slick Willy was elected as president.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

MadPreacher wrote: February 28th, 2023, 05:51
KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 05:27
No you probably wouldn't be killed, but you would be ostracized. Looked down upon just like you would be today. The situation has gotten remarkably worse, absolutely, but what I'm saying is the base hostilities were already there. In the 2000s, the 90s, the 80s. It's been going on for 'decades'.
They weren't there since I lived through 1970s till now.

The hostilities weren't there and my generation, Gen X, was raised to believe in absolute equality without color. We succeeded for a good 15 years before it went to shit after Slick Willy was elected as president.
Indeed, you were. Gen X was the schizophrenic generation, the generation of irony and unease. Raised by their boomer parents to "not see color", a result of the cultural revolution of the 60s. Where once the races were segregated, now they were forced to mingle and get along- first at gunpoint in fact, as white college students were forced to sit next to their black counterparts by armed police officers. A sign of the changing times, you could say.

That revolution and the years that followed were as pozzed as the clown world we find ourselves in now. Conservatives back then were critical of the very same things we are today, nothing has changed it's just gotten worse. You are foolish to believe there were no problems back then.

Post by MadPreacher »

KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 06:18
Gen X was the schizophrenic generation, the generation of irony and unease.
Oh you mean the generation that was shamed for our parents enlisting and being drafted to fight in the Vietnam War only to have them be spit upon and called baby killers upon their return? Fuck off you know absolutely nothing of what happened as evidenced by this reply.
KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 06:18
Raised by their boomer parents to "not see color", a result of the cultural revolution of the 60s.
Actually, it was the 1950s that started it. I don't know about you, but my dad buried 63 of his best friends in the Mekong Delta in his single 1966-1967 tour. What did your family do again?

You ignore the fact that back then liberals weren't trying to kill you. That was your entire fucking retarded original claim.
KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 06:18
Where once the races were segregated, now they were forced to mingle and get along- first at gunpoint in fact, as white college students were forced to sit next to their black counterparts by armed police officers.
Yeah in the 1950s which is the Baby Boomer generation. You do know the difference between the different generations don't you? Gen X inherited MLK Jr.'s optimism for a future that was without skin color.
KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 06:18
You are foolish to believe there were no problems back then.
This is you moving the goal posts to win. I didn't say there weren't any problems. I said that liberals weren't trying to kill you like they are now. You can read right?

When you can read and actually reply with actual knowledge of the events come see me. Otherwise, go back to jerking off to your retarded anime titties and let the adults talk. You're dismissed retard.
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Post by Consul »

KnightoftheWind wrote: February 28th, 2023, 04:18
Better to take a side rather than attempt to be "apolitical", because nothing ever is. People think everything before 2014 was "apolitical", when it was precisely the opposite. Everything was liberal, everything was demoralizing, we were boiled long and slow just like a frog and before we knew it- it was too late.

Give me a based, traditionalist modding website with quality content and ban anything that does not fit the proper criteria. But on the topic of Hogwarts Legacy, it's a new game in 2023. That's all that needs to be said.
Having a modding site that doesn't censor politically incorrect content would be enough for me. A site that's explicitly right wing would have a decreased reach, library of mods and would in the end be worse when it comes to pushing the Overton window. It would not be possible to convert normies to our cause on a website that outright agrees with us on politics.

It's not like it matters anyway as there are no political solutions to our societal problems and only the inevitable civilizational collapse will make things right in this regard. But if it would diminish the likelihood of someone becoming a tranny or a different kind of a degenerate then that would still be a worthy effort. On an individual level, it would still matter.
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Post by The_Mask »

I just wanted to write somewhere that the studio that made Forspoken is to shut down May 1st, but I didn't want to sully the forums by making a new thread about Forspoken, and since we've (briefly) discussed it here, I thought it was the next best thing.
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Post by WhiteShark »

The_Mask wrote: February 28th, 2023, 21:23
I just wanted to write somewhere that the studio that made Forspoken is to shut down May 1st, but I didn't want to sully the forums by making a new thread about Forspoken, and since we've (briefly) discussed it here, I thought it was the next best thing.
At least post the link: https://nichegamer.com/luminous-product ... ting-down/
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

Good. All they had to do was turn the Agni demos into a full game, and instead they gave us Forspoken. Hope they learned their lesson and stop collaborating with white liberals.
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Post by aweigh »

I bought this in the winter sale or whatever it was because it was at a -50% discount (so got it for around $30).

I do not recommend it.

I'm a huge graphics whore and that was the main reason I got it but gotta say that after about 20 hours of play, this is one of the most soulless, most barebones AAA game I've ever played. Even for normie casual standards this is an absolute SHELL of a game.

I don't have the energy to type up a whole thing right now but basically this game is peak soulless "open world theme park" where you can't do anything, can't even jump over fences, NPCs just stand around waiting to give you the next quest, and all quests consist of collecting 10 gobstoppers or lucern flies or leaping toadstools or whatever. When you turn the shit in they teach you a mostly useless story spell of some sort and then you get more terrible collectible quests.

There's no discernible spark or soul or character in any of the NPCs, everyone just feels like a robot, and the two parts that should've been the meat of the game, spell-casting and combat, are the weakest. Combat is extremely rote and basically paint-by-numbers, a pure distillation of AAA pastische where you dodge-roll at the moment the enemy flashes red, hit the shield button when they attack so you can knock them back then get a combo in, etc. It's frankly some of the most boring combat I've ever experienced.

The spells are a waste as well because you never get any freedom, at least not in the 20 hours I played. Whole game is on rails and in the *bad* way, like I mentioned this is the kind of game where you can't jump over a fence. Puzzles are just there to pad out the play time as well, and most of them require the "spells" you learn. In fact, a LOT of the game is there just to pad out the play time.

"Exploration" is also a complete dead end because the only thing awaiting you is finding more collectibles to unlock a virtual figurine in your compendium, or at best an RNG set of gloves or a scarf. The gear system is complete bullshit as well and I actually suspect the different items don't even affect your "stats"; I think it's legit a fake gear system just put in place to have cosmetics. Oh, also sometimes quest rewards are literally just cosmetics.

Anyway I'm tired of typing about this game. Waste of 30 dollars. Beautiful graphics. Oh and I almost forgot to mention, it has a severe case of the Unreal Engine hiccups. Running around Hogwarts castle is a stutter fest. Mind you, I don't mean it's unplayable, in fact I imagine most people wouldn't even notice or mind, but for people like me who have their FPS displayed on the corner and are sensitive to frametime spikes then yeah, this game is FULL of the typical Unreal Engine asset stream stutters. Most noticeable inside the Hogwarts castle but present in the open world and Hogsmeade as well. *If* the game was really good I would've looked past that, but when the game is boring I start to resent the stutters.
Last edited by aweigh on January 17th, 2024, 04:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by 1998 »

I also picked it up during Winter Sales. I am now 47h in, might as well finish it. Generally, I agree with your take.
It plays a bit like some mobile gatcha game - 30min main quest followed by the same tasks/side quests/missions.
You collect mostly useless decorations or skins. Even equipment that does give you some stat boosts is pointless because of level scaling and you tripping over a stronger piece of equipment every other minute anyways.
After you are done exploring Hogwarts and Hogsmeade there is nothing new to find. Most of the surrounding is just there to ramp up the sqm count, and it shows very early on.
Just about the stutters: With locked FPS it runs much better. Only stutters when you are leaving the castle, not while you are running around inside.
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Post by Anon »

I picked it up in 1337x.tw for $0 bucks, yeah it's a fun game with great cinematics but not at all a full fledged RPG. Worth playing if you pirate it.
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Post by Anon »

True, when they update it into being a decent game I'll consider buying it.
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Post by 1998 »

Anon wrote: January 17th, 2024, 12:13
yeah it's a fun game with great cinematics
Anon wrote: January 17th, 2024, 12:17
True, when they update it into being a decent game I'll consider buying it.
Nothing wrong about pirating though...
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Post by Anon »

In my country you have up to 1 week to refund whatever you bought online if you regret its purchase - you don't even need to justify. In games, you only have up to 2 hours, which in Hogwarts Legacy case may not even last until character creation + introduction, which isn't enough of a experience to possibly regret buying the game.

So yeah I pirate in response to gaming industry bullshit.
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Post by 1998 »

Steam has this 2 hour refund window for every country, not just EU.

But yes, you will likely play HL way beyond this mark before you actually realize its not that good.
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Post by Anon »

1998 wrote: January 17th, 2024, 13:39
Steam has this 2 hour refund window for every country, not just EU.

But yes, you will likely play HL way beyond this mark before you actually realize its not that good.
I didn't write my post well. I meant that by law you have that 1 week period, but as Steam is an international purchase here it's regulated by steam's own rules, which includes that 2h refund.

And AFAIK most gaming platforms don't even get that, as soon as you purchase you don't have the right of refunding, you'll need to e-mail the company and count on their benevolence.
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Post by Nemesis »

1998 wrote: January 17th, 2024, 13:39
Steam has this 2 hour refund window for every country, not just EU.
To be clear: Two hours of play time. You're eligible for a refund if you've played fewer than two hours within two weeks of purchase.
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Post by 1998 »

Nah, I could refund games that had a longer play time than that.
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Post by Anon »

1998 wrote: January 17th, 2024, 15:14
Nah, I could refund games that had a longer play time than that.
Yeah but in that case you depend on the publisher's (or whoever is responsible) benevolence.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

You're far more likely to get a successful refund when it's outside the normal refund bounds if you request store credit rather than a refund to your bank. I've even refunded stuff marked as non-refundable that I bought without reading and couldn't use.
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Post by maidenhaver »

I'm going to try that with 2/3s of my library. See what they say.
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Post by Acrux »


Ha ha, based degenerate lesbo actress.

Okay, she should be the RPGHQ ambassador to faggots and dykes.

Last edited by Acrux on March 10th, 2024, 17:39, edited 1 time in total.
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