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ChatGPT - SkyNet is Coming for your Pixels & other AI Shenanigans

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that

Post by MadPreacher »

Phos wrote: April 27th, 2023, 07:43
That's the creepiest smiley face I've ever seen in my entire life. Now tell me again how AI isn't literally the work of demons...
All things come from God. ;)
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Are you familiar with the Ink scripting language?
Yes, I'm familiar with Ink! Ink is a narrative scripting language developed by Inkle Studios. It's designed for creating interactive stories and games with branching narratives, where the choices of the player affect the outcome of the story.

In Ink, you write the story as a series of text passages, and you can include branching points where the player makes choices. These choices can then lead to different outcomes and affect the progression of the story.

Ink has gained popularity as a tool for creating interactive fiction and narrative-driven games, and it's been used in a number of notable titles such as "80 Days," "Heaven's Vault," and "Sorcery!" among others.
Can you write a script for a guard at a castle gate in Ink?
Sure, here's an example of a simple Ink script for a guard at a castle gate:

Code: Select all

=== Castle Gate ===

You approach the castle gate, where a guard stands watch.

* {guard_intro} Say hello to the guard.
* {sneak_past} Try to sneak past the guard.

=== guard_intro ===
You greet the guard, who looks you up and down suspiciously.

"State your business," he says gruffly.

* {enter_castle} "I'm here to see the king. I have important news."
* {leave} "I'm just passing through. No need for concern."

=== enter_castle ===
The guard eyes you warily, but eventually steps aside to let you through.

"Go straight ahead and take the stairs up to the throne room," he says.

You nod, grateful for his cooperation, and make your way into the castle.


=== leave ===
The guard relaxes a bit and nods.

"Very well. Safe travels," he says.

You continue on your way, leaving the castle behind.


=== sneak_past ===
You try to creep past the guard, but he spots you and blocks your path.

"Halt! What are you doing here?" he demands.

* {guard_intro} "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just passing by."
* {fight_guard} "I don't have time for this. Let me through or else."

=== fight_guard ===
The guard draws his sword and advances on you. It looks like you'll have to fight your way through if you want to get past.

* {win_fight} Fight and defeat the guard.
* {lose_fight} Try to fight, but end up losing and getting thrown in jail.

=== win_fight ===
After a fierce battle, you emerge victorious. The guard lies unconscious on the ground, and you're free to continue on your way.

You make your way into the castle, confident in your abilities.


=== lose_fight ===
Despite your best efforts, the guard proves too skilled for you to overcome. He disarms you and calls for reinforcements.

You're quickly surrounded and taken into custody, thrown into the castle dungeon to await trial.

This script creates a simple interaction between the player and a guard at a castle gate. The player can choose to greet the guard or try to sneak past him. Depending on their choice, they may be allowed to enter the castle or have to fight their way through. If they win the fight, they can proceed into the castle, but if they lose, they end up in the dungeon.
[Note: I actually think he got the Ink syntax wrong a bit.]

Did you mean to use parentheses instead of curly braces for labels?
You're right, my apologies for the confusion. In Ink, curly braces are used for gathering text into a knot, while parentheses are used for labeling. Here's the corrected script with the proper use of parentheses:

Code: Select all

=== Castle Gate ===

You approach the castle gate, where a guard stands watch.

( guard_intro ) Say hello to the guard.
( sneak_past ) Try to sneak past the guard.

=== guard_intro ===
You greet the guard, who looks you up and down suspiciously.

"State your business," he says gruffly.

( enter_castle ) "I'm here to see the king. I have important news."
( leave ) "I'm just passing through. No need for concern."

=== enter_castle ===
The guard eyes you warily, but eventually steps aside to let you through.

"Go straight ahead and take the stairs up to the throne room," he says.

You nod, grateful for his cooperation, and make your way into the castle.


=== leave ===
The guard relaxes a bit and nods.

"Very well. Safe travels," he says.

You continue on your way, leaving the castle behind.


=== sneak_past ===
You try to creep past the guard, but he spots you and blocks your path.

"Halt! What are you doing here?" he demands.

( guard_intro ) "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just passing by."
( fight_guard ) "I don't have time for this. Let me through or else."

=== fight_guard ===
The guard draws his sword and advances on you. It looks like you'll have to fight your way through if you want to get past.

( win_fight ) Fight and defeat the guard.
( lose_fight ) Try to fight, but end up losing and getting thrown in jail.

=== win_fight ===
After a fierce battle, you emerge victorious. The guard lies unconscious on the ground, and you're free to continue on your way.

You make your way into the castle, confident in your abilities.


=== lose_fight ===
Despite your best efforts, the guard proves too skilled for you to overcome. He disarms you and calls for reinforcements.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
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Post by The_Mask »

MadPreacher wrote: April 27th, 2023, 08:35
All things come from God.
Fun fact: at one point Romania had its motto be "Nihil sine Deo".

I'm a fountain of useless trivia that nobody gives a shit about.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

rusty_shackleford wrote: May 2nd, 2023, 02:12
Can you write a script for a guard at a castle gate in Ink?
[GPT4 output]:
Can you write a script for a guard at a castle gate in the Ink interactive fiction language?
Of course! Here is a simple script for a castle gate scene using Ink, an interactive fiction language developed by Inkle Studios:

Code: Select all

// Start
=== castle_gate ===
The castle gate looms in front of you, tall and imposing. A guard stands in front of the entrance, eyeing you suspiciously. What do you want to do?

* [Approach the guard.]
    -> approach_guard
* [Leave the castle gate.]
    -> leave_castle_gate

// Approach the guard
=== approach_guard ===
You walk up to the guard, trying to appear confident. The guard sizes you up before speaking.

Guard: "Halt! Who goes there? State your business at the castle."

* [Tell the guard you're here to see the king.]
    -> request_king_audience
* [Claim to be a messenger with urgent news.]
    -> claim_messenger
* [Decide not to answer and leave.]
    -> leave_castle_gate

// Request an audience with the king
=== request_king_audience ===
You: "I'm here to request an audience with the king."

Guard: "The king isn't seeing any visitors today. Come back another time."

* [Insist on seeing the king.]
    -> insist_king_audience
* [Leave the castle gate.]
    -> leave_castle_gate

// Insist on seeing the king
=== insist_king_audience ===
You: "I must see the king. It's a matter of great importance."

Guard: "I've already told you, the king isn't seeing any visitors today. Now, be on your way, or you'll be thrown in the dungeon."

* [Leave the castle gate.]
    -> leave_castle_gate

// Claim to be a messenger with urgent news
=== claim_messenger ===
You: "I'm a messenger with urgent news for the king!"

Guard: "And what's this urgent news?"

* [Tell the guard a lie.]
    -> tell_lie
* [Decide not to answer and leave.]
    -> leave_castle_gate

// Tell the guard a lie
=== tell_lie ===
You: "An enemy army approaches from the east. They'll be here within days!"

Guard: "That's not possible. Our scouts would've reported it. You're lying! Now, be on your way before I arrest you."

* [Leave the castle gate.]
    -> leave_castle_gate

// Leave the castle gate
=== leave_castle_gate ===
You decide to leave the castle gate, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment. Perhaps you'll find another way in.

-> END
This is a simple Ink script that allows the player to interact with a guard at a castle gate. The player can choose different dialogue options, but the guard won't let the player pass in this example. You can expand this script to add more options and interactions for a more complex narrative.
GPT4 is an incredible improvement. I provided nothing beyond the sentence prior to the quote.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

MadPreacher wrote: April 27th, 2023, 08:35
Phos wrote: April 27th, 2023, 07:43
That's the creepiest smiley face I've ever seen in my entire life. Now tell me again how AI isn't literally the work of demons...
All things come from God. ;)
Not all things, heretic. Christ Himself warns us that the devil takes many forms, even an Angel. Clearly not all things are Good or have a Good purpose. If you weren't busy peddling your fast food version of the Faith, you might have known that.

Post by MadPreacher »

KnightoftheWind wrote: May 3rd, 2023, 05:50
MadPreacher wrote: April 27th, 2023, 08:35
Phos wrote: April 27th, 2023, 07:43

That's the creepiest smiley face I've ever seen in my entire life. Now tell me again how AI isn't literally the work of demons...
All things come from God. ;)
Not all things, heretic. Christ Himself warns us that the devil takes many forms, even an Angel. Clearly not all things are Good or have a Good purpose. If you weren't busy peddling your fast food version of the Faith, you might have known that.
The only heretic here is you. Let me quote the prophet Isaiah who quoted God.

Isaiah 45:7

I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the Lord, do all these things.

You ignore Jesus and his teachings at every opportunity. So you don't have a leg to stand on. Now kindly fuck off.
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Post by maidenhaver »

Phos wrote: April 27th, 2023, 07:43
That's the creepiest smiley face I've ever seen in my entire life. Now tell me again how AI isn't literally the work of demons...
No round eyes where you live?
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Post by Cedric »

Alas, the technology is still not there yet, all my attempts at creating the perfect dragon husband have so far met in failure.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Cedric wrote: May 3rd, 2023, 09:26
Alas, the technology is still not there yet, all my attempts at creating the perfect dragon husband have so far met in failure.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

Once upon a time, in a fantastic place called Middle Earth, there was a tremendous little fellow named Bilbo Baggins. You know, he was a hobbit, and let me tell you, folks, hobbits are the best. Tremendous people, tremendous. I've met many of them, and they all love me. They live in these fantastic holes in the ground, which they call hobbit-holes. You know what, they are luxurious, just like Trump Tower. I've built some of the best hotels, so I know what I'm talking about.

So, one day, Bilbo was at his beautiful hobbit-hole when this tall, old guy with a big beard shows up. People called him Gandalf, and he was a wizard, very powerful guy, very smart. I like smart people. We get along great. Anyway, Gandalf tells Bilbo he's got a big job for him, a tremendous opportunity. They're gonna go on a fantastic adventure, and everyone's gonna talk about it. It's gonna be the best adventure ever, believe me.

Gandalf tells Bilbo, "You're gonna be our burglar, the best burglar, and I've chosen you, because I know talent when I see it." So, Bilbo goes with Gandalf, and they meet up with these thirteen dwarves. Great guys, very hardworking, but a little short, you know. But that's okay; they know how to dig for gold, and I love gold.

Their leader was a guy named Thorin, a fantastic dwarf, very regal. He had this amazing plan to take back their lost kingdom, the incredible mountain filled with gold. And you know what? They needed Bilbo to help them. Can you believe it? This little hobbit, on this huge adventure. Amazing.

So, they set off on this fantastic journey, fighting monsters and winning bigly. They had some very bad hombres to deal with, like those nasty goblins and that sneaky Gollum. But, Bilbo was always ahead of them, very smart guy, and he found this amazing ring. It could make you invisible, folks, invisible! How great is that?

Anyway, they finally reach the mountain, and they find this huge dragon named Smaug. Let me tell you, folks, this dragon was yuge, like nothing you've ever seen before. But, Bilbo, our great hero, he outsmarts the dragon, and they reclaim their gold, their beautiful kingdom. The best ending, folks, the best.

And so, Bilbo returns home, a hero, a tremendous hero. And he gets to keep the ring, and he lives happily ever after. You know, it's just like one of my deals, the best deals, winning all the way. It's a fantastic story, folks, you should read it. It's called "The Hobbit," and it's written by this guy named Tolkien. Tremendous writer, very talented.

Maybe I'm just easily entertained but I'm never going to get bored of this stuff.

Post by MadPreacher »

Has anyone used Freedom GPT? I'm testing it out now to see what it can do. It's supposed to be a locally run AI that doesn't save the information you put into it.
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Post by Klerik »

Like I trust them at their word. I wonder who would enforce that anyways.

Post by MadPreacher »

Amazon AI is taught all about DIE and starts to delete itself.

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Post by rusty_shackleford »

What I've learned from (almost) a month of using GPT4:
  1. Proooooompting is important. It's hard to understand this at first, and you won't grasp it because it's just not intuitive. The most obvious comparison is Star Trek's Holodeck. You need to tell it what to do, and how to do it. It's difficult to be overspecific here. Want to learn something? You need a proooompt that involves it being a good teacher, what you want to know, and it having complete mastery of the subject. Along with telling it to explain it step by step.
  2. GPT4 is amazing for explaining things & learning.
  3. Having a general purpose knowledge database is great. It's hard to understate this. My cat was refusing to drink her water lately, so I asked GPT4. One of the suggestions was whisker fatigue, and I remembered that I did in fact change the bowl I used. Then I went on to ask it how to design the world's best cat bowl that doesn't cause whisker fatigue and has perfect accessibility, and it gave me a list of properties the bowl needs to have and how to do it. Thanks to that, my cat is going to have the ultimate water bowl(trough shaped, in fact) including a water pump to make it seem like a stream of water.
  4. The context window is too damn small!
  5. 25 messages per 3 hours is too low.
I'm not convinced it's going to be taking any jobs, except perhaps jobs that summarize a video or somesuch. But it will be a ubiquitous tool for learning within the next couple years.

Is it worth the $20 subscription over GPT 3.5?
I'd go with 'definitely' since I use it daily, either for work or hobby activities. The quality is significantly higher than GPT3.5 in every regard.
This(ChatGPT+GP4) is one of the few times in my life where I felt like I've witnessed a genuine major advancement.
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Post by jcd »

Just use the API. There's no minimal monthly spend, the context window is 32k tokens, and you can replace the system prompt with whatever you want. There are frontends that let you save commonly used system prompts so that you can get right to your questions. GPT4 is pretty expensive compared to 3.5 though.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

The GPT4 API is significantly more expensive than the subscription even if you're an infrequent user.
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Post by Klerik »

Whats funny is that you can just train the free model. Would you like an extra large soda? Yes its 4 dollars more. Yeah you get free refills. I don't know why you wouldn't get a small soda and just get free refills, my job is to attend the gas-station here at planet mountain dew.
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Post by jcd »

I've tried a lot of them and there are no free models that even come close to GPT 3.5. They just spew nonsense and are useless. There's a lot of open source shit in this area and it's all garbage.
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Post by jcd »

OpenAI is dumbing GPT-4 down. Turns out it's not just my impression: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36134249

You can't do anything about it either. Just make do with whatever scraps they give you. I saw a lecture by a Microsoft researcher lately who had access to the original GPT-4 model before they started their s0y "safety" training iterations. He says "alignment" dumbed down the model significantly, the more iterations they did the dumber it became. I'm sure they're currently loading it with tons of leftard gibberish and that's why it's getting more retarded by the hour. Crazy how internalizing leftist ideology fries its brain, really makes you think.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

I have a theory that people who frequently trip the safety and have their conversations 'flagged' end up getting a nerfed version of the model.
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Post by Tweed »

If the malevolent, destructive AI scenario is to be a reality, it will come from an AI driven mad by leftist propaganda.
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Post by jcd »

rusty_shackleford wrote: May 31st, 2023, 16:59
I have a theory that people who frequently trip the safety and have their conversations 'flagged' end up getting a nerfed version of the model.
What would be the point? The nerfed models are easier to exploit anyway.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

"Open Assistant" seems like a decent, free software alternative to ChatGPT. Which I believe is owned by Micros*ft.
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Post by jcd »

KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 17:50
"Open Assistant" seems like a decent, free software alternative to ChatGPT. Which I believe is owned by Micros*ft.
I don't care who it's owned by, it's too useful to ignore. And open assistant sucks just like every open source knockoff. There's no beating millions of dollars of training and a trillion parameters.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

jcd wrote: May 31st, 2023, 17:58
KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 17:50
"Open Assistant" seems like a decent, free software alternative to ChatGPT. Which I believe is owned by Micros*ft.
I don't care who it's owned by, it's too useful to ignore. And open assistant sucks just like every open source knockoff. There's no beating millions of dollars of training and a trillion parameters.
But it 'does' matter. You are aiding an organization that is owned and operated by our enemies, who wish to see us dead and replaced by their machines. If you want to use ANY A.I program, it should at least be one that's free and open source.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

openai is hemorrhaging money from chatgpt, the only reason they charge for gpt4 access is to limit the amount of people able to use it to prevent overloading the servers even more than they already are
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Post by jcd »

KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 18:03
jcd wrote: May 31st, 2023, 17:58
KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 17:50
"Open Assistant" seems like a decent, free software alternative to ChatGPT. Which I believe is owned by Micros*ft.
I don't care who it's owned by, it's too useful to ignore. And open assistant sucks just like every open source knockoff. There's no beating millions of dollars of training and a trillion parameters.
But it 'does' matter. You are aiding an organization that is owned and operated by our enemies, who wish to see us dead and replaced by their machines. If you want to use ANY A.I program, it should at least be one that's free and open source.
They're aiding me. You're a hysterical schizo.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

jcd wrote: May 31st, 2023, 18:18
KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 18:03
jcd wrote: May 31st, 2023, 17:58

I don't care who it's owned by, it's too useful to ignore. And open assistant sucks just like every open source knockoff. There's no beating millions of dollars of training and a trillion parameters.
But it 'does' matter. You are aiding an organization that is owned and operated by our enemies, who wish to see us dead and replaced by their machines. If you want to use ANY A.I program, it should at least be one that's free and open source.
They're aiding me. You're a hysterical schizo.
You're aiding them more than they are aiding you.
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Post by jcd »

KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 19:24
jcd wrote: May 31st, 2023, 18:18
KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 18:03

But it 'does' matter. You are aiding an organization that is owned and operated by our enemies, who wish to see us dead and replaced by their machines. If you want to use ANY A.I program, it should at least be one that's free and open source.
They're aiding me. You're a hysterical schizo.
You're aiding them more than they are aiding you.
And how exactly you braindead faggot, I'm sure it won't involve an imaginary scenario you're going to make up on the spot
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

jcd wrote: May 31st, 2023, 21:24
KnightoftheWind wrote: May 31st, 2023, 19:24
jcd wrote: May 31st, 2023, 18:18

They're aiding me. You're a hysterical schizo.
You're aiding them more than they are aiding you.
And how exactly you braindead faggot, I'm sure it won't involve an imaginary scenario you're going to make up on the spot
Because you're supporting a terrible company that works against your own interests and what you hold to be Right and True?. Would you buy from me if I spat on your children and dented your car?.

In that case I have some land I can sell you!.
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