Resident Evil 4 Remake

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Post by GothGirlSupremacy »

If you go to the shooting galleries with Ashley she sits on a nearby barrel with her legs femininely crossed and praises your shooting skills.
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Post by wndrbr »

Luis does the same.
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Post by wndrbr »

Finished the game.

It is indeed longer than the original, but mostly because Leon's movement speed is a bit slower, and because there's a bunch of secrets and sidequests that require you to backtrack to the already cleared areas and loot some locked chest.


Overall it's a decent game, I would've probably loved it if I didn't play the original RE 4 back in the day. When compared to the original, the remake ends up being merely OK.
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Post by GothGirlSupremacy »

Finished it. Really good remake, island seemed a lot better this time around which was my main gripe with the OG. I always felt RE games have really third acts when it starts to veer from survival-horror into much more action or super sci-fi looking shit with labs and stuff. It's still the weakest part of the game but it's not the same bore it was before. Krauser fight is better, Salazar fight is better, it's missing that one boss with all the crates and shit but it also has a revamped duo El Gigante fight. They also make the Bella Sisters a mandatory fight this time so it helps pad out the village section (which is probably the best part of RE4).

Ada doesn't have her dress unless it's some unlockable costume, which is gay. Ashley is about 90% less annoying. Luis is pretty cool. Merchant is better in OG RE4 but he's okay here still. Saddler felt a lot less involved this time around, he mostly just appears in heroin prostitute drug trips until the final portion of the game when he actually appears in the flesh also his new VA sucks. Speaking of shitty new VAs, Wesker's VA also sucks and is a direct downgrade.

Overall, I think I might like it more than OG RE4. I like that Ashley's animations are feminine/girly and she proves to the world Leon is a rabid homosexual that just wants Ada to step on his balls.
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Post by wndrbr »

I agree about the voice acting, pretty much everyone was a downgrade except for maybe Leon and Ashley. Krauser sounds more like Vergil from DMC than a high-T grizzled army vet, and Ada's new actress sounds like a 50 yrs old chain smoker. Wesker's RE5 VA got cancelled over some metoo bullshit a couple of years ago, which is a damn shame since he was cool. RE5 remake will not be the same without his "complete global saturation".
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Post by Fargus »

I haven't played this myself and probably won't. Just watched some videos. Game itself seems alright, even if neutered. But at least i havent noticed any outright woke shit. Voice acting though...

Ada's VA is a winner. Reminds me of shitty lifeless voice acting by Rhonda Rousey in MK same robotic tone lol. Funny how they hired some diversity chinkoid to voice Ada and she ended up being her worst VA so far.

Trouser sounds like he is a closeted homosexual and a rat fuck. Louis sounds like beta cuck or slightly flamboyant fag.

Idk... these changes are not for me. I really prefer original cartoonish VA over this fuckfest.
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Post by Ventidius »

Finished it today and it left a good impression, overall. Some observations:

- Leon is more nimble than in the original overall, but he's closer to RE2make Leon than RE6 Leon in terms of the fluidity of his movements, so you don't really feel you are dancing circles around the ganados. A lot of the movement animations seem even a bit sluggish compared to the original, as it seems they are trying to make Leon's movements more "realistic" and akin to those of a smooth SF operator. Movement in the original felt a bit stiff and game-ish, but it was extremely precise and you could execute a tactical plan more easily, I feel, than here. I will also say that quick turn feels a bit unwieldy in comparison to the very precise quick turn of the original. In the end, however, being able to move while aiming is a game changer, and the fact that Leon now has a crouch - which can also double as a dodge in some situations - also helps a lot. Overall I think mobility and speed has increased, but precision has decreased.

- The ganados have gotten faster and more aggressive to match Leon's mobility, and this, combined with the decrease in precision I talked about above, makes the fights feel much more chaotic. That's not necessarily a bad thing actually, just different. I also noticed that crowd controlling through melee is a bit trickier than in the original, in part because ganados don't bunch up as much (the AI is generally smarter now, and doesn't do as much Darwin Awards stuff as the old ganados). But that's also because you really have to go for the headshot+roundhouse combo now, since the leg-shot melee move doesn't have the hitbox that the original's did. Perhaps one of the most important points to highlight here is the fact that the game does not feel easier than the original at all, almost as much due to adjustments to encounter compositions as to AI and mechanical improvements to the enemies. Knife degradation means you don't use the knife as often as in the original, the knife was my go-to to save bullets in the original, but in this one I often found myself using bullets to save knife uses (!)

- On the topic of the knife, I hated the degradation at first. I thought it worked well in RE2make, but it could ruin RE4make. However, as I upgraded the durability, collected disposable knives, and found a new tactical niche for the weapon beyond being an ammo-saver and Krauser-buster... it's alright. It's another resource to manage, and it's also a Defense Item now, so that's cool. The combat is now very different, so it's very fitting for the knife to have new roles.

- They mostly got the content right. With some glaring exceptions. The U-3 boss was cut, and that was one of the best bosses in the original. The sewers section with the Novistadors, one of the most memorable segments in the original - and one of the few that was genuinely tense - was changed for a weak sauce version in some caves with water. The part where you had to choose whether to go through the ganado or Gigante routes was removed and changed for a massive encounter.

Some things that were removed won't be missed, like Mecha-Salazar (there is still a fire-breathing statue that calls back to it). A lot of the areas that caused major tone whiplash, like the "Mustafar" room, or that section that is like something out of The Mummy, are also gone. The sense of RE4 as a goofy-fun game with saturday morning cartoon stuff like spiked ceiling traps is gone, replaced with a more consistent and realistic tone. Again, not necessarily a bad thing, just different. Also, lot of the content that has been restored has been "remixed". Not badly so, for the most part, and the first Garrador example is a fine example of an improvement, that one felt like that's how it should have been. The Verdugo fight was already great and memorable, they didn't fix what wasn't broken and simply replicated it in the new engine. And it's great. Not all of them are that good, but enough of them are. Also, I actually liked the way the Novistadores were reworked. Some might not like that they are now chameleonic rather than translucent, but as someone who has always enjoyed the bioweapons design porn aspect of RE, I appreciate them making the creatures feel more plausible and grounded in biology.

While this is still mostly a linear game, like the original, I also do feel that some areas have been better integrated with others, to the point that some even feel like small hubs, like the "Dragon's Dogma chimera" hall or the Merchant's lake outpost. And yes, the island is now better due to the fact that the new mechanics are more suited to accommodating pure high-octane action combat. You get plenty of ammo to let loose on the ganados with all of the toys and upgrades you've accumulated throughout the game. It makes for a fitting climax.

- I like the way bosses were reworked. Most of them are the better for it. The Salazar fight in the original was so pedestrian that the game gave you a rocket launcher to essentially skip it. It is very intense now. The original's Krauser fight was one of my favorite boss fights in any game (regardless of how the knife trivialized him), and the new version is a net improvement. The biggest change was making knife combat actually involved, and mind you they didn't need to introduce overly complex mechanics for that, just stab, slash, parry, and prompted dodges was enough to make knife fighting Krauser one of the most fun gaming experiences in a while. The reworks to his defenses and weapons - along with the removal of the slate keys that frankly hampered the pace of the fight in the original - make the fight feel more in line with military realism, which perfectly fits the theme and tone of it. It does a better job than the original of evoking the sense of two veteran operators hunting each other through unconventional tactics. Also, they turned the annoying knife QTE scene with Krauser into an actually fun mechanical knife fight that foreshadowed the badassery of the boss fight.

Those fights were highlights in terms of reworks, most of the others were good fights that became slightly better (like the Gigante boss fights). There were a couple of cases like Mendez and Saddler in which I felt the fights became more "sloggish" versions of good fights, but they were still fine overall. In general, they nailed the bosses, and it's one of the REs with the some of the best boss fights. I am actually a bit surprised they did this so well, since boss fights were actually one of the weaker aspects of RE2make. I guess they listened to feedback.

- The legendarily tight weapon balance of the original RE4 might have been skewed a bit in the remake. It's too early to tell without really knowing what optimal play looks like (something that usally comes a bit further in a game's life cycle), but it feels as if rifles are not as effective as they used to be. In the original RE4 you could carry the first bolt-action rifle from the get-go, without even buying the scope, and through most of the game, and it would often be an MVP. In this one, I felt that I had to switch to the semi-auto because the bolt-action was so situational. It's also a must to remove the sniping scope while in a heated situation (might seem obvious due to realism - and is perhaps an improvement - but bear in mind that using sniper scopes in the heat of battle was perfectly viable in the original). This is all likely due to the more dynamic nature of combat. Again, I'm saying this while we still don't know what truly optimal play is like, maybe rifles are better than I give them credit for, and they, of course, are still great for certain niches like sniping, bosses, and taking out Regeneradores, but generally speaking, I just feel the shotty absolutely mogs rifles now, and that rifles are essentially situational. Anyhow, other than that, the weapon balance seems fine. I tried my hand at quite a few weapons and, like in the original, they all had their pros and their cons while leaving, on the whole, a lot of room for player expression. Bowgun was a nice addition too.

- I had seen the memes about Ada's new voice actress, but man it's actually worse than I expected, she sounds like a bored hooker.

- A lot of Leon's old cheesy one-lines are gone, sadly. But some are luckily still there, like the bingo line or "hey, it's that dog".

- I liked how they connected this game's backstory with the main series more than in the original. The remake's Luis, who is one of the driving forces behind Plaga research, was an ex-Umbrella researcher, which changes a lot, actually. One thing a lot of fans of the series didn't like about the original RE4 (myself included) was how Los Iluminados - and really most of the RE4 plot - had little to do with the plots of the rest of the series. The cult just emerged, out of nowhere, with a more powerful bioweapon than anything Umbrella managed to develop. Especially egregious when you consider that the series was already moving towards parasite bioweapons with Nemesis. The NE-Alpha parasite was even developed by Umbrella Europe, which would have made the connection even easier. Indeed, in the remake they made it so that it was Umbrella Europe that Luis was working for, which was the right move. Haven't read all of the logs by any means, but it seems like the the RE4 story is now much better integrated into the wider RE setting than it was in the original.

There is probably a lot more to say, but I guess this post is long enough. Overall, I don't think RE4make "replaces" the original, as they are both different games. They are both relentless action games with a gun-fu component that sets them apart from most shooters, but one relies on weird off-the-wall setpieces and the other on intense encounters that center around the improved mechanics. One of them has a very cheesy early 00s tone while the other goes more for a gritty realism. The original RE4 is one of my favorite games and it's a work that has endured the test of time. So I feel it would be too hasty to simply proclaim the remake the better game. However, I will say that the remake is worthy of the original, a great game in its own right, and probably something of a sidegrade to the original overall. We'll see how it holds up in the long term and once the Ada DLC rolls around, but so far I'm quite satisfied with what we got.
Last edited by Ventidius on March 28th, 2023, 04:05, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by wndrbr »

Ventidius wrote: March 27th, 2023, 23:46
- They mostly got the content right. With some glaring exceptions. The U-3 boss was cut, and that was one of the best bosses in the original.
Ventidius wrote: March 27th, 2023, 23:46
Haven't read all of the logs by any means, but it seems like the the RE4 story is now much better integrated into the wider RE setting than it was in the original.
actually there's a log that mentions U-3. Devs wouldn't have put this log into the game if U-3 was cut for good, so I assume it will appear in Ada's campaign.
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Post by Ventidius »

wndrbr wrote: March 28th, 2023, 01:29

actually there's a log that mentions U-3. Devs wouldn't have put this log into the game if U-3 was cut for good, so I assume it will appear in Ada's campaign.
Funnily, I actually did see the log mentioning U-3, which made his absence even more puzzling. You are probably right about the Ada campaign thing.
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Post by wndrbr »

Another log says that Verdugo you fight in the sewers is U-2, which implies that U-3 is the other Verdugo (the one who quietly disappears from the game instead of being fused with Salazar like in original game).
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Post by Ventidius »

wndrbr wrote: March 28th, 2023, 03:46
Another log says that Verdugo you fight in the sewers is U-2, which implies that U-3 is the other Verdugo (the one who quietly disappears from the game instead of being fused with Salazar like in original game).
That'd actually be an interesting twist. You gotta wonder what happened to the other Verdugo after the Salazar fight, so that's one way to tie up that loose end. Wouldn't be too egregious in terms of "lore" either, as I could see Verdugo and U-3 being different mutations from the same baseline, since they both seem to combine arthropod-like and reptilian features.
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Post by Ventidius »

Mercs is out now. Tried it for a bit and it seems fun so far.
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Post by agentorange »

havent played it and wont, but its shit. re4 is shit
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Post by Atlantico »

I've never liked the RE series even a little bit, but since this one is """"set in Spain"""" I had a gander and good grief. Pass.

The shitty little slit-eyed tentacle fucking derps could at least have done some research on what a village in Spain looks like. I am triggered.

Jokes aside, the color palette is boring... reminds me of Battlefield Iraq or something. We can have HDR color in any modern console now and they go with graybrown sludge palette. Fucking japs.
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Post by wndrbr »

Devs didn't care about being accurate, they just mashed together a bunch of stereotypes mainly for the cool factor. Personally I thought it was interesting how starting from RE4 the series has gone global, setting each new entry in a different country.

My only gripe is that RE4 doesn't have any infected bulls to dodge and fight, even though it's Spain and spaniards are known for corrida.
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Post by Fargus »

Maybe plaga parasite doesn't like beef and chicken...
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Post by wndrbr »

Ventidius wrote: April 8th, 2023, 04:38
Mercs is out now. Tried it for a bit and it seems fun so far.
new Mercenaries are insultingly easy, almost as if the devs forgot to add a difficulty selection menu, and the game just automatically picks Assisted.

Was able to get S+ rank with every character on my first try.
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Post by Ventidius »

wndrbr wrote: April 9th, 2023, 02:20
Ventidius wrote: April 8th, 2023, 04:38
Mercs is out now. Tried it for a bit and it seems fun so far.
new Mercenaries are insultingly easy, almost as if the devs forgot to add a difficulty selection menu, and the game just automatically picks Assisted.

Was able to get S+ rank with every character on my first try.
Yeah, it's probably the easiest iteration of nuMercs so far, even easier than original RE4's. Mayhem Mode doesn't help, in fact it is wholly unnecessary and doesn't really feel like a fit for the game or the mode. Part of what makes the mode easy is also an asset though: it feels much more kinetic and rewarding of melee than the regular campaign. In fact, melee feels closer to what it was like back in the original.

I think they could fix it by 1) removing Mayhem Mode, 2) doing what RE6 did and making the really high scores as much about time saving and hoarding as about keeping combos going (they could do this even with the current gameplay by simply tweaking the numbers, e.g. time and points), 3) take advantage of the game's enemy variety and introduce more interesting spawns with frequent dogs, Novistadors, and the like; more frequent spawns of mini-bosses would help too. Kind of doubt they'll make extensive changes like that though.

The mode as it is feels a bit rushed, if not unfinished, something exacerbated by the fact that there is no Ada or Wesker yet. Perhaps they'll fix that by introducing them in the DLC, maybe the DLC will also introduce new maps with more interesting setups, but that'd be the best case scenario. It's also possible they'll improve the mode with updates, but given the way Capcom has handled the extra modes recently - and the shameful neglect Mercs has gone through for so long - I get the feeling that it's more likely they'll leave it in a shoddy state and forget about it. That'd be sad, because mechanically speaking, there is a lot of potential here, and the basic gameplay itself is fun.
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Post by wndrbr »

Ventidius wrote: April 9th, 2023, 02:54
The mode as it is feels a bit rushed, if not unfinished, something exacerbated by the fact that there is no Ada or Wesker yet.
yeah. They didn't even bother to add new unlockables or challenges. This wouldn't have been all that difficult - just a bunch of new pieces of concept art, maybe bonus outfits. Get S++ rank while playing as Hunk to unlock his Umbrella fatigues, get S++ rank while playing as Leon to unlock RPD uniform, etc. They already have the assets!

Instead they just added an alternative way to unlock Handcannon, making "beating the game on Professional without using bonus weapons" unnecessary.
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Post by wndrbr »

btw dataminers have already found Ada, Wesker and Pinstripe Leon in the game files. Seems like Capcom wants to turn RE4 into a sort-of live service game, by giving us small chunks of content every couple of months.
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Post by wndrbr »

Trying to do "minimalist", "silent stranger" and "frugalist" challenges in one run.

Silent stranger means beating the whole game without ever speaking to the merchant (it was a popular challenge run in the OG RE4);
Frugalist means beating the whole game without using healing consumables (essentially a no damage run, but with a small leeway);
Minimalist means beating the game without using any weapons other than pistols and knives.

I'm not good enough to reliably avoid all the damage, so I'm playing on Assisted difficulty, which makes enemies a bit less tanky, makes them easier to stun (headshot is a reliable stun, just like in OG RE4), and also introduces a limited health regen (you slowly restore a small amount of HP when in critical condition). I also gave Ashley a suit of armor cuz with the new chaotic combat system she kept getting pummeled and I don't want to deal with it on a challenge run. It's an NG run, so no weapons from the previous runs - only the starting USP, and Red9 without a stock.

Overall it's pretty fun, but with some caveats. Dunno what was the point of Minimalist challenge - it does pretty much the same thing as Silent Stranger, except locking you out of using a pump-action shotgun and an MP5 smg.

Silent Stranger is a very liberating challenge - you no longer need to look for treasures and complete sidequests, and you don't need to pick up anything other than pistol rounds, gunpowder, blue resource bags and spare knives. Lack of upgrades makes combat harder, but it balances out with the weaker enemies.

Frugalist imposes a healing restriction, but Assisted difficulty with a limited regen keeps things balanced - you die in two hits, where the first hit sends you into limping critical status and the second sends you to the loading screen. However, if you manage to survive the encounter while in critical condition, your health will slowly restore so you could tank another hit in the future.

And even though you don't have to worry about collecting healing supplies or different types of ammo, the resource management is still present since you can no longer repair your starting knife and must rely on shitty kitchen knives.
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Post by KnightoftheWind »

The video does a great job comparing the original and the remake, and honestly I find the original to be a superior game in a lot of ways. Maybe we've just been playing too many shitty AAA games for too long, that's why people like this crap. It's like Stockholm Syndrome, eventually you're going to cave and enjoy the slop you're given.
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Post by Segata »

KnightoftheWind wrote: April 15th, 2023, 13:27
The video does a great job comparing the original and the remake, and honestly I find the original to be a superior game in a lot of ways. Maybe we've just been playing too many shitty AAA games for too long, that's why people like this crap. It's like Stockholm Syndrome, eventually you're going to cave and enjoy the slop you're given.
What I've noticed lately is that gamers have lost a lot of critical impulse and now it seems morally bad to criticize product from the multibillionaire company. Basically this:


Whatever the companies did to produce this change, it worked.

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Post by KnightoftheWind »

All of that is the fault of social media, and civilization at large. What happens at the top trickles down to the bottom, gaming is not immune from this and the 2010s were a testament to that. We have people calling this the best remake of all time, which it's not. It's not even comparable to the amazing remake of the first game way back in 2002, it doesn't even compare to the game it's remaking for God's sake. Now maybe a lot of these people never played the original version, which fair enough they're probably younger zoomers, but it's ridiculous to say flat out that it's the best in any category.

The game looks nice superifically, you have your polygons and your textures and all that, but despite the technical improvements it's still a worse looking game compared to the original. Because the OG had excellent artistic design and was made in an era where every game had a unique aesthetic, and devs were firing on all cylinders. This new version looks like any other AAA game from any other company, and especially the remakes of 2 and 3. They've homogenized everything into this brown-grey slop, and this series has lost all of it's charm because of it.
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Post by Fargus »

Zoombies would defend anything that has prettier graphics lol. They are simple creatures. And the corporate shilling is nothing new just look at sonyfags. Why would you even simp for a company like sony in 2023 unless you're just a brainwashed corp cocksleeve or a nigger. Niggers love gaystation consoles for whatever reason even shot each other for them.

I dont hate this remake but everything is just so bland in it when you compare it to the original. Safe, boring and regurgitated. It doesn't mean it's not competent but remake is the definition of soulless and lack of ideas. And the new Resident Evil games with Ethan aren't much better to be honest.

Personally i don't think RE4 needed a remake, i played original twice and it still holds.
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Post by Segata »

The defense of this remake —a remake so soft, inoffensive, by the numbers— is like nothing I've ever seen, it baffles me so much and I can't simply explain it with simple radicalization of the consumer provoked by the polarization of the Trump and COVID years. There has to be something more going on. What is true is, the gaymur collective has simply lost the ability to engage in critical thinking. If you thought the industry today is bad, prepare yourself because you haven't seen the worst.
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

the lack of diegetic typewriter interface for saving is basically every problem with modern game UIs in 5 seconds

female character looks weird as fuck btw, like those asian women that get hyper plastic surgery to look more european but end up looking like an alien mimicking humans
same with her weird mannerisms/gestures
looked/acted fine in the original it seems, looks/acts like some weird sex doll in the remake
so, not too surprised this is popular with weebs

also a good example of why games relying on 'realistic' lighting is often a bad thing[note]actual realtime global illumination would be far too computationally expensive to compute, and there has been a large move away from pre-computed GI to realtime GI with noticeably worse results, only one or two bounces are capable of being computed in realtime and with a low number of rays.[/note], especially when combined with something like ACES tonemapping[note]fun fact, most ACES tonemapping implementations copied it from a blogpost that greatly oversatures the brightness due to it only being a luma-fitting curve[/note] which devs love to abuse like it's 2006 and devs just found out about bloom. Its gotten to the point where I have to crank the brightness up in most new games because they're so fucking dark I can't see shit.
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