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Karatasian Kings - A CK2 Random World LP

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Karatasian Kings - A CK2 Random World LP

Post by Irenaeus »


Welcome to my new LP of Crusader Kings 2!

Random World is an option that allows you to play in an alternative history scenario by generating combinations of cultural and religious data following specific algorithms. I modded these rules quite extensively, then the save games to reach a scenario to my liking. If this sounds interesting to you too, come along.


Alternative history:
Circa 7,000 years ago the Proto-Indo-Europeans started to diverge from our timeline in subtle but significant ways. The Indo-European migrations starting from 4,500 BC took place with few differences, mostly a slightly stronger dominance of these people over their neighbors, Uralics, Turkics, Indo-Iranics, Caucasians. In the millennia that followed, the settlement of the Indo-European culture in the west occurred under much less pressure from invasions of other these people from the east. In fact, booming population in Europe caused invasion waves into the Caucasus, Near and Middle East and North Africa, on such a scale that can be likened to the Bronze Age Collapse but repeatedly so. The consequence is that the ancient civilizations, with their empires and kingdoms never recovered or even developed, their recorded history and cultural legacy lost. Alternatively, European nations evolved with significantly less Oriental influence, leading to a slower but surely, with cultural developments spreading through the region generating a type of religion commonality. Through constant tribe migrations and slower urban settlement and infrastructure construction, decentralization of power was high. Whatever empires and kingdoms did not last long and vanished from oral history, as written records were only popularized around the time of the second half of the first millennia of our Common Era. That’s when our history begins.


We will follow the generation that is living in the time when a powerful and ambitious man ahead of an aristocratic and religious elite united the lands of many different nations into a single realm, and created the Karatasian Kings – his vassals over which he planned to control his vast empire.



This is how our story begins, a nascent order from chaos, with the advice of the good members of our forum, I will begin the game.

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Post by Vergil »

What are your primary goals for this playthrough? Starting as the Emperor of a super HRE seems like it would get stale fast unless you intentionally plan to play him as a dunce and fracture up the empire for descendants to try and reclaim or something.
Would also be curious to see what the culture and religion map modes would look like in this world so far.
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Post by Irenaeus »

Vergil wrote: February 19th, 2024, 11:12
What are your primary goals for this playthrough? Starting as the Emperor of a super HRE seems like it would get stale fast unless you intentionally plan to play him as a dunce and fracture up the empire for descendants to try and reclaim or something.
Would also be curious to see what the culture and religion map modes would look like in this world so far.
First, thank you for your interest in my humble little project here. :salute: Now, CK2 is a game where you can just have on the side rolling while time flies and you can just watch a simulation going without interfering much. That's a bit what I intend for the start of the game, see how it evolves and write the story. Following the fate of the empire after a great founder. To your point, the player character being the "Emperor of a super HRE" is a good comparison. He is supposed to be mixture of a alternative world Charlesmagne with semi-mythical kings, I'm thinking Merovech and the like, as the cultural and religion make up is completely imagined (generated by the game then heavily modified).

At last, we'll introduce some of this mythology as told by supportive bards and clerics in the taverns and temples of the capital of the newly founded empire. See next post! :bounce:
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Post by Vergil »

Ah okay I think I get it so it's less of a normal let's play where you play the game and update on what happens and more observe the game's AI and use the events that transpire as inspiration for a collaborative writing project?
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Post by Irenaeus »

Once, in the age when the Karatasian realm was still woven with threads of magic and mystery, there arose a ruler whose destiny was etched in the sacred Skin-Bound Sagas. Prusas the Preussen, a warrior of unparalleled prowess, emerged from the wilds, destined for greatness.


As a child, Prusas was found in the embrace of a she-wolf, a harbinger of destiny whispered by Hvězgznesyšitel, the Starwhisperer, in the cosmic winds. A wolf-reared lord, raised in the heart of nature, he grew to command the respect of both man and beast. Měsíčnítkatel, the Moonweaver, touched by his noble spirit, cast visions of his ascendancy on the celestial tapestry.



In the Sacred Grove of Lunar Whispers, Prusas received the Moonlit Lullaby Harp from the hands of a wandering seer. Its ethereal tunes echoed through the enchanted glade, foretelling of battles waged and an empire to be born. With the divine melody as his guide, Prusas set out to unite the scattered tribes under a single banner.

Beneath the towering spires of the Astral Observatory atop the Heavenly Mountains, the hierophants of Karatasianism, attuned to the celestial rhythms, witnessed the alignment of stars heralding Prusas as the chosen Avatar.


Guided by dreams woven by the Moonweaver herself, Prusas faced trials that mirrored the sagas of heroes past. As Prusas vanquished adversaries in the Cavern of Echoing Whispers, within the domain of Jeskněformovat, the Cavernshaper, the echoes of battles past reverberated through the stalactites. It is said that the cavern revealed secrets of ancient kings, fortifying Prusas with the wisdom to navigate the intricacies of leadership. Tvarimiro Kovačsrdce, the Mountain's Guardian, bestowed upon him a sacred amulet – Gaea's Embrace – a symbol of the earth's blessing, forging a connection between ruler and land. With each victorious stride, tales of Prusas' deeds spread like wildfire.


In the southern shores of the Karatasian realms, Prusas sought the blessing of Příliviona, the Tidewalker, calling upon the aid of the Tidecaller's Conch. The ocean's depths resonated with the harmonies of divine approval, promising prosperous shores and bountiful seas to the united tribes.


In a culmination of fate, Prusas the Preussen ascended the Hallowed Throne, a vision realized beneath the starlit heavens. The gods, from their ethereal abode on the Heavenly Mountains, witnessed the unification of the nations into the Hallowed Karatasian Empire, a testament to the prophecies foretold in the Skin-Bound Sagas.


Prusas, the chosen Avatar, rules with wisdom and compassion, honoring the legacy of heroes and saints who had shaped his journey. His empire, guided by the pantheon's divine influence, became a beacon of unity and prosperity.


In the heart of imperial capital of Opava, nestled amidst the flickering candlelight and the sweet hum of ale-filled tankards, a tale unfurls within the lively tavern. In this rainy night, the air is thick with the melodic strains of the bard's poetry, the enchanting voice weaving a spell over the patrons who sit enraptured.

As the bard's words paint vivid images of Prusas the Preussen's ascent, the patrons' imaginations ignite like embers in a hearth. Faces gleam from awe to wonder, as they envision the wolf-reared lord leading his tribes, conquering realms, and finally unifying the disparate lands beneath the celestial gaze of the Heavenly Mountains.

Yet, a small enclave of young nobles lingers in the shadowed corner, their countenances betraying a knowing gaze. They exchange subtle knowing glances, sharing a silent understanding drawn from the rich oral lore of their clans and tribes about the matters of the bard’s tale, which reveals a more nuanced narrative.

While the patrons sing with the embellishments of legend, these astute nobles, heirs to ancient lineages, hold within the history that delve into the intricacies of Prusas' rise, the alliances forged, and the trials faced. The saga of the new Emperor echoes through the muddy streets of Opava, between a rhapsody of loud imagination and whispered truths.
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Post by Irenaeus »

Vergil wrote: February 20th, 2024, 01:03
Ah okay I think I get it so it's less of a normal let's play where you play the game and update on what happens and more observe the game's AI and use the events that transpire as inspiration for a collaborative writing project?
Great way of putting it. Let's see how this goes, might be slow to start but hopefully it picks up speed along the posts with more gameplay stuff. Just finishing this little intro to set the scene. :D

I promise there will be maps and units moving at some point!
Last edited by Irenaeus on February 20th, 2024, 02:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Irenaeus »

I have promised game maps and units; soon enough they will come, but before I wanted to add a little backstory to our Random World.

Circa 10,000 years ago, the alternate timeline started to diverge from our timeline. Temperatures began increasing more strongly coming out of the last smaller Ice Age glaciation, known for their esoteric name of Younger Dryas.


The main causes were the resumption of strong currents of warm surface water northward from the tropics towards the North Atlantic, as well as an increase in summer solstice insulation from changes in Earth’s tilt, and as a subsequent factor, smaller ice sheets and more land surface reflected significant less solar radiation, contributing to the warming. These effects combined influenced the development of the many human cultures transitioning during the Neolithic period in Europe and Asia, from a lifestyle of hunting-gathering to one of agriculture and settlement, in the so-called Agricultural Revolution.


As expected, at first settled farming originated in the Fertile Crescent of the Near East in 8,000 BC. Meanwhile, the warmer climate led to a more easily spreading of agriculture in the following centuries to northern areas such as the Caucasus and beyond, as well as through areas to the west, in southeastern Europe such as the Balkans, the Danube basin, and further northeast into Eastern Europe and Northwest into Central Europe. These regions then also experienced rapid fertility growth: the phenomenon known as the Neolithic demographic transition.



The food surplus and more densely populated settlements afforded a sluggish but definitively local development of complex social organizations and technologies that are associated with southern Mesopotamia civilization. The list follows from specialization and division of labor, centralized administrations and political structures, hierarchical ideologies, fixed art production and religious ceremonies to intensive work in infrastructure and elaborate architecture, large scale mining, swamp drying, irrigation canals, deforestation operations, concentrated metallurgy centers and manufacture of metallic tools, leading to enough material accumulation for advanced concepts of property ownership and need for a depersonalized systems of communication (proto-writing). Then, the massive domestication of herd animals and the use of horses for ridding and wagons, as well as advances in shipbuilding, allowed longer range trade and commerce, with even more avenues for migration to boot.


Note that all of this sophistication did not thrive continually. Indeed, periodic melting of ice sheets brought about rather long, from a human angle, periods of sudden decrease in global temperatures for a few centuries at a time. These practically killed off entire civilizations or forced them to adapt to drastically different environments, sometimes in harsh and violent clashes. In any case, by 4,000 BC, the Old-European and Proto-Indo-European cultures were looking very different than in our timeline, the majority more advanced and populated. Some time after a wave of colder climate that peaked in 3,500 BC, these Proto-Europeans presented stronger technological and warfare dominance either in systematic military campaigns or in occasional raids over their Chalcolithic neighbors to the southeast: Anatolian farmers (Proto-Hattians), all the Semites (Levant, Upper Mesopotamia) and other various Afro-Eurasian states, such as the Sumerians and Egyptians.


The consequences of these invasions were the collapse and destruction of much what we would call ancient world in our timeline, and it left a very impressive mark on this alternate timeline. These centuries-old wars are a story to recount another day, perhaps. When the temperature stabilized in the beginning of the Bronze Age around 3,000 BC, the northeastern border for the Proto-Europeans was also settled and fortified against the many Finno-Uralic tribes, hordes of Turkics, Indo-Iranics, Caucasians pastoralist nomads.


So how did the European cultures, from east to the west, developed in the millennia that followed? We know already they had much less external influence than in our timeline. But what about internal conflicts? They were nonetheless tremendous, as should be expected from large scale civilizations, even when left without foreign intervention on a long enough timeline… And we still have a little over 3,500 years to cover until the date the game starts. With this introduction, we can now examine how European cultures arrived at the current status quo, by region.
Last edited by Irenaeus on March 5th, 2024, 01:46, edited 10 times in total.
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