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RPGHQ4 - The Search For Vengeance

For discussing tactical and strategy games. What's the difference between tactics and strategy anyways?
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Post by Boontaker »

Deep under the earth the Scout Corps of MAN has discovered Abysias dark secret. Not only do they have a throne hidden from the Sun, but they are breeding monsters!

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Post by Irenaeus »

Boontaker wrote: May 10th, 2024, 01:54
Deep under the earth the Scout Corps of MAN has discovered Abysias dark secret. Not only do they have a throne hidden from the Sun, but they are breeding monsters!
Surprise! You have discovered our dirty secret... That's where all the virgin slaves have been going.


Nice to see you making use of the strategic tool of information gathering, I could give you some strategy pointers from my war council but you're currently my enemy in a war. So perhaps later.
Last edited by Irenaeus on May 10th, 2024, 02:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Irenaeus »

Hey, hunting virgins is hard and dangerous work!

You get this a lot:




RIP Blood mage bro

Usually they die, as they're lame geezers, but sometimes they get the upper (burning) hand!



Want some?

You're charred toast!

Good old mage survives to tell the story and hunt virgins another day.
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Post by Irenaeus »

As we enter the height of Summer, an auspicious season for the blazing Abysians, our pretender god, Batterid, the King of Courage, decides its time to raid the CAPITAL of Ulm in retribution for their unannounced invasion of the Forest of Iduin. The province is home to the Mammoth Forest (a +3 N site), interestingly NOT located in the Mammoth Grove province, just southwest of Chilad province, as one would think. Food for thought.


Therefore, as a reprimand, Batterid, the King of Courage, has ordered the punitive mission on Ulm's capital. Just a small raiding party (except for a good number of crossbows), no permanent harm done, and we get Abysians' demand for RESPEKT satisfied. We'll leave the capital now as it's not strategic and we don't have a major beef with Ulm yet. Yet.


Speaking of Beef, the meaty soldiers of Man seem to have intimidated the leadership of Gath out of an all out assault at Screw Point Scraw Pointe fortress. The Lord of Insects seems to be having a good time spending the whole month eating mosquitoes at the swamp province of Dampdale, but I wonder if his army of giants feels the same!


Weather forecast for next turn: good, burning sun with ashes in the summer fields. Watch out for fire hazards!


Down in the villages: parents, hide your daughters! Abysian mages are coming for them.

Last edited by Irenaeus on May 11th, 2024, 15:33, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Irenaeus »

Speaking of Beef, the meaty soldiers of Man seem to have intimidated the leadership of Gath out of an all out assault at Screw Point Scraw Pointe fortress. The Lord of Insects seems to be having a good time spending the whole month eating mosquitoes at the swamp province of Dampdale, but I wonder if his army of giants feels the same!
Well, seems like the happy days of the Prince of Insects in the swamp are over. Man is having none of it, attacking with most of its troops that were deployed in Scraw Pointe.
Soon as the battle starts, we measure the two armies.


Man has brought heavy cavalry (cav) on the flanks, with some chaff in the center, and nothing less than TWO HUNDRED heavy infantry with crossbows, including 43 warden sacreds. Wardens not only can shoot but they can fight incredibly well for human units. Overal, Man's crossbow bolts would be a pain for any enemy, particularly a not very well protected one.

Gath's army is composed mostly of giant infantry: 70 Gittite medium infantry and 35 Gibbor sacreds. There are also a few dozen lizard warriors here as chaff, they hit hard but are relatively easy to kill. There are also 30 slingers, you can't no missile troops unless you can't discount the javelins of the Gittite infantry, they they can do quite some heavy damage. All of the infantry is deployed more or less in a line. The Gibborim are the stars of the army, with their enourmous size and magic swords, as well as being elite warriors. They will chop through unprepared enemies easily. However, both the Gittites and the Gibbors are not that well protected, armor or otherwise. Despite their large HP pool, they can be hurt fast, particularly versus a barrage of crossbow bolts.
You can see what I'm hinting at.

Both armies bring great mages, with Man bringing two Magisters Arcane and Gath with his Kohen Gadol. Unfortunately for both sides, despite being excellent mages they are too few in number and won't be able to affect much of the unraveling of events in this battle.

It is crucial to note that Gath is led by none other than Kalarion, Son of the Fallen, Prince of Insects, the pretender god. He comes to battle completely naked and with no equipment other than his Magic Staff and Golden Horns. Soon after some spell casting, he advances to engage in melee.



Note that after some bloody battle in the southern flank, the Gittite infantry finally manages to defeat and rout the strong Tower Heavy Cav. On the nothern flank, fight continues. Another interesting tactical development is that Gath's army seems to be taking control of the center, with lizard warriors trickling onto the giant back line of heavy infantry with crossbows.


It is a massive line! By the time the Prince of Insects is arriving, note that the lizard warriors have vanished, poked and staked by concentrated crossbow fire.


Kalarion, the pretender god, arrives to dispense some divine retribution on the heavy inf crossbowmen and..


he takes quite a beating very quickly, going in second from like 100 hp to 10 hp with the massive volley for crossbow fire.


It happens so fast that I had to do slow-mo to follow it, the pretender god is destroyed, alone in the center as his nearby allies had already been killed. Only pockets of the mighty Gibborim survive, they are fighting the brave hero of Man, Him, the Green Knight.


With amazingly high 28 defense skill and respectable 21 protection, plus the magic luck and regenerating ability, this hero has quite the staying power. Unfortunately, for Him, he is eventually overcome by the Gibbors. A Gath strong unit still lives to continue pressing into the wall of heavy infantry and crossbow fire.


Despite being a great fighter with good skills and a might sword, he is almost alone and not well equipped with magic items or buffed with magic spells. Him too is soon killed. With his death is just a split second before the survivors of Gath to begin routing.


Here is the tally of the great battle, almost every way in Man's favor:


Not all is over for Gath, as they still have another army moving and have a good number of other independent troops recruited.
Unfortunately, this turn my bakemono scouts were discovered and accidentally conquered a province.


Don't worry, Karalion, I'm moving away so you can grab it back, and sending you the money for your unexpected loss and damages, including for those two scouts you lost. I need you in this fight against Man, they are not joking around as you'll see next post.
Last edited by Irenaeus on May 12th, 2024, 12:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Irenaeus »

My north flank is exposed and being blitzkrieged, absolutely demolished.


Boontaker, the Earth Serpent of Man, comes crawling underwater to take my Good Water province and have access to my unprotected coast.



Nevermind the hundred plus strong army, how do you even stop a being so powerful from simply not taking what he wants? The thick monster python, leading an army of sea warriors, has little problem with the token resistance I had set up. Let's face, underwater is no place for an Abysian...


Now I can understand how decline felt when fighting against Man, losing and going AI. It's very discouraging. But we will persist. A silver lining is that he can't (normally) bring his tritons to the surface from under the sea (Darling it's better /Down where it's wetter / Take it from me).

There's more bad news from the north, Man invaded the awesome province of Runia with an army of about one hundred heavy infantry with crossbows. He used the same tactics of having them all in a back line just firing bolts on slowly approaching infantry (not a terrible idea against Abysia). Goes to show how much I poorly invested in the defense of this province. The recruited army did nothing but kill disposable black hawks.


The northern front could become an immense gap in my supply lines, I have to muster all my strategy skills and listen to the war council's advice on how to deal with this. Hopefully lots of magic will be involved, something the men of Man are terrified of.


Weather forecast: Late summer, temperatures still very high, occasional spontaneous combustion here and there of unsuspecting targets. If you live in the Ulmish area you can leave the heavy coat at home before going to work.
Last edited by Irenaeus on May 12th, 2024, 12:13, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Boontaker »

I overextended Him! I had a very deep sigh of regret when I noticed my cavalry line not going for the backline. With my troops set to Hold and Fire the front line never moves foward to support. The men of Man had to watch in sorrow as Him was cut down by giant filth! Even so the crossbows of Man are not to be underestimated! Don't worry about that northern coast business, just a bit of expansion.
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Post by Irenaeus »

Fall of Year 2 of RPGHQ4 - the search of vengeance.
Recently conquered Ulmish fortress at Glanis province.
Abysian mage and general discuss strategy and actions for the following month. What is in everyone's mind is how they will stop Man's rise to power before it's too late.


Perhaps an all-out-attack combining the forces at Glanis and the Mountains of Mist at the forests of Gwelledun province is the answer to crushing Man's dreams? Devilish inquiring minds wonder.

Last edited by Irenaeus on May 13th, 2024, 20:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Irenaeus »

Well... that was anti-climatic. :scratch:
Man evaded both Abysian armies' attacks, at Gwelledun and at the Silver Wall - where we could have had a pretender vs pretender fight.


I have to congratulate Man for their swift strategic maneuvers. Let's see if they have the tactics to back it up when I have them cornered.

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Post by Boontaker »

For some reason declines AI woke up and chose violence. I'll have them put down in due time, but it's annoying.
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Post by Boontaker »

GG! Congrats Irenaeus!
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Post by Irenaeus »

Boontaker wrote: May 15th, 2024, 04:58
For some reason declines AI woke up and chose violence. I'll have them put down in due time, but it's annoying.
Jomon must have felt you were leaving the borders with their nation too open for an attack and since they have a million idle troops, they declared war.
Just AI things.
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Post by Irenaeus »

Boontaker wrote: May 15th, 2024, 12:25
GG! Congrats Irenaeus!
Thanks a lot! It was a very fun game and I hope you liked it too!
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Post by Irenaeus »

And see, @Decline, we reach the final turn of RPGHQ4, with the victory of the Abysian forces lead by Batterid, the Vessel of Might.


It looked like Man was going to overcome the defenses and conquer the fortress at the Mountains of Myst, built around the elusive Throne of Dreams. Claiming this throne would give Boontaker the ascension his Earth Serpent pretender god so much desired.


Alas, Man's victory was not to be found here.
Maybe it would a turn later but the strategic layer of Dominions dictated otherwise.

You see, the game was set up with only 5 thrones total and a victory condition of claiming 3 out 5. When the last turn started, Man had long claimed the Throne of Water in the ocean and the Outer Throne, stuck between Man and Jomon's capitals. However, Abysia had earlier conquered the Mountains of Myst province with its Throne of Dreams and just recently conquered and claimed the Throne of Death right next to its capital.
In the last 3 turns, Man and Abysia were even, with two Thrones each, Ascension within grasp of each pretender god.

My (Abysia) strategy was to try and focus on defending the Mountains of Myst province with its Throne, attracting Man's attention there for the past couple turns. Meanwhile, another army would conquer the fifth throne that for some reason had been neglected thus far: the Iron Throne in the rolling hills of Bergamum province.
Thus, while Man was preparing a huge siege and assault at the fortress at the Mountains of Myst, Victory and Ascension for the Abysian pretender was achieved elsewhere on the map.
The High Priest of the Everlasting Flame, Charygas the Anathemant Dragon, claimed the Iron Throne.


Victory in RPGHQ4 - The Search for Vengeance - was Abysian.
The War Council of Abysia celebrated the whole month, as their dissimulation and misdirection had worked. Baterid is the new Pantokrator, God of all, and he banished Man's Earth Serpent to the depths of the underground.


Soon, the demonic forces courted with the Abysians demanded repayment for their help in human blood. And repaid they were.


Unleashed by Batterid, the King of Ashes, thousands of demons fell upon the fields of the world like a fiery rain, lusting for charred meat.
A new age was born, an age of Blood of Humans.
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Post by Irenaeus »

A solid thanks for @Kalarion and his man-eating, blood-drinking Giants of Gath in helping bring forth a paradise of ashes and destruction on humanity, just as the Son of the Fallen would have hopped!
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Post by Decline »

Well done @Irenaeus!

I kinda like these quick low throne count games tbh. If people don't pay attention, victory can be quickly had.

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Last edited by Decline on May 15th, 2024, 19:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bloodedhunter »

So is the plot of this like MW4 vengeance?
I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe.