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What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 11th, 2024, 20:25
by rusty_shackleford
I was rather certain this terrible mechanic originated in Arkham Asylum, an otherwise quite good game, but X-Men Origins: Wolverine game(PS3, X360, Windows version) which released earlier in the same year had "feral vision"

What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 11th, 2024, 20:29
by Goblin_Hammer
I remember BloodRayne having Aura Vision that pointed you where to go and also showed you the location of enemies.

What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 11th, 2024, 22:11
by Oyster Sauce

What features do you consider essential for something to be proper Detective Vision?
For me I think the ability to see enemies behind walls would definitely be one, but there needs to be more. I considered "highlighting mundane objects the player may or may not be able to see without the DV on, but are only interactable with the vision enabled", however I think this would rule out a game like The Last of Us where the iconic Listen Mode only shows you enemies through walls.
From a Wolverine clip I just watched, his Feral Vision highlights enemies, but NOT through walls so I wouldn't count it.

What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 11th, 2024, 22:15
by jcd
CS 1.6

What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 12th, 2024, 06:31
by Bertram_Tung
alien vs predator (1999) had vision modes where you could see enemies through walls but I don't know if that counts

What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 12th, 2024, 07:35
by wndrbr
i think there should be a distinction between alternative vision mode with a specific function (i.e. night vision goggles in Splinter Cell games, or predator's thermal vision), and "press X to see enemies through walls, receive clues for puzzles, highlight the current objective, etc etc". One is a dedicated gameplay feature, the other is a cop out.

What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 12th, 2024, 08:28
by Vergil
My cousin had this game back in the day and I thought the concept of it was the coolest thing ever. Kind of odd how few good games there are where the premise is just "you are this animal doing things this animal does".

What was the first game to feature batmanvision?

Posted: January 20th, 2024, 07:37
by rusty_shackleford
Your super heroine can run up and jump up walls. She's also able to acrobatically swing from flag poles to metal beams. She can handle parallel bars well, and she can cling to wire textures. The game is designed with large, extreme physical puzzles, and uses her feline "Cat Sense" extensively. With the cat sense, Catwoman is able to see glowing hints of where to go to next. In short, she's extremely dexterous, nimble, and able to move around her environment very well.
NA: 20 July 2004