For a game about "exploring the open seas" there wasn't much openness or exploring actually going on.
The combat was ok. Sea combat was basic and boring as hell but I started having a little fun once I got the boat gerobi.
Combat on foot is better, of course. Honestly most of the time I was playing I kept thinking to myself "Why couldn't this game just be all ground combat and exploration like the other games?" It's definitely the game's strongest aspect, but even it has it's problems. The constant loop of switching characters gets repetitive after a while, and while I was able to mitigate that slightly with a certain build, I can't help but worry that if they continue to use this system such a build may not be possible in the next game.
Pic related: The build in question. I took this at an early point in the game so I didn't have all the accessory slots unlocked yet but I'm not bothered to boot up the game and take another one. These are all the required accessories anyway.
Anyway, what are your guy's thoughts on this game?
Also, for those who have finished it: