Rpgs with good psionics.

For discussing role-playing video games, you know, the ones with combat.
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Post by WaterMage »

rusty_shackleford wrote: December 14th, 2024, 17:01
FS-UAE for Amiga, VICE for C64.
Thanks. Tried to run but :

random seed was: 0x6764fbd6
command line was: x64sc
C64MEM: Error - Couldn't load kernal ROM `kernal-901227-03.bin'.
Error - Machine initialization failed.

How I fix it?
Shady wrote: December 14th, 2024, 19:30
Clerics faction.
Yes, but clerics isn ot exactly what I have in mind with "psionics"

Played a bit of CoQ.

I bitched about it having cooldowns, but it is one of the few games with cooldowns that don't end up in the same rotation/QTE spam. The other game is UnderRail. When I played CoQ initially, I didn't like it because I was expecting a KoTC2 experience and progression. CoQ game has a vastly different progression. And, for example, light manipulation has some "charges" and can be spammed. After you get to lv 6 or 7, CDs become less boring. I imagine that when I manage to get high levels, I wouldn't even need to use my firearm. Also have heard that at high levels, even other world espers want to devour your brain. Quite cool imo.

That said, about testing the Centauri Alliance, I didn't play. Couldn't make VICE (C64 Linux emulator) work.

Code: Select all

random seed was: 0x6764fbd6
command line was: x64sc
C64MEM: Error - Couldn't load kernal ROM kernal-901227-03.bin'.
Error - Machine initialization failed.
I tried to put the path to the kernel room and ... Same problem. I really want to try Centauri Alliance.

Any way to fix it?

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Post by WaterMage »

Still couldn't fix the problem in C64 emulator. I watched some videos and really want to play Centauri Alliance.

That said, tested TE4 and basically, there are 3 psionic classes. Mindslayer, Solipsist and Possessor, Mindslayer is the most "generic" version of a Psion. It has force fields, can manipulate weapons telepathically, and strike with powerful mind powers. Solipsist is more about bluring the line between reality and dream. Possessor is the more unique. Is all about stealing enemy bodies and taking control over dead bodies. I played a bit with all 3. I still don't like how everything has CDs but honestly liked what each ability can do. For eg, Inner demons can literally make the enemy fight against himself.

I didn't unlocked everything, tested psionics with a mod that allows me to play with any class.

Honestly, is imo a bit cool but much weaker than necromancer.
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Post by WaterMage »

Still couldn't fix C64 emulator. But recently played Wizardry 6 and honestly, LOVED psionics in that game.

Getting stats high enough to play as a psion human was very hard but after a lot of retries, I finally did it and honestly, loved the progression. Sure, psionics don't have the sheer destructive force of magical spells but they have a lot of utility outside of combat. For eg, identify, detect secrets, charm and mindread. It makes much easier to interact with NPCs, you can also get a map and make finding items easier with psionic powers. Psionic powers also inflict insanity. I honestly got bored of CoQ as the progression in the game is more ""modern"" and only CDs go down and numbers up, you don't unlock new interesting stuff per say on leveling up. For eg, when I got to lv 6, I got my Theosophy skill to higher level and thanks to that, could learn how to manifest my mind powers in partially illusion form. Similar to IWD Shadow Monsters
► iwd shadow monster
You can chose how much you spend per spell. At lv 1, it summons mind "figments", from your own mind. At lv 2, shadows. At lv 5, summons 9th level Wraith and at lv 6 it summons a might lv 14 phantasm.

Sadly seems like Wizardry 8 removed this summons.

And I can't progress in Wiz 6 no matter what. Because I have no clue about what to do even with cluebook. But I will try Wizardry 7 soon.


I have hear that Wizardry 7 demands less IRL clairvoyance.
Last edited by WaterMage on January 1st, 2025, 23:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WaterMage »

Guys. A question. The unique JRPG that I liked so far is SMT3 Nocturne. Will I like Scarlet Nexus? I have heard that it has great psionic powers. But honestly didn`t liked much the MC design.

Last edited by WaterMage on January 9th, 2025, 02:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WaterMage »

Only a update. Played the game(Scarlet Nexus). Found "average".

I mean, I liked the telekinetic powers. But didn't liked the JRPG stuff into the game, like the two protagonists, the fact that I can't change anything from my charname, including his weapon type, the story is great BUT having dialogs in one to two lines by two lines with no option to input anything is really bad imo. Also despite reaching lv 20 I didn't noticed a significant difference in my char capabilities in gameplay. I mean, my psi gauge is double, I have one extra attack but is not as if for eg, objects which I couldn't lift with TK, now I can. Is not as if I could throw objects faster.

Honestly, if I was not STARVING for psionics and this game was not 82% off, I wouldn't had wasted my time and money.
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Post by WaterMage »

Tested more two memorpegers.

Generic WoW clone: Star Wars Edition (SWTOR) and Project Gorgon. Honestly, I didn't like either. Project Gorgon is too gear dependent. Over 90% of my Mindreave damage comes from gear. Didn't find any ability of the game interesting. And to learn some abilities, I had to learn a bizarre mushroom language that was pure RNG-based by collecting mushrooms for hours and hours so I could talk to a guy and learn it.

The generic WoW clone: Star Wars edition is more interesting; the telekinesis-focused class is the Jedi Sage. Sith has sorcerer, lightning-based. The sage has cool movements to knock enemies down and stuff like that, but sadly you can't do cool stuff like in movies. Like stopping blasters with telekinesis and force choke

However, it has a lot of interesting stuff. For example, you can use force persuasion in dialogs. And IMO the force in Star Wars is more similar to psionics than arcane/divine magic. The greatest problem is imo gear dependency and lack of meaningful mechanical character building. Also tested WH40K - Inquisitor Martyr. I liked the psionic powers and perils of the warp as implemented. But HATED the Diablo 3 Barbie dressing mechanics. I really wish that I could play Vanguard : Saga of Heroes as a Psion instead of this Barbie dressing games. Sadly OwlCat Rogue Trader lacks Telekinesis, but at least don't have D3/Barbie dressing mechanics. And Telepth is trash there. You can't control enemies, only force them to walk 4e style.

If is not clear by I checking even this random games and even buying a game with a generik teenager with a katana saving the world, I'm starving for psionics in RPGs. Please. Give me recomendations!!!(preferentially without D3/Barbie dressing mechanics) And preferentially true RPGs with meaningful mechanical character building, I'm tired of Barbie dressing games.
Last edited by WaterMage on January 16th, 2025, 06:33, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by J1M »

Since we've concluded the only mainstream example of psionics is THE FORCE, why not consider playing Jedi Survivor? I don't know if I would call it an RPG, but I think I would call it at least as much of an RPG as things other people call RPGs.

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Post by maidenhaver »

That shit's ten years old and still sells for over 70 usd. xDD
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Post by rusty_shackleford »

WaterMage wrote: January 16th, 2025, 06:24
Tested more two memorpegers.

Generic WoW clone: Star Wars Edition (SWTOR) and Project Gorgon. Honestly, I didn't like either. Project Gorgon is too gear dependent. Over 90% of my Mindreave damage comes from gear. Didn't find any ability of the game interesting. And to learn some abilities, I had to learn a bizarre mushroom language that was pure RNG-based by collecting mushrooms for hours and hours so I could talk to a guy and learn it.

The generic WoW clone: Star Wars edition is more interesting; the telekinesis-focused class is the Jedi Sage. Sith has sorcerer, lightning-based. The sage has cool movements to knock enemies down and stuff like that, but sadly you can't do cool stuff like in movies. Like stopping blasters with telekinesis and force choke

However, it has a lot of interesting stuff. For example, you can use force persuasion in dialogs. And IMO the force in Star Wars is more similar to psionics than arcane/divine magic. The greatest problem is imo gear dependency and lack of meaningful mechanical character building. Also tested WH40K - Inquisitor Martyr. I liked the psionic powers and perils of the warp as implemented. But HATED the Diablo 3 Barbie dressing mechanics. I really wish that I could play Vanguard : Saga of Heroes as a Psion instead of this Barbie dressing games. Sadly OwlCat Rogue Trader lacks Telekinesis, but at least don't have D3/Barbie dressing mechanics. And Telepth is trash there. You can't control enemies, only force them to walk 4e style.

If is not clear by I checking even this random games and even buying a game with a generik teenager with a katana saving the world, I'm starving for psionics in RPGs. Please. Give me recomendations!!!(preferentially without D3/Barbie dressing mechanics) And preferentially true RPGs with meaningful mechanical character building, I'm tired of Barbie dressing games.
swtor is actually decent and they give the best part away for completely free. It's good enough to be kotor3, but it has an online-only tumor attached.
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Post by WaterMage »

If swtor had d20 mechanics instead of wowish mechanics, would be a masterpiece imo.

One memorpeguer with very good psionics is Shadowbane. Warlock is male only psion class. They most basic spammable attack has a stun effect. It also knock down flying enemies. They get cone aoe stun at lv 16, at lv 18, snare. At 22, flight. Self heal at 26. Dominate enemies at lv 28. And at high level, aoe mesmer and aoe amnesya and temporary invulnerability at lv cap.

The game also has attributes, traits and other forms of char crluatomizarion at creation. You don't have resources to master every skill.

I wish that swtor had mechanics like that instead of d3/barbie dressing Stat stickies
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